Tune into Pitt-Cincy now to see why B10 title game

Big Ten fans will travel anywhere. Outside in the South where it's warm. Maybe pick up some new fans and let some recruits see Big 10 football.

Dude. It's 37 and sleeting this afternoon in Charlotte. The ACC is holding their championship game here this evening...when it's supposed to be high 20s/low 30s with likelihood of more precip.
If these ACC pansies can handle it, I'm quite sure the mighty B10 can.
I vote rotating locations, outdoors as well as in. Keep it real.
Last week I tailgated for 3 hours prior and stayed through the entire Iowa/Minnesota game (so did my parents who are in their 60s). A game featuring 2 of the worst teams in the B10 at the end of the season. Anyone who was there will agree, it was f'ing cold.

If you like the Hawkeyes, Buckeyes, Huskers, Badgers, etc, you'll go to the outdoor CCG and watch. If you don't, you won't. Either way, its cool. Outdoor games can be tough in the cold/rain/snow. I can understand why someone wouldn't want to go. Personally, I'd just rather see it outdoors. Its just real football.

The NFL playoffs in January are big hits when the elements are harsh. Green Bay/Seattle in a snowstorm a few years back was awesome. Cleveland/Pitt, NE/Oakland, NE/Indy have all have classic games in the snow.

The NFL is the most successful and popular sport on the planet. Why would you not want to copy it to the n'th degree?
We as Iowa Fans should want this game played in the elements, it better suits our chances. I'm for the game being held in Soldier Field, hometown of the Big Ten Network. That stadium has so much history and would be fitting for the Big Ten Style of play. Why has no one mentioned this yet?? That is part of the fun for football. I used to put on two starter jackets when i was a kid to go out and trudge through the snow for a good ol' tackle football game in the backyard. I am with the guy that thinks you should check your man/hawk card if you aren't dreaming of an outdoor clash.
Jon, if I sent you $8 via PayPal so you could buy a pair of spandex pants to wear under your dress, would you change your mind? My buddy has been ragging on me for weeks to go to the Bears-Pats game next week and I kept putting him off, but then I woke up this morning to a glorious snowfall and called him first thing to tell him that I was 100% in. Two pairs of socks, boots, long underwear, gym pants underneath jeans if it's raining/snowing so your legs stay dry, t-shirt, long sleeved t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, winter coat, stocking cap and gloves are all that is necessary to have a GREAT day at Soldier watching a great game of football. I've been to a ton of great Iowa games, but no football game I have ever been to has matched the day I sat out in a driving wind, snow/sleet mix and watched the Bears beat the Saints in the NFC title game.

I'm at a loss as to why it is okay to play in the crappy elements the week that may determine participants in the title game (e.g., Iowa-Nebraska, Wisky-PSU, not sure how standings will work to determine qualifiers, so maybe even OSU-UM) but then remove all elements of weather from the title game so that it can end up turning into a track meet rather than a midwestern slug fest like the great brawls up at Lambeau, Soldier or the Dawg Pound that have determined Super Bowl participants in years past.

QUOTE FOR TRUTH. Thread should be closed now because of that post.

BTW I'll chip in 4 bucks for the spandex.

Game should be outdoors regardless of conditions, you sack up put on your cold weather gear and go enjoy the snow cold and the game.
Pretty weak argument Jon;

Go back and watch Montana vs App St playoffgame from last year in blizzard.

Place was packed, atmosphere was completely electric, made me really wish we had playoff football or championship games in the Big Ten.

Some of the most memorable games in football history were played in tough elements.
If you advocate for anything but indoors, seriously, you are ignorant.

Toss up between permanent site vs rotating. I think a permanent site will give the event more of an identity.
You might like to watch that on tv, but are you going to get in your car and drive 6 hours to sit in that?


I sat in Minneapolis when the temps were barely 20 by the game's end. I sat in Tucson when it was 100.

I like outdoor football, but that's just my opinion. I understand why people want to be comfortable.
Any Iowa fan will travel to see Iowa win the Big 10 and go to the Rose Bowl...wont matter if its indoors and 75 or outdoors and 25
I think snow games are fun.....my very first Iowa game was the Iowa/Minny snow game in the early 90s....it was great
Seth, I understand why you want the game indoors, and it makes a lot of sense. However, don't you think "ignorant" is a bit over the top?

