Trump supporters, how do you square this?

Speaking of investment, Elon Musk contributed a little less than $300M to Trump to get him elected. While that's a staggering number, his wealth went up over $250B after the election.

That's one hell of an investment. Paying for that access and control really paid off, I imagine. Now, as we see some of his holdings are dropping faster than Nazis after Nurenberg, it's still a hell of an investment, no?

Quid pro quo, Clarisse!
Speaking of investment, Elon Musk contributed a little less than $300M to Trump to get him elected. While that's a staggering number, his wealth went up over $250B after the election.

That's one hell of an investment. Paying for that access and control really paid off, I imagine. Now, as we see some of his holdings are dropping faster than Nazis after Nurenberg, it's still a hell of an investment, no?

Quid pro quo, Clarisse!
Didn't you just make a point a couple posts ago that his dealings in Washington were hurting him? With this new robot he's making, him being political is the only thing keeping me from investing heavily in his stock. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks that and the left all hate him with a passion now because they are told to. He's crippling himself by doing what he's doing. He knows it and he's still doing it. Good for him. Very few people in his shoes would.
Didn't you just make a point a couple posts ago that his dealings in Washington were hurting him? With this new robot he's making, him being political is the only thing keeping me from investing heavily in his stock. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks that and the left all hate him with a passion now because they are told to. He's crippling himself by doing what he's doing. He knows it and he's still doing it. Good for him. Very few people in his shoes would.
Who in the hell do you think is telling everyone on the left to hate him??? Is it the "Deep State"? I mean come on, I think "most" people on here know how to think for themselves, right? Is there someone on the right that's telling you how to think about Musk and tRump???
Correct that no one is telling an anorexic to starve themselves. So why are they validating someone with body dismorphia? There are two reasons they kill themselves. One is how other people treat them. That's a very valid concern. The other is they feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. To me that's a way bigger issue because no matter what they do they're still trapped in the wrong body.

So someone who is anorexic can never get skinny enough in their own mind to be happy right? So what's the best way to lower the chances of them killing themselves? Is it confirming to them they should keep starving themselves? Or is it to try to council them? Neither one will have a 100% success rate obviously. But which one would work better? If you tell them they are right to starve themselves will they be happy with who they are? My assumption is no. People like you think you're doing the right thing so I've got no ill will towards you. But man is it making matters worse.

And to be clear, if they didn't kill themselves all the time I wouldn't really care what they do. As adults obviously.
I've known two individuals that were transgendered and took their lives and based on a conversation with one days before they took their life I think your argument about the second reason they take their own lives is flawed. I don't think they feel "trapped" necessarily in the wrong body, but I think they're "trapped" because of the way people treat them. The biggest issues they had wasn't that they didn't know who they were or that were trapped. The biggest issue was they just wanted to be accepted for who they were and constantly felt as though if they were true to themselves others would look down upon them or they'd disappoint others. I think your take is wrong. They can handle being trapped in the wrong body, but they can't handle being trapped in a society where they feel totally alone and isolated.

And not sure your comparison with an anorexic individual is appropriate. I understand the logic behind it, but all anorexic's suffer from anorexia, but not all transgender individuals suffer from gender dysphoria.
But seriously tho. If my boys were draft age and was getting called up to fight in a pointless war like Vietnam, Iraq, or Ukraine (threw that in for fun so don't let it highjack my point please) and I had a way to get them out of it, I wouldn't hesitate for a second. So I don't blame Trump's dad or Trump one bit. That said, if I did do that for my sons and one of them ended up being president, I see how it would be a bad look. I think with most people it's more of a fake outrage than anything tho.
Fake outrage? I don't see how there'd be a fake outrage about a conning or getting a gifted "get out of jail free" card to get out of being drafted and then becoming commander in chief. Unless I'm missing your main point (and probably am over thinking things) I don't see how there'd be anything fake about anyone that would be pissed off by that.
I will never understand why people attack and demonize trans gender individuals. What the hell makes them targets? What have they ever done to harm others? We have become a very, very cruel country.
Funny part is and I'm not one to categorize people (aside from Cyclone fans of course), but the LGBTQ is one of the friendliest groups of people I've ever been around. With the amount of hate thrown their way I'm not sure how, but I went to a gay wedding last summer for a relative and for being an outsider and not sure how I'd fit in, I can honestly say I've never felt more welcomed as an "outsider" in my life.
Tries to stop them if the price is right of course.
Trump said he lost between 2 and 5 billion by being president. That's between what he lost and what he could have made. Have you seen the stats of recent presidents net wealth before and after office? Every other president increases dramatically except him.
Who in the hell do you think is telling everyone on the left to hate him??? Is it the "Deep State"? I mean come on, I think "most" people on here know how to think for themselves, right? Is there someone on the right that's telling you how to think about Musk and tRump???
Yes the left leaning media says to hate him and the right leaning media says to love him. The truth is he's the exact same guy as he was when the left loved him. Media on the right tell the story that Musk is risking everything to help the country. Media on the left say Musk is just doing what he's doing to steal people's info and get richer. People's opinion on Musk is directly related to which story they believe. If you know him personally so you've formed your opinion that way then I apologize.
Didn't you just make a point a couple posts ago that his dealings in Washington were hurting him? With this new robot he's making, him being political is the only thing keeping me from investing heavily in his stock. I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks that and the left all hate him with a passion now because they are told to. He's crippling himself by doing what he's doing. He knows it and he's still doing it. Good for him. Very few people in his shoes would.
Some of us think for ourselves, pal.

