Ugly or really ugly?


Well-Known Member
That's nasty, but boise state's FB field is still uglier.
If you have to keep saying "Chicago's Big Ten Team".. you probably aren't.. #NotSayingJustSaying
Never was a fan of completely filling in everything with color inside the 3-point arc.. Even though the lane isn't purple.. Just too much color. Less is more..

But I agree with the other poster who said the new purple looks more like water color. Or like someone colored it in with a big purple crayon. It looks odd.
Boy, for an "elite private university with really super-smart kids, mostly Asian", they sure don't have much common sense, do they.
definitely not in favor of courts that are painted inside the 3 pt line. yikes. i vote really ugly.
The N actually looks like the right color.

The rest of the floor looks like poorly applied water colors.

The N is opaque (meaning it is paint that does not show the wood grain) while inside the 3 pt arc is translucent stain that highlights the wood grain. Think of a curly maple guitar top like a Paul Reed Smith or a Les Paul. I'll bet close up & in person the 3D look of the stain looks better than the opaque N.

They should have stuck to just one though.
Really ugly gets my vote. jNW is my most hated basketball team, followed closely by the Bucking Fadgers. I really hope jNW's NCAA tournament streak continues.