I guess I've seen some games in the Metrodome, and that place was horrible. Perhaps driving twice as far to friggin Indy would be a better option, but I'm not convinced. I understand Lucasoil (TM) is a great place, however.

It's too bad the game can't be played in Chicago. Indianapolis is...Indianapolis.

I've sat in 100 degree temps and 20 degree temps this year watching Iowa lose. I can handle just about anything (except for the continuing losses).
Seth, I understand why you want the game indoors, and it makes a lot of sense. However, don't you think "ignorant" is a bit over the top?

I guess I've seen some games in the Metrodome, and that place was horrible. Perhaps driving twice as far to friggin Indy would be a better option, but I'm not convinced. I understand Lucasoil (TM) is a great place, however.

It's too bad the game can't be played in Chicago. Indianapolis is...Indianapolis.

I've sat in 100 degree temps and 20 degree temps this year watching Iowa lose. I can handle just about anything (except for the continuing losses).

I consider the following reasons for having it outdoors, as I've read on here, as "ignorant"

"Football is supposed to played outdoors"
"Big-10 football...snow, slush, muck..it's what we're about"
"Indoors football is for woosies"
"I sat at the Minney game. I survived" (so did I and it was miserable, but it wasn't snowing)

As Jon stated, a majority of time, Big-10 FB games are played in temps over 50 and precipitation free.

SEC has gone indoors for a reason. Learn from them.

Major bowls are played in warm weather, pretty much precipitation free, locations. Why is that? An accident?

With all the hype and "what have you done lately" BCS drivel, we must, by those rules, put our best foot forward by taking the crummy weather factor out of it.
Jon, if I sent you $8 via PayPal so you could buy a pair of spandex pants to wear under your dress, would you change your mind? My buddy has been ragging on me for weeks to go to the Bears-Pats game next week and I kept putting him off, but then I woke up this morning to a glorious snowfall and called him first thing to tell him that I was 100% in. Two pairs of socks, boots, long underwear, gym pants underneath jeans if it's raining/snowing so your legs stay dry, t-shirt, long sleeved t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, winter coat, stocking cap and gloves are all that is necessary to have a GREAT day at Soldier watching a great game of football. I've been to a ton of great Iowa games, but no football game I have ever been to has matched the day I sat out in a driving wind, snow/sleet mix and watched the Bears beat the Saints in the NFC title game.

I'm at a loss as to why it is okay to play in the crappy elements the week that may determine participants in the title game (e.g., Iowa-Nebraska, Wisky-PSU, not sure how standings will work to determine qualifiers, so maybe even OSU-UM) but then remove all elements of weather from the title game so that it can end up turning into a track meet rather than a midwestern slug fest like the great brawls up at Lambeau, Soldier or the Dawg Pound that have determined Super Bowl participants in years past.

I wouldn't have put it in the same words that okeefe has, but I have to agree with the sentiments completely!

Jon, its clear through your statements on "desolation," the whole "snowmageddon" affair and your feelings on the championship game that you are not a fan of winter at all, in the least, or one single iota. I get it. That is ok. We all have different likes/dislikes and tolerance levels. Just because you hate winter, cold and snow with a passion doesn't mean everyone does, though, or at least as much as you do. I would not want to sit out in a blizzard every Saturday, but for just one game? For the Big Ten championship??? For a trip to Pasadena???? HELL YES!!! SIGN ME UP!!!!!

Inclement weather would add greatly to the ambience and excitement of the game. A true champion should be able to fight through adversity. Adjustments are as much a part of the game as shoulder pads are. A "true champion" is the one who wins the freakin' game... period. The "better team" on paper is never guaranteed the win. They must play better than the other team on the field whenever or wherever it is played.

As much as some people want football to be boiled down to a clean and clear academic calculation, football is a game of individual people coming together as a team trying to predict as much as possible the variables that come into play, one being weather and field conditions.
the best team should be able to win in any elements. its not like weather only affects one team. both teams have to play in it

weather can often be an equalizer--lessening the talent disparity between 2 teams. How? It's one of those "If I have to explain it..." things.

bad weather also brings luck into the equation more--slick ball, bad footing, etc.
I can't believe how weak some people on here sound. If nothing else, it would be an amazing experience to go through a weather game like that. It may be a little cold and miserable sitting through it, but it would be a story worth bragging about forever. Who's going to remember a conference championship 20 years from now? But if it was a snow bowl with havoc on the field and snowballs flying from the stands? Besides, whoever said it earlier is right on; indoor football sucks.

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