Trump supporters, how do you square this?

Trump is the lowest form of a human leading the world. Piece of shit individual. Prop up a murderous dictator, lie outrageously in an upside down world where Ukraine started the war and Zelenskyy is the dictator. And the world watches. His way to peace? Fleece the attacked of mineral rights and give land to his evil dictator buddy. Make the vulnerable beg. As we all know Trump is subhuman. A piece of shit
I think people have a hard time grasping the fact that there are only two possible outcomes here. Either Ukraine makes a peace deal they may not like, or America has to join in the fighting and it's WW3. Are you ok going and fighting or sending your son to go and fight? If not, you should be cheering for Trump to help stop this war.
That is the two possible outcomes in your Trump world, not in the rest of the free world. I don't drink the kool aid and I don't support rapist lying felons in their shit quests nor murderous dicatators. I'm with Europe, Canada and the rest of the decent world on this. I don't follow the propaganda of Putin and Trump. It's the path to hell
Has anyone seen the "recruiting " videos Vance was talking about? There are a lot of them posted on line. Men just walking down the street and a van pulls up and throws him in to go fight. It's a brutal situation. The media wants to make Vance a bad guy for bringing it up, but it's a very relevant point. If you've reached the point in a war where you are dragging people off the street to fight on the front lines, you've reached the point where you need to negotiate.
That is the two possible outcomes in your Trump world, not in the rest of the free world. I don't drink the kool aid and I don't support rapist lying felons in their shit quests nor murderous dicatators. I'm with Europe, Canada and the rest of the decent world on this. I don't follow the propaganda of Putin and Trump. It's the path to hell
So then what's the outcome I'm missing? The one where Ukraine beats Russia without US troops? Are you insinuating that it's Russian propaganda that Ukraine can't win otherwise?
Russia is the god damn enemy and anyone who says differently is not on the good side of right and wrong. The orange turd has long had a love affair with Russia, Putin and all other dictators and the fact that he sides with them is utterly disgusting and insane.

PC can try and spin this into believing that tRump and Russia are the good guys but when every single country without a dictatorship is on the side of Ukraine, I just don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror and believe the crap you’re spewing on here. I know you’ll come back with “what about this or how can you hate them”, but all you doing is backing Russia’s propaganda. Russia invaded Ukraine, killed women and children….and they didn’t ask for it. But you keep telling yourself Russia is innocent and Ukraine is to blame in this whole mess.
Russia is the god damn enemy and anyone who says differently is not on the good side of right and wrong. The orange turd has long had a love affair with Russia, Putin and all other dictators and the fact that he sides with them is utterly disgusting and insane.

PC can try and spin this into believing that tRump and Russia are the good guys but when every single country without a dictatorship is on the side of Ukraine, I just don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror and believe the crap you’re spewing on here. I know you’ll come back with “what about this or how can you hate them”, but all you doing is backing Russia’s propaganda. Russia invaded Ukraine, killed women and children….and they didn’t ask for it. But you keep telling yourself Russia is innocent and Ukraine is to blame in this whole mess.

Putin has replaced Epstein in his entourage
Russia is the god damn enemy and anyone who says differently is not on the good side of right and wrong. The orange turd has long had a love affair with Russia, Putin and all other dictators and the fact that he sides with them is utterly disgusting and insane.

PC can try and spin this into believing that tRump and Russia are the good guys but when every single country without a dictatorship is on the side of Ukraine, I just don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror and believe the crap you’re spewing on here. I know you’ll come back with “what about this or how can you hate them”, but all you doing is backing Russia’s propaganda. Russia invaded Ukraine, killed women and children….and they didn’t ask for it. But you keep telling yourself Russia is innocent and Ukraine is to blame in this whole mess.
Holy shit I've never even gave an opinion on "good guys and bad guys". Stop making things up. The only point here is can Ukraine win without US troops. What's your opinion there? If your answer is yes they can win, then Russia isn't as scary of opposition as people act. If your answer is no they can't win, then the followup question is do you want to send US troops and start WW3? This isn't about good guys and bad guys. This is about finding a way to end the war.

Me acknowledging the fact that Russia had their reasons to invade doesn't make them the good guys for invading. If Russia did to Mexico what we have done to Ukraine, we would have good reason to invade Mexico. That wouldn't mean we were "good guys" for invading. Hopefully you can understand that distinct difference.
Officially against our NATO allies, the democratic nations of the UN now. We aid and abet the most ruthless murderous dictator in the world. We even chastise the Pope. We are members of the new Axis of evil
Further evidence we’ve gone fully on the dark side. As you may know our own Associated Press is no longer allowed to attend press briefings at the WH. You know who is allowed? Russian state TV, Putin ran. They were in the oval office live streaming the takedown of Zalensky directly to televisions in Russia. One big show for Vladimir himself.
Further evidence we’ve gone fully on the dark side. As you may know our own Associated Press is no longer allowed to attend press briefings at the WH. You know who is allowed? Russian state TV, Putin ran. They were in the oval office live streaming the takedown of Zalensky directly to televisions in Russia. One big show for Vladimir himself.

If it wasn't already obvious, what further proof does one need

Not certain if the midterms, even if they pan out will make any difference at all

Congress is as strong as a wet Kleenex right now, and might be irreparably damaged by then
If it wasn't already obvious, what further proof does one need

Not certain if the midterms, even if they pan out will make any difference at all

Congress is as strong as a wet Kleenex right now, and might be irreparably damaged by then
Congress role today is to lay out the red carpet for whatever evil or despicable action Trump decides to take. Any action any inappropriate appointment, anything at all. Invade Mexico or Canada and Congress and SC would be fully onboard. Defy our NATO allies by defending Russia over a NATO member, onboard. Take food and medicine from the poorest yep. Drill for oil in a National Park, all day.
Congress role today is to lay out the red carpet for whatever evil or despicable action Trump decides to take. Any action any inappropriate appointment, anything at all. Invade Mexico or Canada and Congress and SC would be fully onboard. Defy our NATO allies by defending Russia over a NATO member, onboard. Take food and medicine from the poorest yep. Drill for oil in a National Park, all day.
So if the cartel gets taken out, it's bad because Trump did it I assume?
Lockstep with the Kremlin. The new ugly and fascist headed USA
In 2019 Trump extorted Zelenskyy by withholding arms for defense against Russia. Now in 2025 Trump extorts Zelenskyy and Ukraine once again as they’re weak and staggered by Trump’s evil dictator boss’s invasion and murder of Ukraine’s citizens. Extorting the country for mineral rights as they’re weak and beg for assistance to defend their home. This all in the name of the United States of America.
I also notice how no one wanted to answer the question of what's the end game here. Is it the US sending troops to fight Russia? Is it dumping endless money to Ukraine until the eventually lose anyway? Is it dumping money to Ukraine until they somehow win this war without US troops? It's clearly not negotiating peace.

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