Top 10 most indispensible players?


Well-Known Member
My list:

1. Reiff
2. Stanzi
3. Vandervelde
4. Clayborn
5. Donahue
6. Prater
7. DJK
8. Sash
9. Hunter
10. Ferentz
I won't get into numbers 2-9, but I should think November 7, 2009 pretty much told us who #1 is...

I am assuming you are referring to the Stanzi/Vandenburg debate. You definitely can make an argument for Stanzi being #1. But, Vandenburg is 1 year older now. He is going into his 3rd year. He has some game experience. As Jon Miller has pointed out on several occasions, physically he might have the best tools of any Iowa QB since Chuck Hartlieb.

Vandenburg came into a VERY, VERY difficult situation against Northwestern. DID YOU HAPPEN TO WATCH THE GAME ON NOVEMBER 14 IN THE HORSE SHOE? Can you say SICK!! The kid was unbelievable. Now, I want Stanzi as our starting QB this year. But I don't think it would be catastrophic if Stanzi went down this year.

As for Reiff, Kirk said that Riley Reiff was our best o-lineman last year. We only have 2 starting lineman back. If Reiff goes down, our o-line is a disaster. I don't care how great your skilled position players, without an offensive line, you are toast. Just ask Oklahoma las year when they only returned 1 offensive lineman.

I also go back to the 2003 team. That team had 1 returning offensive lineman- Roberty Gallery. We had a 1st year unproven QB in Nathan Chandler but Chandler was fine because of Robert Gallery. He made the entire offensive line a better unit.

Riley Reiff is extremely important to this years team.
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Thunder stealers :) This was on my list of things to write this week, something I always do this time of year...I will link this thread in the write up tonight
I am assuming you are referring to the Stanzi/Vandenburg debate. You definitely can make an argument for Stanzi being #1. But, Vandenburg is 1 year older now. He is going into his 3rd year. He has some game experience. As Jon Miller has pointed out on several occasions, physically he might have the best tools of any Iowa QB since Chuck Hartlieb.

Vandenburg came into a VERY, VERY difficult situation against Northwestern. DID YOU HAPPEN TO WATCH THE GAME ON NOVEMBER 14 IN THE HORSE SHOE? Can you say SICK!! The kid was unbelievable. Now, I want Stanzi as our starting QB this year. But I don't think it would be catastrophic if Stanzi went down this year.

As for Reiff, Kirk said that Riley Reiff was our best o-lineman last year. We only have 2 starting lineman back. If Reiff goes down, our o-line is a disaster. I don't care how great your skilled position players, without an offensive line, you are toast. Just ask Oklahoma las year when they only returned 1 offensive lineman.
Agreed that Reiff is the most/one of the most indispensible players.

Only dispute i have is McNutt isnt on the list, he and DJK should 7a. and 7b. because they compliment eachothers game so well and his size is a force to be reckoned with in the endzone.
It sickens me to see a punter on everyone's list...for the simple fact that he is so indespensible to the gameplan. The coaching staff is so pragmatic it drives me McNutts...
1. Clayborn (he changes the game, period)
2. DJK ("possession" reciever that keeps the chains moving)
3. Reiff (experience at O line that has questions)
4. Stanzi (he just wins baby)
5. Sash (he's the centerfielder that will lock down the flat)
6. McNutt (after this season, you'll know why)
7. Vandervelde (another OL with experience, just needs to step up a bit)
8. Donahue (it's easy to miss, but he changed the field in our favor a lot last year)
9. Wegher (I know we have 3 backs, but he is going to make D Coordinators lose sleep with his versatility)
10. Prater (he's our best shot at shutting down the corner, 10b would be Bernstine)
It sickens me to see a punter on everyone's list...for the simple fact that he is so indespensible to the gameplan. The coaching staff is so pragmatic it drives me McNutts...

