Tyler Sash's Facebook Status

seriously, lame by that guy- but at the same time... why do the players insist on having friends that aren't friends. I get the popularity thing, but this wouldn't be an issue if you don't allow your personal fb page to be your fan page.

I'm not saying this is what happened (and it probably isn't), but you can send those private messages to anybody, you don't have to be "friends" for that.

It's also probably easier for them to just accept every friend request. I mean DJK has almost 5,000. When you get bombarded with that many, there's bound to be some in there that are actually friends, but it takes time to sort through them all.
Tyler Sash earned his name TMFS. Anyone who says otherwise should defect to jNW's sideline and enjoy. End. of. Story.
Low life. Those are the words that come to mind.

My guess is it's some kid from some Chicago suburb that became an Iowa fan the last year or two because he is going to school there and is all ****** off because he won't be getting drunk in New Orleans and is lashing out at a player for it.

That's weak stuff. Real weak.

Just saw this. Jon, weak indeed. I'm a Chicago suburb kid that came here a couple of decades ago. I bled black and gold about two seconds after stepping foot on this campus and it hasn't stopped since. The guy who posted the facebook comment to TMFS is a tool but your comment isn't much better.
I'm not saying this is what happened (and it probably isn't), but you can send those private messages to anybody, you don't have to be "friends" for that.

It's also probably easier for them to just accept every friend request. I mean DJK has almost 5,000. When you get bombarded with that many, there's bound to be some in there that are actually friends, but it takes time to sort through them all.

no, you can control who sends you messages as well- meaning through your privacy settings it can be set up so only friends can send you messages. and you can even set it up so that you don't show up in search through your privacy settings. it's also just as easy to click ignore on any of the requests just as easy as it is to accept.
I have and never will friend or visit the FB page of a freaking Iowa football player. Unless it happens to be my nephew or son someday in the distant future.

WTF, people?
Cute little status update begging people not to comment on your play. Maybe if you spent less time on facebook and more time practicing you could cover scrubs like Trumpy, etc. Maybe you could have covered the AZ receiver. Loved seeing the D WILT at least 3 times this year. Thanks for your part in ruining the season... thanks @Anthony Sicilio for the message - you will be in my prayers

Seriously, this is just embarrassing. If I didn't love this team so much, I'd wish for a couple 6-win seasons, just so fans like the above will go away, and I can love the team through thick and thin. I don't agree with EVERYTHING we do, but talking trash to the players is beyond crossing the line.

from okeefeforprez earlier this AM................? = Anthony Scicilio?

Sent something to a football player on there (don't want to name names on here, but he plays in the secondary) and the guy defriended me and then a bunch of proles wrote crap all over my wall. Pretty classy fanbase.
Three in a row for Coach Fitzgerald:
2008: 22-17
2009: 17-10
2010: 21-17


"I just took the wife to Red Lobster for our anniversary and ate like a King. The tab was well under $100 and that includes a 20% tip."
Cute little status update begging people not to comment on your play. Maybe if you spent less time on facebook and more time practicing you could cover scrubs like Trumpy, etc. Maybe you could have covered the AZ receiver. Loved seeing the D WILT at least 3 times this year. Thanks for your part in ruining the season... thanks @Anthony Sicilio for the message - you will be in my prayers

Seriously, this is just embarrassing. If I didn't love this team so much, I'd wish for a couple 6-win seasons, just so fans like the above will go away, and I can love the team through thick and thin. I don't agree with EVERYTHING we do, but talking trash to the players is beyond crossing the line.

You should probably quote that first part so that people don't think you said it. I'm obviously not the only person to make that mistake.
if used in its proper context I have no problem with FB, unfortunately a lot of people are too stupid to understand what that context is.
Holy cow.... I mean I was upset when we lost and I only started to come around last night, but to actually go to facebook type up this message and send it to a, what 21 year old kid(?) who just got done pouring his heart out onto the field to win a game? Totally classless, and TMFS is right, I'm gonna say a prayer for this guy too, only I'm going to pray that he gets a life, cause he obviously needs one.
Low life. Those are the words that come to mind.

My guess is it's some kid from some Chicago suburb that became an Iowa fan the last year or two because he is going to school there and is all ****** off because he won't be getting drunk in New Orleans and is lashing out at a player for it.

That's weak stuff. Real weak.

I'm guessing it was some white trash piece of **** whose self worth is totally based on the success of Iowa football.
**** fans that act like this! I support everybody on every Iowa team with a few exceptions. People should not blame Sash especially though...the guy has been great his entire career here. That fan was a ******* piece of ****!
That message is crap. The guy that left it has no class. No more talk about the classless crap please. Let's move on and try to be good fans. The loss sucks, but life is about getting set back and moving on. Let's move on
First of all, players that are on a division 1 football team shouldn't just be "friends" with random internet stalkers. Facebook is fine if you're ACTUALLY FRIENDS with people you know.
Sash probably has 5,000 "Friends." So 1 out of 5,000 people made a bad comment towards him. Do the math....that's not the entire fanbase!

I would put my money that this 'Anthony Sicilio' kid isn't even a Hawkeye fan. He's probably just trying to get under Tyler's skin and it worked perfectly.

This is what you get when you become internet friends with random people. It's a ridiculous thing for the Sicilio kid to do but it's just as dumb that Tyler added him as a friend.

And people wonder why Ferentz hates social media?

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