Today Marks The One Year Anniversary...


Well-Known Member
Of Ed Thomas' murder...just heard it mentioned on Murph and Andy...I can't believe it's been one year already...

Rest in peace, Ed.
i'm with ya man. it was a very sad time and the world really did lose, not just a great coach, but a great human being.

thought it was one of the classiest things i've ever seen during his funeral procession with all the other teams from their conference lining the streets in their jerseys and holding up the 4 fingers. won't lie, i bawled my eyes out
I can't believe it's been a year already. I live in ****, and even though D-NH and AP have always been big time rivals, everyone here always had the utmost respect for Coach Thomas. He not only coached football, but he also taught people how to be decent human beings. There just aren't enough people out there like him.

Edit: OK, Jon. Can you back off the naughty word filtering a bit? I mean, come on, I know D i k e, spells something that resembles slang for a lesbo (and yes in 31 years of living here I've heard all the jokes), but holy crap, it's a legitimate name of a town in our state. Do the good Hawk fans who live here a favor and right this wrong, please.:D
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I'm playing in the Ed Thomas Memorial Golf Outing in a few weeks. His sons and former players are putting on multiple events for a scholarship fund. Crazy to think it was one year ago already.
I'm playing in the Ed Thomas Memorial Golf Outing in a few weeks. His sons and former players are putting on multiple events for a scholarship fund. Crazy to think it was one year ago already.

that's cool they are doing that and ya hard to believe it's been a year already. RIP Mr. Ed Thomas.

There really deserves to be a 30 for 30 documentary about him as well as that town
Crazy stuff, I think in 10 years someone will still post a thread that reads, "Today marks the 10 year anniversary" big impact on the one of the biggest games in town...