UCLA Players caught shoplifting in China

Not certain that it would be wise to travel to the Orient to play local teams in basketball. There is a solid history of conflict with the Chinese teams. The Georgetown game was not the only one.....

Not only that, I wondered why parents would approve of sending their student children to North Korea. And one would have to question the Wisdom of stealing anything in either country.....

The UCLA players must be rather dim. Were they not aware that they might perhaps stand out in China, especially at an upscale marketplace and shop.....

Wake Up, Lads.....

I get what you're saying but in this case does it really matter? It's not like they are trying to solve a murder case with no witnesses.

Aren't most shoplifting cases pretty much cut and dried? They got you with the goods stashed somewhere on your person, caught you on video or an undercover security guard nabbed you.

We'll probably have to find out more details. I don't know if the Chinese release full police reports or not. Did they see them steal on camera? Did they find the stolen merchandise in the players possessions at the hotel? Or did they just suspect them of shoplifting?

Also, with the US president being in China right now and everything going on with North Korea...does China play nice and let them off with a fine?

Also, basketball is taking off in China and this kind of puts a black eye on that. Jailing 3 major college bball players might not go over well with the NCAA cooperating with China in the future

There are a lot of variables.

For the record my stance is: tough shit...you committed a crime in a foreign country, you should be subject to their laws without special treatment
Wow, not impressed with the low key racism in this thread.

There are two big things at play here from what I've read. One, the sentence could START at 3 months jail time. That is huge. Secondly, they cannot leave the country until the matter is settled. Meaning unlike in the US where you're basically free to go wherever when you're out on bail for a minor crime, they literally can't leave until either the charges are cleared up their time is served.

IF they did it, I hope they get the same sentence as a regular, average citizen. So tired of the rich and famous getting special treatment. If the average Chinese teen would get 3 months in jail, they should get 3 months.
Not "low key racism". It's disdain for "high level douchism" related to Ball Sr.
At first I was just stunned at the ignorance of these players. But after considering the entitlement mentality they have, it doesn't surprise me.

Personally, I hope they get some prison time. Then let them come back to the USA and complain about how persecuted they are by racist America.

Whatever happens, it will be very interesting...
Including Lavar Ball's son LiAngelo


My guess is Steve Alford will have his players backs no matter what and accuse China of making the whole thing up.
Yep. Could you imagine the Presser from Alfraud, if the 3 of them are sentenced to YEARS in a Chinese prison? That's hard action.
How about ucla AD trade SA for players release? Would trump step in?
Its a good thing it was in China and not North Korea.

Rodman to the rescue!