Is this fact? Can I verify this somewhere or are you delusional and talking out of your ***?
Vandenburg is a .500 qb at this point with a miserable failure of a second half against NW, nothing more
Stanzi's first game might be important in this discussion if I had a time machine, but since the only thing that matters is who is better now I will leave the time travel to Doc and marty
No obviously there's no way to verify this, but I agree with him. I think on that day Vandenburg gave us a better shot than Stanzi did. Vandenburg made several NFL quality throws in that game, throws I don't think Stanzi could make. There's no question he has a better arm than Stanzi, and I don't think Stanzi did anything all year that would lead anyone to believe that he would have played better than Vandenburg did in that game.
Now I think Stanzi is a very good college QB and an excellent leader and I don't want to see him hurt at all, but if it did happen I would feel very comfortable with Vandenburg going in. Also, I can't help but think how good our offense might be in '11 with possibly four OL starters, all 3 RBs, McNutt and Davis at the WR and Vandenburg leading the offense.