Tucker still leads


Well-Known Member
After missing six games, Anthony Tucker still leads Iowa in 3-point field goal attempts. Gatens finally passed him in 3-point makes however. Seems his departure made a pretty big dent the number of long range shots we attempt.
Tucker seems to be the type of player who likes to "get his". I don't miss that very much.
What's the story on Tucker, anybody have any idea how long he's going to be suspended for???
Cancer? Come on now.
And what do you mean "Good Riddance"? He's coming back to the team.

I've posted Tucker's stats for this year numerous times to back up my argument that he hurts us on offense. If he can get his shooting percentage to what it was last year that will change. But all I saw from him this year was being content to jack up a 3 ever time down the court. Iowa is better off without him if he can't shoot 40% and takes 15 shots a game.
You are obviously in the minority here Stormin...why don't you try to take an objective view of the situation and put your man crush on Tucker aside.
Actually I think you may see his role & minutes change slightly when/if he rejoins the team this year (and definitely next year with addition of incoming recruits). To be fair, Tucker was also one of the leaders in assists so it's not like he shot all of the time but more like he felt compelled to shoot 'cuz no one else was really providing a better option (recall Gatens was struggling from outside to start the season).