I'm sure he'll do fine, since he's directly getting contracts for himself within the government and skipping the middle man. (See Verizon and Starlink contract). It could not be more corrupt.

Edit: People are correctly shunning Tesla right now (especially in Europe, because he aligns with the far right neo nazis). Having said that, he'll do fine because he's rigging the game from Washington now. He'll magically not have any more of his shitty trucks recalled, he won't have to protect the environment, and he'll get fat contracts from the taxpayers as he dazzles the morons with "DOGE."
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To be fair there are groups of people that get attacked way more then others and its not even close.
To be even more fair, transgender people get attacked probably more than any other group, and they have no power at all. They aren't hurting anyone.

Why the far right wants to demonize these poor people is beyond me. It's actually evil, IMHO.
I've known two individuals that were transgendered and took their lives and based on a conversation with one days before they took their life I think your argument about the second reason they take their own lives is flawed. I don't think they feel "trapped" necessarily in the wrong body, but I think they're "trapped" because of the way people treat them. The biggest issues they had wasn't that they didn't know who they were or that were trapped. The biggest issue was they just wanted to be accepted for who they were and constantly felt as though if they were true to themselves others would look down upon them or they'd disappoint others. I think your take is wrong. They can handle being trapped in the wrong body, but they can't handle being trapped in a society where they feel totally alone and isolated.

And not sure your comparison with an anorexic individual is appropriate. I understand the logic behind it, but all anorexic's suffer from anorexia, but not all transgender individuals suffer from gender dysphoria.
You don't have to be transgendered to feel like you don't fit in. I would wager transgenders kill themselves at a way higher rate that other people who feel the exact same way as far as not fitting in. Being bullied is being bullied.

I completely agree with your last sentence. But 10-15 years ago probably 100% of transgenders had gender dystopia. Now there is a huge percentage of them that are choosing to be trans for social reasons that weren't around a couple decades ago. It's two different groups of people.
Fake outrage? I don't see how there'd be a fake outrage about a conning or getting a gifted "get out of jail free" card to get out of being drafted and then becoming commander in chief. Unless I'm missing your main point (and probably am over thinking things) I don't see how there'd be anything fake about anyone that would be pissed off by that.
It's not fake outrage for everyone. But I'd say with most it is. If Biden dodged the draft, sure some of the same people who are outraged with Trump would be outraged by Biden too. But a very large percentage of the outraged people would magically look the other way if it was Biden. True outrage is being equally outraged regardless of the political team.
To be even more fair, transgender people get attacked probably more than any other group, and they have no power at all. They aren't hurting anyone.

Why the far right wants to demonize these poor people is beyond me. It's actually evil, IMHO.
Have you ever seen the stats of transgenders murdered? They're lower than the stats of the entire population and almost all of them that have been killed are from someone they knew. Are they really attacked more than everyone else? And if so, why is everyone and their brother falling over each other to join the club? The numbers of people who label themselves as transgender nowadays doesn't jive with them being treated poorly.
Some of us think for ourselves, pal.

I'm sure he'll do fine, since he's directly getting contracts for himself within the government and skipping the middle man. (See Verizon and Starlink contract). It could not be more corrupt.

Edit: People are correctly shunning Tesla right now (especially in Europe, because he aligns with the far right neo nazis). Having said that, he'll do fine because he's rigging the game from Washington now. He'll magically not have any more of his shitty trucks recalled, he won't have to protect the environment, and he'll get fat contracts from the taxpayers as he dazzles the morons with "DOGE."
The government would be foolish to not use starlink instead. It's the best technology available. And how the hell is Musk far right now? You don't go from left to far right in that short amount of time. You can make an argument he's on the right now. But far right?
It's not fake outrage for everyone. But I'd say with most it is. If Biden dodged the draft, sure some of the same people who are outraged with Trump would be outraged by Biden too. But a very large percentage of the outraged people would magically look the other way if it was Biden. True outrage is being equally outraged regardless of the political team.

I agree, but its a shame it has to centered around party affiliation with most people. I think the individual has to come first, then the party. Too many blinders go up when the first thing that's given away is whether they're red or blue. Honestly I'd love to see an election where party association wasn't listed on the ballot. Sure it might catch people off guard, but that's when they should be doing their homework rather than putting all their loyalty behind a party when they know nothing about the individual.
The government would be foolish to not use starlink instead. It's the best technology available. And how the hell is Musk far right now? You don't go from left to far right in that short amount of time. You can make an argument he's on the right now. But far right?
Do you know who the AFD is in Germany? I'm guessing not.
The government would be foolish to not use starlink instead. It's the best technology available. And how the hell is Musk far right now? You don't go from left to far right in that short amount of time. You can make an argument he's on the right now. But far right?
The point is (shouting for the dumb kids in the back) is that he's inside the government and is likely circumventing any normal appropriations process. Man people are dumb and gullible.

If you could personally profit Billions from influencing a decision.... would you? This is why some of this is in front of the Supreme Court. Congress appropriates funding. Can you not see the massive potential for corruption here, or are you so on that Musky jock strap that you're blind?

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