UI to Further Refine Efforts to Improve Game Day Experience

I'll at least give them props for admitting how horribly things went on Saturday.

I still don't like the no hard liquor rule.

still...beer is fine
Can someone please tell me where anything the University put out says "No Drinking Game" or specifies no tippie cup or beer pong? Was that in any of thier media releases or in the letters to season ticket holders?
Can someone please tell me where anything the University put out says "No Drinking Game" or specifies no tippie cup or beer pong? Was that in any of thier media releases or in the letters to season ticket holders?

There was a flier sent out the the STHe'rs that said something to the effect no drinking games that requiring rapid or large amounts of alcohol consumed will not be allowed. Interestingly enough beer pong does not fit into this as you don't drink it fast or a large amount of it. Yet that was outlawed last week.

There were very few media releases that said this. Unlike the other rules where everytime they brought it up in the media releases. They did a **** poor job in relaying this. Even now it was not brought up.
It's pretty obvious these rules and police are targeting the students. Talk about biting the hand that feed you...
"As we make adjustments that take into account the feedback of these valued fans, our goals entering the season remain the same: reduce over-the-top alcohol abuse practiced by some, and maintain the best tailgate environment in the country.

Iowa City is no where close to the best tailgate environment in the country....It was, but not the last 3-5 years.
socially unacceptable and illegal behaviors What are socially unacceptable behaviors? My guess would be the beer pong, etc.
Here is what they don't understand....

Beer pong and beer bongs aren't socially unacceptable behaviour. Walking around pi55 a55 drunk, puking/passing out, being loud/foul mouthed are. Eliminating the beer pong and beer bongs are not going to stop the behavior, they are just going to change the method in which people get to that state.
Eliminating the beer pong and beer bongs are not going to stop the behavior, they are just going to change the method in which people get to that state.

Bingo. And this is why banning hard liquor and such makes no sense to me, as plenty of morons will get drunk on beer just the same.

It seems like the focus of this is entirely misplaced. :(
Looks to me like the only thing they changed is giving us an extra hour after 11 am games

As I read it the University is giving folks two hours following the "emptying" of Kinnick Stadium as opposed to one hour after the game is over. This updated policy will probably allow and extra 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours to drink alcoholic beverages, depending on the closeness of the game, and another hour after that to clear the lots.

I think this updated policy is much more reasonable as some folks park in the library and Hancher parking lots that require a lot longer to get to than lots adjacent to the stadium.

After last weekend's game by the time we exited the stadium and arrived at the library parking lot the one hour deadline was only minutes away. This does not give people time to relax, enjoy some beverages, have lunch, discuss the game and socialize.

The University needs to understand some people only get a chance to see each other during football weekends, especially before and after the game before we go our separate ways.

That said I think the University is getting the message and is correcting the policy to accommodate responsible folks. To that I say thank-you to the University of Iowa for making the corrections.
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Yep, I'm already planning on shotgunning some brews :)

Yep, back in my day couldn't afford no fancy schmancy beer bongs. We slammed beer the old fasioned way, by slamming a key in the side, popping the top, and chugging... and we liked it... no we LOVED IT!!!

It's pretty obvious these rules and police are targeting the students. Talk about biting the hand that feed you...

They gave us a hard time about playing beer pong. And while they were telling us it wasn't allowed they mentioned beer bongs specifically to me as something else that wasn't allowed. We aren't students either. I'm 28 years old and tailgate with a large group of family members. We don't get completely drunk before games, we just play some beer pong, bags, flippie cup, and have a good time. We certainly weren't causing any issues. We were told if they came back by and saw us playing they would have to kick us out of the lot. It really is crazy.

We asked the cops what if they saw us playing, but we only had the cups filled with water and were just casually drinking beer as we played. They said they wouldn't recommend it, but couldn't flat out say no. That may be a way for some of you beer pong players to go this week.
As I read it the University is giving folks two hours following the "emptying" of Kinnick Stadium as opposed to one hour after the game is over. This updated policy will probably allow and extra 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours to drink alcoholic beverages, depending on the closeness of the game, and another hour after that to clear the lots.

The previous policy was also supposed to be from when the stadium was empty. Barta even said that when he was on Good Call last week. Seems to me the police were a bigger problem than the actual policy last week
Also, if you're going to drink a brew while walking from your tailgating spot to Kinnick, make sure you have it in a cup with a lid. An officer told us that they won't smell your drink if it has a lid on it(we were using Kum n Go cups and drinking it with straws). Without a lid, you may get a fine. Take that FWIW.

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