Tuberville upset Indiana 'went out and bought them a football team'

The current rules stink. You can play college football but getting a degree should be a high priority. This needs to be fixed.
That's only as high of a priority as the individual makes it to be. I can't pretend to give a shit if players get degrees or not. Is it cool for those that do? Sure good for them but I don't watch football or hoops caring about it.
Plenty of Olympic athletes and other pro sports I think have athletes cashing checks while being under 18. Most college athletes are going to be 18+ so there's not a ton of kids that'd apply to.

As far a Tuberville goes he's just a grandstanding politician now. Trying to sound bombastic so he stands out and regardless of him being hypocritical on any of his takes he's gonna do so. A yr or so ago the guy somehow had the power to withhold military promotions by himself. And he did it to try and get policy in the pentagon changed in regards to abortion. I think it was in regards to military folks getting reimbursed for travel expenses. And after that time he finally gave up and got nothing to show for it policy is still the same. Just wasted a yr of like 400 peoples time that should've all been promoted.

Nobody should take his 2 cents on damn near anything seriously. Especially when there's no doubt he did for yrs illegally as a coach that he's mad about IU doing that's now legal. Regardless of the fact that Colorado is the team much more resembling what he's crying about. Indiana has a lot of starters that were 2-3 star guys that damn near any of the blue bloods coulda got. They just didn't want them
As a veteran, his grandstanding and personally delaying or stopping promotions for officers was really annoying and offensive to me.

I can't believe anyone would take Senator Failed Football seriously.
As a veteran, his grandstanding and personally delaying or stopping promotions for officers was really annoying and offensive to me.

I can't believe anyone would take Senator Failed Football seriously.
Yeah he made a lot of enemies over that it was everything you said and totally unnecessary to do.
With this he's just waving the flag for the SEC. He doesn't want to see a non blue blood BIG team get a playoff spot over an SEC one. Which is what all that talk was about