This is a great topic and enjoy all of the ideas. Anyone try making cabbage soup for another weight loss option? Weight loss challenge at work and trying to find different things to cook and everyone is talking about cabbage soup. Thoughts??
I love a good cabbage and white bean soup. A bit of sausage for flavor, and that always satisfies!
As I am sure you know, there is no magic food to eat, or to avoid, for consistent, healthy eating. Always be skeptical of any diet that claims that excluding a certain subset of foods makes all the difference, or including a certain subset of foods makes all the difference.
Lots of studies on the various named diets, and the only consistent take away is that FOOD QUALITY is the most important factor. So, you don't have to hit some magic macro-nutrient ratio; and you don't have to eat like a caveman, or a Spaniard, or an Eskimo, or a Buddhist monk. You need to minimize overly processed foods; eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and whole grains; and make sure you have some good protein sources included.
Beyond that, find what you ENJOY. Anyone can force themselves to eat in a super strict way for a few months, but no one can do that for the rest of their life. If you lose weight with a 90-day heroic push, that weight will 100% come right back when you go back to living how you lived prior to the heroism. Not only have you not improved your situation, but there is plenty of research showing the negative metabolic impact of weight yo-yoing. So, the only way to effectively lose weight is to start with the question, "What are the habits that I can realistically maintain for the rest of my life?" Any weight loss that does not start from that point is doomed to fail.
Even though I teach this stuff, it took me a remarkably long time to internalize the above message. I haven't solved the equation yet, but I have identified my biggest hurdles, and I am working to overcome them. For me, the biggest problems are...
The fact that I have to cook for 4 other people in my household, none of whom are especially interested in eating the healthier food I want to eat
For the stress problem, I am trying to get better at time-management and list-making, and I am avoiding social media and stupid message boards (oops).
For the injury, I am prioritizing consistency and ultra-slow increases in activity, trying to avoid my tendency to overdo things. I am also getting more regular about stretching, yoga, and foam-rolling. And SLEEP!
For the food, I make sure I have some healthy things I truly like to eat. I have tried being ultra-clean with my diet before, and it is not sustainable. A much better approach FOR ME is to go for about 90% is okay to have some processed meat here and there, or the occasional treat. I do tend to go overboard in a hurry, so if I am going to eat "sometimes" foods, I need to have a strategy to avoid over-consumption. I am also terrible at listening to my body and responding to signals about satiety, so I use a food tracking app. That can be tedious, and I feel like it SHOULDN'T be necessary, but I just don't seem to make any progress without keeping track. If you want to try this route, I strongly recommend Macrofactor. It is a paid app (about $70/year), but it is far and away the best tracker I have ever used. I would NOT be able to track calories consistently if this app didn't make it so easy.
Sorry, went way overboard on a simple question about cabbage soup! As you can tell, weight management is something I have struggled with, and hence have thought about a lot.