Toolbar Near Bottom of page


We are going to test out a toolbar on the bottom of our pages. It's in place on the home page and will make its way to the boards later today

I heard your displeasure with our video player this winter and felt like it had to go because it was slowing things down.

This toolbar may be a passive way for the site to generate additional revenues that we continually sink back into the site.

I realize that change takes some time getting used to, so have patience on that front. The kind of feedback I am interested in relates to page load times and latency effects. If you experience anything along these lines post it in this thread.

We will be making design changes to the forums to be in place around Easter. So again, you need to expect some changes from time to time along those lines especially since there have been few of those since we launched this version of the site in October of 2009.

We also try to balance advertising along with content, as we intend for this site to remain 100% free, and not have you, the end user, paying for anything.

We appreciate your patronage to this site and we will continue to make positive additions to what we offer.
Also, I believe there will be an option for users to close this. That option should be installed inside of 48 hours.
I like it, but it seems like it takes an awfully long time to render.

Do you find that the process affects other navigational functions you might wish to undertake? Like diving in and looking at new threads? Does it slow that process for you?
I'm glad to be rid of the video. The bar only seems to appear on the homepage and doesn't bother me, although I'm unlikely to use it for anything.
There is now a close button the that when you close it, it will not open again until you click on it to open
Why is it that even though I have this toolbar closed, I still get some sort of 'digitalsportsventures' refresh or update every 5-10 seconds? It's kind of annoying.
That toolbar is going away...we are getting real closing to launching the site redesign. The goal is more content above the fold when you open the page...also more resources and references some RSS pages where you can access Iowa Hawkeye and Big Ten related stories in real time, with real time twitter feeds related to those topics...

We'll also have a toolbar across the bottom where the local ads load..moving those from the top.

On the whole, I feel the user experience will be enhanced from what it is right now...we have been long overdue for a revamp, as we have had this same look and feel since the site relaunched in October of 2009

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