Tonight's game is what I wanted to see

I get the whole a loss is a loss thing. However i sometimes wonder if some of the "There is no such thing as moral victories" people are the same people that you see screaming at their kids at little league games.

If the line is so black and white that people can't talk about encouraging signs without some of them pulling our the "no such thing as moral victories" cliche, then I can't immagine that they could be supportive of their kids in a loss. It seems too hypocritical when everything is so black and white.

Then again they could be the parents that say "you pictched great son but you have got to just pick the ball up and beat the runner to first because Joey is the worse 6 year old first basemen I have ever seen. I don't care what you rcoach says, you have got to do this on your own!" I could see that, I guess.
The fact that people have a boner over being in the game is proof enough that Lickliter has this team in the worst shapes it been in that I can remember. As much as some of you hated Alford you have to admit the no one was ever pleased with a loss.

There's no arguing how bad things are at the moment, and I don't think you'll get any argument on that. One game certainly doesn't change my viewpoint on the entire Lickliter era or put me on (or off) the bandwagon, but last night's game was a step in the right direction IMO. Quite a few more steps to go, though.

I don't get into the whole moral victory thing, but I don't think that's the same thing as recognizing that the team played pretty well, even though they didn't win the game.

Will the team continue to improve and start getting some W's? Possibily. Hopefully. I also wouldn't be surprised to see us go into Bloomington on Sunday and lay an egg. Only time will tell if last night's night's effort was a fluke, or if it's a sign that we really are seeing the team starting to gel. Let's give it a few more games and see what happens. Fair enough?
that 2nd half was fun to watch that come back.this team is improving,and playing so hard.keep working hard go hawks..........we can get some wins if we play like that.....
Do you think the team was in the locker room after the game giving themselves high fives and patting each other the back? I sure hope not.

I'm not in to moral victories, and progress will be determined by how they play in their next few games.
Do you think the team was in the locker room after the game giving themselves high fives and patting each other the back? I sure hope not.

I'm not in to moral victories, and progress will be determined by how they play in their next few games.

No, I am sure the team and Lick are not happy with losing, not matter the clear FACT they played pretty well last night. Why will progress be determined only by how they play in their next few games, when many on here have seen progress already this season? ANd progress that I fully intend on seeing more of the rest of the season!
Yes, the 21-2 run in the first half was another one of those relapse moments. That was really the part of the game that sunk us, IMO. We went from a 19-14 lead to down 35-21 if I remember right. Gotta cut out stretches like that. Hopefully that will come with experience, though. I think you're right - if the team stays intact for next year and we add the next recruiting class, I see no reason to think the team shouldn't be considerably better in 2010-11!

Did you notice that a couple awful calls started this run? I noticed the same thing in the PSU victory, they had a run immediately following a few awful calls that went against 'em. I think that is an area we need to and will improve. When calls don't go your way its important to not let it get to you.
No, I am sure the team and Lick are not happy with losing, not matter the clear FACT they played pretty well last night. Why will progress be determined only by how they play in their next few games, when many on here have seen progress already this season? ANd progress that I fully intend on seeing more of the rest of the season!

I enjoy your enthusiasm, I really do but to think this team has progressed throughout the year is simply drinking too much kool-aid dude.

We played good for the first 10 minutes of the game and we made some shots the last 10 minutes of the game AFTER WE WERE DOWN BY 18 points. Do you think MSU might have been coasting a little bit?

We came out strong, had the lead for 1/2 of the first half but we were down by 12 at half-time. The 2nd half, MSU just traded baskets with us. We were down by 15 with under 10 to go in the game and didn't have a single, NOT ONE, 2 point basket in the last 7:30 minutes. Did you also notice that around the 1 minute mark we missed a 3 pointer but chose not to foul for some inexplicable reason? We allowed MSU to run the clock down from 1:00 to :22 only down by 5. wtf was up with that?

That's not progress, that's playing against a team that had the win in their back pocket and eased off.
I enjoy your enthusiasm, I really do but to think this team has progressed throughout the year is simply drinking too much kool-aid dude.

I don't think you enjoy anyones enthusiasm as all. I think you are so wrapped up into seeing Lick fail here that you would prefer that they lose every game, so you can stand on your soap box, say I told you so, and shout to the world he should be fired! Don't act shocked, as another poster even admitted to this very thing when we beat Penn St.
I don't remember saying Lick needed to be fired, but I have questioned many of his decisions when it comes to recruits, playing time and lack of offense. I want to see this team improve so that everyone on this board can come on here and say I told you so to me, not the other way around.

We played good at times but we still haven't put together a good basketball game...not one all season. We still look putrid on offense, we're too short and we never play a zone defense.

In the end I ultimately want what every hawkeye fan wants and that is an entertaining, winning product on the floor that makes some noise in the NCAA tournament.

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