Uh-oh... Scary words from Corso on Halloween

Anyone just see how Lee Corso is sticking up for Iowa's tough road schedule... finally giving us some respect on College Gameday? VERY SCARY (coming from him, especially) on Halloween!
Corso just said we'd win 3 out of our last 4 too :( Desmond thinks we'll lose two, though, mainly because of the loss of Robinson, and Herbie said that we're "a good team that needs to show up each and every week." Pretty honest assessment, IMO.
Corso just said we'd win 3 out of our last 4 too :( Desmond thinks we'll lose two, though, mainly because of the loss of Robinson, and Herbie said that we're "a good team that needs to show up each and every week." Pretty honest assessment, IMO.

Not so fast my friend. Go back and watch it again. Desmond thought Richardson was our running back. If you are going to put down the Hawks, at least get the players right.
Corso picked us? were screwed! He is the curse of all college football!

Corso said we win 3 of the last 4. Would you really want him to pick us to go 0-4 the remaining way? At least he doesn't think the Hawks will win in the Shoe. That means, the Hawks will win. The other 3, if we lose any of them no matter what he says, is just plain sad.

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