Tressel Press Conference at 1pm

I have just been reading about an HBO special tonite where it is alleged that Ohio State recruits were "plied with sex" but the real kicker is that four former players allege that Auburn pays recruits and players. I am just so shocked! :)

Or it could be the start of spring football practice today. Take your choice, but I like the sex story better.
I have just been reading about an HBO special tonite where it is alleged that Ohio State recruits were "plied with sex" but the real kicker is that four former players allege that Auburn pays recruits and players. I am just so shocked! :)

Or it could be the start of spring football practice today. Take your choice, but I like the sex story better.

I think that special has players also telling of being paid by boosters at Ohio State and Michigan State, too.

Remember when the "recruit sex" reports came out about Iowa, maybe with the pursuit of Josh Freeman?

But for Tressel, I'm sure a lackey in the SID office will come out before Sweater Vest does and say, "Only questions about spring practice and the team will be answered."
I think that special has players also telling of being paid by boosters at Ohio State and Michigan State, too.

Remember when the "recruit sex" reports came out about Iowa, maybe with the pursuit of Josh Freeman?

But for Tressel, I'm sure a lackey in the SID office will come out before Sweater Vest does and say, "Only questions about spring practice and the team will be answered."

Offering sex to someone as talented as Josh Freeman would have been a good idea. But it was a scrub named Nick Patton who made those allegations.
Offering sex to someone as talented as Josh Freeman would have been a good idea. But it was a scrub named Nick Patton who made those allegations.

Wow, that's quite a difference.

Was that the kid who was spouting off about that to a reporter in Manhattan, Kan., or with the K-State Rivals site, and then when he the story was picked up and he was asked further about it, he backtracked and basically denied the sex offer ever happened?
I have to wager nothing further will happen.

Seconded. I hate to be Debbie Downer here, but I think a lot of people are getting their hopes up for a OSU catastrophe that just ain't gonna happen. The powers that be will see to it that it WON'T happen.

Short of being caught murdering someone on camera, there is very little Tressel could do to get himself canned.
To expand a little on my previous thoughts - the reason OSU will be protected by the powers that be is that they are a name brand program that no one (meaning other power schools) is really jealous of right now.

Look at a couple name brand teams that the NCAA has come down hard on lately - USC and (soon to be, IMO) Auburn. The common thread there is National Championships. Winning titles makes other power programs jealous - therefore the NCAA will come down on them to keep the peace. The infractions committed by USC and Auburn have been serious, but the worst thing they did for themselves was to actually succeed in winning titles.

Regionally, OSU is viewed as a big, bad bully. As Iowa fans we see them that way. Other Big Ten fans see them that way. But you have to look at this from a national perspective and realize that outside of the B10, OSU is basically laughed at. They're not taken seriously - they're just seen as the best team from a watered down conference (in some years, that's arguably been true).

Even their 2002 National Title is besmirched by those outside the program. I think that 2002 team - rightly or wrongly - is roundly seen as the weakest National Champion from the last decade.

These are just the facts - as much as Iowa fans and those around the B10 would love to see them taken down a notch, from a national perspective OSU is a non-entity. If OSU ever won a title, the heat would ramp up in a big way.
I have to wager nothing further will happen.

The odds - according to this SI article - are against your wager, most coaches don't survive lying to the NCAA:

The NCAA's Committee on Infractions can forgive a few transgressions, but one it rarely forgives is hiding the truth from the NCAA. That's why Kiffin should feel much safer than Ohio State's Jim Tressel, whose own school has turned him in to the NCAA for a violation of Bylaw 10.1, which prohibits Unethical Conduct.

The cases in the NCAA's Major Infractions database dated back to 1989, and included schools from each of the NCAA's three divisions. Offenses ranged in severity from a coach providing free T-shirts to recruits to former Baylor basketball coach Dave Bliss encouraging others to lie to the NCAA about the habits of a murdered player. Of the 177 cases, 172 involved coaches or athletic administrators accused of committing unethical conduct. Of those, 159 resigned or were terminated. 81 cases involved coaches or athletics administrators accused of providing false or misleading information to NCAA investigators or encouraging others to lie to investigators. Of those, 78 resigned or were terminated.

Coach Jim Tressel may be forcing Ohio State's hand with reported deceptions - Andy Staples -
The odds - according to this SI article - are against your wager, most coaches don't survive lying to the NCAA:

The NCAA's Committee on Infractions can forgive a few transgressions, but one it rarely forgives is hiding the truth from the NCAA. That's why Kiffin should feel much safer than Ohio State's Jim Tressel, whose own school has turned him in to the NCAA for a violation of Bylaw 10.1, which prohibits Unethical Conduct.

The cases in the NCAA's Major Infractions database dated back to 1989, and included schools from each of the NCAA's three divisions. Offenses ranged in severity from a coach providing free T-shirts to recruits to former Baylor basketball coach Dave Bliss encouraging others to lie to the NCAA about the habits of a murdered player. Of the 177 cases, 172 involved coaches or athletic administrators accused of committing unethical conduct. Of those, 159 resigned or were terminated. 81 cases involved coaches or athletics administrators accused of providing false or misleading information to NCAA investigators or encouraging others to lie to investigators. Of those, 78 resigned or were terminated.

Coach Jim Tressel may be forcing Ohio State's hand with reported deceptions - Andy Staples -

I agree. This is not about OSU punishing an employee. Way past that point.
The odds - according to this SI article - are against your wager, most coaches don't survive lying to the NCAA:

The NCAA's Committee on Infractions can forgive a few transgressions, but one it rarely forgives is hiding the truth from the NCAA. That's why Kiffin should feel much safer than Ohio State's Jim Tressel, whose own school has turned him in to the NCAA for a violation of Bylaw 10.1, which prohibits Unethical Conduct.

The cases in the NCAA's Major Infractions database dated back to 1989, and included schools from each of the NCAA's three divisions. Offenses ranged in severity from a coach providing free T-shirts to recruits to former Baylor basketball coach Dave Bliss encouraging others to lie to the NCAA about the habits of a murdered player. Of the 177 cases, 172 involved coaches or athletic administrators accused of committing unethical conduct. Of those, 159 resigned or were terminated. 81 cases involved coaches or athletics administrators accused of providing false or misleading information to NCAA investigators or encouraging others to lie to investigators. Of those, 78 resigned or were terminated.

Coach Jim Tressel may be forcing Ohio State's hand with reported deceptions - Andy Staples -
So better than 96% of the time in cases of direct actions of deception to the NCAA the coaches were fired or terminated.
Anyone get the feeling the OSU Booster committee is busting their *** behind the scenes lining up the new coach?
Anyone get the feeling the OSU Booster committee is busting their *** behind the scenes lining up the new coach?

I am sure the key players have already been set in motions. You can also assume if Tressel gets fired for "unethical conduct" there is not a buyout clause in his contract or at least any payout would be pretty minimal.
If Tressel gets fired, I think it will be because the NCAA tells OSU something like this, "Keep Tressel and your penalties are going to be more severe, fire him and we won't penalize you as much". I'm thinking its going to take a bowl ban type of situation to get him fired. I have no idea if stuff like that happens, its just the only way I see him getting fired. Basically OSU won't do it unless they absolutely have to.

The guy has dominated the B10 for nearly a decade. A trip to the Rose Bowl next year and this will be a distant memory.

Michigan, Tennessee, ND, & Miami were all great FB programs that made bad hires and have suffered long term for it. OSU isn't above making the same error.

Tressell is the perfect college coach. He's going to always field a top team but the NFL wants no part of him so OSU doesn't have to worry about him leaving. Its going to take a lot to let that go.

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