Well-Known Member
Or better yet over a penguin village. People love penguins silding down the ice on their belly.
And yes I did just quote myself.
I think you nailed it. I suggest a Glass floor with a dolphin tank below.
The tank below the court is a great idea but i would make a subtle change. Instead of dolphins i would go with sharks. Then after every loss the fans get to vote a player to be thrown into a shark tank. Sort of like survivor. I think this would definitely encourage the players to play harder....you know - to avoid the death and all. They could even win individual immunity by meeting certain benchmarks during the game (30 points, 10 assists, double double - if they played good enough they wouldnt be up for "elimination")
Is it too late to get the shark tank into the plans for the carver renovations? I have a hard time believing the stadium wouldnt be filled for every game if this happened.