Top 5 collegiant fb jobs.

I'd rank them:

#1- Texas-
Did you see the recent articles about the $$$ angle? UT was well ahead of everyone. They're swimming in the cash that means they can win any facilities arms race they want. Pay the coach pretty well too.
HS talent galore. They don't recruit so much as select.
Austin TX. Easily the best community of those in the competition.
Pretty realistic fans. Mack Brown didn't exactly blow the doors off initially, but they stuck with him.
Pretty good route to a title. Most years if they can beat Oklahoma, they will be in the picture.

#2 Florida
Plenty of money and talent. Maybe more talent than Texas, but more local competition for it too.
Play in a tough conference--but winning the conference title almost guarantees a shot at the NC game.
Austin >>>>> Gainesville
Fans passionate, but can be tough too, remember ?

#3 USC
Lots of history, prestige and glamour to sell recruits, plenty of talent to claim locally and able to cherry pick from around the country.
They come in well behind in the $$$$ race though, may start to affect facilities.
The upside of the Hollywood effect is offset to a degree by its perils. who knows when the NCAA may decide get tough and you end up on probation.
I would not want to live/ work in Compton.
Their location/ conference make the NC a little dicier for them. They've been the #3 team several times with the same record as the teams playing for title.

#4 tOSU
Have plenty of recruits, money and facilities.
Location may hurt a little-- kids prefer to play where it's warm.

#5 ???PSU
hard to say, PSU football is essentially JoPa. wouldn't want to follow him there, but all the pieces are in place. Same goes with FSU. I guess I would just rather personally live in State College than in Tallahassee.
Ok, from a national standpoint, who do you think Iowa most closely compares to?

I agree with your assessment of Oregon and Iowa.

I don't think there is anyone in the B12 that compares to Iowa. I would say Nebraska, but that really isn't fair, because the Big 12 north is a joke of a division, so it is easier to get to the B12 title game and win more games at Neby than Iowa. If they had to face OU and Texas, pretty much annually than it may be a different story there.

Iowa is a really unique situation and can't be compare evenly to a lot of jobs, it is very different than most teams, with location, in state talent, budget, fan base, etc. I see they Wisky argument, but there is no other state school that competes for instate talent, takes funding away and reduces the fan base in Wisconsin.

Just image Iowa with no ISU... the additionally fan support, additional funding, better walkons, etc.

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