Twilight Zone at RB

You dont suddenly switch to a two back system when you have thr best back in the.conference...but yeah mccall can come in a bit to spell Coker
I think the conflict is more about seeing his potential and pulling the trigger to trust putting a player out there who hasn't had game reps because he might make a mistake.

I think you're right. He's (rightly) worried that McCall might fumble with the game on the line. He hasn't played the entire year (basically).
Some change-of-pace at RB might be refreshing at times, so long as it comes in at the correct time.
If Coker is rolling over people, then don't kill his momentum until he truly needs a break.
If we have a commanding lead, it would be wise IMO to get some of these other backs in there, and often...
Only beef I have with McCall is the possibility of "rustiness," similar to what we saw from a previously injured Coker. That said, McCall has no fumbles correct? I can't remember. The kid seemed dangerously confident.
Kirk has the best RB in the Big Ten in Coker, so it's tough to just throw another back in there. Was hoping to see McCall in there too, but there weren't a lot of "here it is" spots. The only time I thought of it was when I thought I could use a homerun run and that's when Iowa moved the ball well and Coker ran in untouched from 13 yards... so it worked out anyway.

These are my thoughts exactly. Tough to take a guy out who is so effective. Why mess with it? Coker has been in the zone the last 4-5 weeks. If it ain't broke...
I just don't get the premise of the op here. whats wrong with coker. the guy has only turned into a freight train the last couple of weeks. if coker gets gassed like at minny than put in mcall, but if not leave your work horse in the game. hes a machine right now. and if your questioning about coker being the best back in the big because of yards. isn't that how the best backs are determend anyway. just curious
I think the conflict is more about seeing his potential and pulling the trigger to trust putting a player out there who hasn't had game reps because he might make a mistake.


The thread starter is worked up over nothing. Nothing worse to hit a gassed defense with than a wrecking ball......or as he has been called, a "bowling ball full of steak knives."

The thread starter is worked up over nothing. Nothing worse to hit a gassed defense with than a wrecking ball......or as he has been called, a "bowling ball full of steak knives."

Thats why I say if your going to spell Coker, put McCall in early. If he messes up, we have time to recover, if he doesnt, when Coker gets in with fresh legs he is going to really be able to roll over some half tired out lb/db's.
I just don't get the premise of the op here. whats wrong with coker. the guy has only turned into a freight train the last couple of weeks. if coker gets gassed like at minny than put in mcall, but if not leave your work horse in the game. hes a machine right now. and if your questioning about coker being the best back in the big because of yards. isn't that how the best backs are determend anyway. just curious

If we used two backs he wouldn't have the most yards. He's not quick enough side to side to be the best back. He is definitely the most powerful back tho and its probably not even close
you do realize he is 4th in total receptions as far as passing goes on the team, is he the fastest back we have had, no, but it has been awhile since we have had a back that is reliable in catching the ball, he is the best back on Iowa's team, and is good enough to be 5th in the nation running the ball, and you don't accomplish this without being good, i don't care what the status of the conference is supposed to be,, also he didn't get over 400 in the weakest part of the schedule, he only had 41 against TT on 11 carries, and 113 on 18 carries against LMU, when he could have put up monster #'s against the weakest teams on the schedule he didn't, if he had put up some #'s in those games he would be leading the nation
For him to see the error of his ways and play ALL of the best players.

So in your opinion, the best players are the guys with the most stars next to their names coming out of HS? I trust the coaches to decide who the best players are. If they aren't starting, you have to figure that they don't have the best grasp on their positions relative to others or they aren't completely healthy yet.
McCall played one good quarter against a garbage team and is recovering from a serious injury. I don't want him taking carries from Coker unless Coker runs the ball 10 times in a row.
McCall played one good quarter against a garbage team and is recovering from a serious injury. I don't want him taking carries from Coker unless Coker runs the ball 10 times in a row.


Coker is the leading rusher in the conf. Why are we even debating this?
McCall played one good quarter against a garbage team and is recovering from a serious injury. I don't want him taking carries from Coker unless Coker runs the ball 10 times in a row.

This. end of story. He is the leading rusher in the big ten. We get him carries before someone who is a true freshman that has less than 10 carries and like 60 yards in his career. Should not even be discussing.
Intersting takes on the quotes...good thread. This really isn't McCall vs. Coker, it's about the half dozen guys we brought here to play RB. Coker has done a fine job, but name me one other team that plays one back. Coker would be better if he got some rest. The offensive line would benefit from a different runner who can hit the hole quicker. Our younger backs would benefit from the experience and we might be a little more dynamic on O.

Bullock, Canizeri, McCall, Johnson, Rodgers have combined for what, 30 total carries? Based on our issues at the RB spot, the addiction to the Coker only solution is puzzling.
I dont know why it is puzzling that we should try to get the leading rusher in the big 10 and 5th leading rusher in the nation as many carries as we can....
Too many folks gain their coaching perspective from xbox or playstation. Put the fastest guy in and he'll get you the most yards because football is played in a vacuum.
I don't get the argument to not play another back cause coker is the leading rusher in the big 10. He is the leading rusher BECAUSE we don't play another back
he's the leading rusher for a lot of reasons, either way he has gotten us the most yards of any back in the big 10 and only four others in the nation have gained more. For that reason, uhhhhh, lets keep playing him. I think that makes pretty good sense.

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