Tonight's game is what I wanted to see


Well-Known Member
First, I'll say that I've been as critical of the past 2.5 years as anybody else, and as big of a doubter that is out there. But tonight's game is what I've been wanting to see - a game where this team went on the road against a legitemate opponent, played hard, and were COMPETETIVE down to the last, even if it was in defeat. At last, a game where I was on the edge of my seat, rooting hard for the team to win, and actually daring to CARE about the outcome of the game. It felt good.

I don't know what is going to happen the rest of this year and beyond, and I'm trying to stay grounded in reality that we still will probably have a rough time of it the rest of the year, and one game does not make or break anything. But if we keep seeing effort like tonight the rest of the year - competetive basketball, and a team that doesn't roll over and take a beating, then I am willing to stay patient and stay out of the "Fire Lickliter Now" camp.

I still think we need to see more W's next year, and there can't be any more roster turnover, but here's hoping that tonight's game is the start of a positive trend, and a sign of better days to come.

My 2 cents for the night.

Go Hawks!
First, I'll say that I've been as critical of the past 2.5 years as anybody else, and as big of a doubter that is out there. But tonight's game is what I've been wanting to see - a game where this team went on the road against a legitemate opponent, played hard, and were COMPETETIVE down to the last, even if it was in defeat. At last, a game where I was on the edge of my seat, rooting hard for the team to win, and actually daring to CARE about the outcome of the game. It felt good.

I don't know what is going to happen the rest of this year and beyond, and I'm trying to stay grounded in reality that we still will probably have a rough time of it the rest of the year, and one game does not make or break anything. But if we keep seeing effort like tonight the rest of the year - competetive basketball, and a team that doesn't roll over and take a beating, then I am willing to stay patient and stay out of the "Fire Lickliter Now" camp.

I still think we need to see more W's next year, and there can't be any more roster turnover, but here's hoping that tonight's game is the start of a positive trend, and a sign of better days to come.

My 2 cents for the night.

Go Hawks!

Great post. I think we are seeing improvement. They are moving the ball much better, but they still have some times where they relapse. I think we will see a few more wins and probably a few more head scratchers yet this year. Howver, if nobody leaves with the addition of next year's class, we will see a much better team and many more wins next year!
Great post. I think we are seeing improvement. They are moving the ball much better, but they still have some times where they relapse. I think we will see a few more wins and probably a few more head scratchers yet this year. Howver, if nobody leaves with the addition of next year's class, we will see a much better team and many more wins next year!

Yes, the 21-2 run in the first half was another one of those relapse moments. That was really the part of the game that sunk us, IMO. We went from a 19-14 lead to down 35-21 if I remember right. Gotta cut out stretches like that. Hopefully that will come with experience, though. I think you're right - if the team stays intact for next year and we add the next recruiting class, I see no reason to think the team shouldn't be considerably better in 2010-11!
Yes, the 21-2 run in the first half was another one of those relapse moments. That was really the part of the game that sunk us, IMO. We went from a 19-14 lead to down 35-21 if I remember right. Gotta cut out stretches like that. Hopefully that will come with experience, though. I think you're right - if the team stays intact for next year and we add the next recruiting class, I see no reason to think the team shouldn't be considerably better in 2010-11!

Hold on......someone from outside the apologist group has agreed with Foreverhawk? Just a sec.......I am basking!!!! In all seriousness, I really like the pieces on this team and how they are developing. Next year's class looks really good. It all starts with this offseason and the comittment of the current players to the program. My optimism is just my opinion. I could be dead wrong!!!
What we should take from the past two games at the Breslin Center is that Coach Lick had his team ready to play. Under Alford we were typically out of the game after 10 minutes. This is not to say we are going to get a bunch of victories this year but the kids have character and this comes from their coach.
Hold on......someone from outside the apologist group has agreed with Foreverhawk? Just a sec.......I am basking!!!! In all seriousness, I really like the pieces on this team and how they are developing. Next year's class looks really good. It all starts with this offseason and the comittment of the current players to the program. My optimism is just my opinion. I could be dead wrong!!!

LOL.. Some people out there will never admit to seeing some improvement, but I'm not part of that crowd. I think back to the Minnesota game, and look at the team tonight (and even parts of the PSU game), and there's no comparison in the execution IMO. Only time will tell what happens going forward, but the team is showing some signs of life, and that's really all I'm asking for in the last couple months of the season. That was my sentiment a week ago, and that hasn't changed just because of tonight's game. At least I try to be consistent.
Moral victories are signs of improvement, interesting.

You don't think the team played better tonight than they were playing a couple weeks ago? Against Minnesota for instance? We lost to MSU at home by 18 a week and a half ago. It was a 1 possession game with less than a minute to play tonight against that same MSU team, ON THE ROAD. I'd say that's improvement.
This is the team I thought we would see this year, hence my preseason predictions. But I've already apologize for those weeks ago.
Improvement and development are two words that some on this board to not want to see applied to this team and this coach!!!
I was just about to agree and then I had to read that we were out of games by the 10 minute mark under Alford. Really?
The fact that people have a boner over being in the game is proof enough that Lickliter has this team in the worst shapes it been in that I can remember. As much as some of you hated Alford you have to admit the no one was ever pleased with a loss.
I liked the drives and passes inside tonight. Lot of good cuts to the baskets off screens, and Payne or someone finding the driver open.

Much better defense effort tonight, too, against a more athletic MSU team.
Improvement and development are two words that some on this board to not want to see applied to this team and this coach!!!

These are not the formative years of basketball...they're either balling now or they will never ball. Instead of playing basketball the coach is trying to wring every semblance of true basketball out of these players and turn them in to boring basketball robots. If it was possible Lick would ****** every movement of every player for an entire game so that no matter what happens no adjustment would be made. Every possession the time the first shot would be taken would be predetermined...
These are not the formative years of basketball...they're either balling now or they will never ball. Instead of playing basketball the coach is trying to wring every semblance of true basketball out of these players and turn them in to boring basketball robots. If it was possible Lick would ****** every movement of every player for an entire game so that no matter what happens no adjustment would be made. Every possession the time the first shot would be taken would be predetermined...

why is the word "s-c-r-i-p-t" starred out? is that not a word? or an appropriate word?
What we should take from the past two games at the Breslin Center is that Coach Lick had his team ready to play. Under Alford we were typically out of the game after 10 minutes. This is not to say we are going to get a bunch of victories this year but the kids have character and this comes from their coach.

You may be right, but there is one thing under Alford that we have not seen (and won't) under Lickliter:

The postseason. No matter whether we won a game in March or not, at least we had a chance to get there.

With Lick, I am already focused on football.

But that comes AFTER Wrestling season.

Because, that is what this is: WRESTLING season.
This is the team I thought we would see this year, hence my preseason predictions. But I've already apologize for those weeks ago.

I agree 100%.

We lost to a team we should lose to. EXACTLY what I was expecting to see all season.

Moral victories are always losses in the end.

Write that down. :)
No, obvious improvement against the #7 team on the road is improvement!!! I am sure Lick is not happy with a moral victory!!!

What I saw was the exact same team that played Texas in the non-conference schedule and then went in to its shell. What I also saw was a team that allowed a nearly 20 point swing in the 1st half.

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