Too early?


Well-Known Member
To predict the score against Neb? 52-13 we get rode hard and put away wet... they show no mercy and bury us in Kinnick. Might have to have a garage sale or something next weekend maybe even spend the day with the family....
Michigan has a better offense than Nebraska. They won't have the luxury of throwing over our zone liek Michigan did. I think it will be a two touchdown game.
Michigan has a better offense than Nebraska. They won't have the luxury of throwing over our zone liek Michigan did. I think it will be a two touchdown game.

I'll add that we know who the QB will be, so we can prepare for just one dood, not two doods.
HAwks come to play - Win 24 - 12 don't give up a TD and leave everyone miffed that IA lost to ISU, Purdue and IU keeping eliminating bowl game.
I am gravely concerned that we could give up 50. Burkhead as a massive bruiser is going to single-handedly injure every member of our secondary, and is also fast enough to break off some long ones. They've also got guys like Abdullah and Kenny Bell who are fast, scat guys, which you might recognize as another major issue for us. Not to mention we're going to have to watch our front 7 try to contain a running QB again, which you might recognize as another major issue for us; I'm also not convinced that Martinez won't be able to throw on us.
Morehouse thinks 8-10,000 Nebraska fans in the stands. Couple that with some likely noise from the Iowa boo-birds, all-game commentary from the announcers about Iowa's ineptness, and you have one potentially embarassing display for a national TV audience.

I knew there was a reason Osborne rushed out to get Oklahoma back on the schedule. I'll go with 34-10 Nebraska.
Will be there rooting on our Hawks for the final time this year. Bittersweet ending. I believe we can pull off the win and crush Nebbys chances of playing Wisky. Hawks 20-17!
Michigan has a better offense than Nebraska. They won't have the luxury of throwing over our zone liek Michigan did. I think it will be a two touchdown game.
The hell they do. Nebraska is 1st in total offense, Michigan is 5th. Nebraska also 2nd in scoring offense, behind Ohio State. Martinez also used to be the highest rated passer, until Gardner got to play against Iowuh and jumped to the top. Gonna be ugly.
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I'll add that we know who the QB will be, so we can prepare for just one dood, not two doods.

Turned out we only had to prepare for one, one never threw the ball it was pretty obvious to everyone but the coaches Robinson was a run threat only and we still couldn't really contain him. This sounds stupid but I am going to say we win by 3. I don't know why but its Nebraska and I just cant throw a losing score out there to those Hornsucksers.
I think we are looking at least a 3 TD loss. Any team with a halfway competent offense is trouble for Iowa. No pass rush. No containment from the D'line. They don't understand their assignments in the secondary. They will get burned early and often. Nebraska's OL is better than Michigan's and they will punish Iowa's bad D line play.
Nebraska's D'line will be in Vandeburg's face all day. They will shut down CJ. With CJ shut down and now WR's to speak of, Nebraska loads the box and kills the run.
Nebraska -- 59

Iowa -- (-7)

VBG takes all Iowa snaps. 10,000 Nebraska fans and an ABC national TV audience mock the Hawkeye faithful. It's one of the bleakest afternoons in the history of a stadium that has seen more than its share. But the good news is, it's only a game, and it all pays the same for Grandpa Ferentz.
Hawks have quit. The only thing that keeps the score down is Nebby showing some mercy.

On a side note, this is one of those years when senior day feels like addition by subtraction.