While I think we get too conservative at times (it always gets me how we don't go for a quick score before half when we get the chance to put our foot on the opponent's throat), 99% of the time I'm happy with the gameplan. Having a punter who can completely shift the field position battle is a very useful and underrated weapon. Nobody notices the good punter unless he's Reggie Roby-good. But when they're bad, EVERYONE notices.
Enough with the vandenburg hype. Did he play ok against ohio state? Yes. Did we lose to ohio state? Yes did he play atrocious against northwestern? Yes did he also play the minnesota game? Yes did our offense suck in that game? Yes did we put 50+ on them just onee year earlier? Yes

Am I hopefull that vandenburg will improve and eventually be better than stanzi? Yes will that happen this year? NO WAY, to meet the lofty expectations many of us have stanzi is the #1 most important player
I think this team has too many interchangable parts to really know who is the most indespensible.

For those picking Reiff, I'm guessing when our all american LT went down last year you would have expected a much larger drop off. I know I did.

Until we see the next man in, we may not know what we have. All of the players named on these lists are dam good players but the guy behind them often turns out to be just as good or better when their turn comes.

Clayborn is the only guy on the field for Iowa that I honestly don't think that is possible. then again last year I would have said that about Baluga.
we won AND lost games adrian started and finished.

we lost 2 games ricky was unable to either finish or play in.

you tell me who is more indispensible
How about we just hope we don't have to find out who is the most indispensible. I think it boils down to how much confidence you have in Vandenberg. The kid was thrown into the Northwestern game as a redshirt freshman and couldn't pull it off with literally no game experience. He came back a week later in his first start ever in one of the toughest if not the toughest places to play in college football and played exceptional given the circumstances(and good enough to win the game). He then beat Minny in his 2nd start ever. I think if you want to say Rick was the most indispensible player last year you would have been correct but this is 2010 and after seeing what I saw at the Shoe(a place where we almost never win) I have a lot of confidence in him.
Enough with the vandenburg hype. Did he play ok against ohio state? Yes. Did we lose to ohio state? Yes did he play atrocious against northwestern? Yes did he also play the minnesota game? Yes did our offense suck in that game? Yes did we put 50+ on them just onee year earlier? Yes

Am I hopefull that vandenburg will improve and eventually be better than stanzi? Yes will that happen this year? NO WAY, to meet the lofty expectations many of us have stanzi is the #1 most important player

Remember Stanzi's first start against anyone even remotely decent? He looked pretty ugly at home against ISU in 2008, so bad that we went to Christensen to pull it out. It didn't take him too long to figure things out. And how did that turn out for us?

If Vandenberg were to be forced to play extensively, I would feel at ease about it. He's got all the tools. And he gave us the better chance to win at OSU last year. Stanzi, while I think he should be the #1, wouldn't have led us to a win in that game.
While I think we get too conservative at times (it always gets me how we don't go for a quick score before half when we get the chance to put our foot on the opponent's throat), 99% of the time I'm happy with the gameplan. Having a punter who can completely shift the field position battle is a very useful and underrated weapon. Nobody notices the good punter unless he's Reggie Roby-good. But when they're bad, EVERYONE notices.

Especially when your punter is running outside of the pocket and doing a rugby style punt! :eek:
Remember Stanzi's first start against anyone even remotely decent? He looked pretty ugly at home against ISU in 2008, so bad that we went to Christensen to pull it out. It didn't take him too long to figure things out. And how did that turn out for us?

If Vandenberg were to be forced to play extensively, I would feel at ease about it. He's got all the tools. And he gave us the better chance to win at OSU last year. Stanzi, while I think he should be the #1, wouldn't have led us to a win in that game.

Is this fact? Can I verify this somewhere or are you delusional and talking out of your ***?

Vandenburg is a .500 qb at this point with a miserable failure of a second half against NW, nothing more

Stanzi's first game might be important in this discussion if I had a time machine, but since the only thing that matters is who is better now I will leave the time travel to Doc and marty

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