To those who had bad "inside information"

One more quote:

“The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” Author - Norman Vicent Peale
I saw Florida on a map once....

Holy crap. Yeah, some of the Iowa football team probably does drugs. Name a team/person/country that you can't blame that on. Get over yourself. You have a real name. Thank the Lord. I can believe you so much more now.
No kidding....get over yourself. You are an authority on nothing.
I think those of us that felt we had some information still feel like we had some good information. I too from the presser get the feeling there is still trouble inside the Fort that is Kinnick.

Not to disrespect, because you have always been a credible poster in the say, "felt we had some information" and "get the feeling there is still trouble" is a pretty big leap. Everybody assumes we went 7-5 because of drugs or poor team chemistry.

Actually, the chemistry WAS poor, in terms of losing two starting LBs from last season, then losing a slew THIS season, plus losing how many RGs, plus Clayborn playing hurt (and that Wiscy OL that chopped him also did it to a Michigan player, so it stands to reason the guy is a "serial chopper") PLUS losing one RB to personal "issues", another to season-ending injury and a couple more for part of season to concussions. AND our current starting RB broke his clavicle in camp. Yeah, there's trouble in Fort Kinnick, but I wonder why all those with "inside info" can never acknowledge the "obvious" things like injuries and other attrition that is common throughout college football (I'm pretty sure I won't ever put much credibility in a lot of posts after this last week, but as a Hawkeye fan, I'll still read them)

We have one drug arrest, one player transferring and one not playing in the bowl (with KF alluding to previous academic issue). Pretty far cry from some of those, "There-are-15- positive-tests-Clayborn-Ballard-and-Stanzi-not-playing-McNutt-is-transferring-and-Sash-is-quitting-for-moral-reasons" posts.

An ESPN blog referenced 15 positive drug tests with ZERO facts to back it up. I don't suppose you've seen any retraction from ESPN, though, or have you? That, to me, is the "bad" side of the internet. Information is EVERYWHERE, but credibility is harder to find with every scrap of information that gets put onto the internet.
No kidding....get over yourself. You are an authority on nothing.

No where in any of my posts have I claimed to have any authority. All I am saying is that KF and Barta do a great job of "power playing." I am no way contributing to any rumors, but I as well find it hard to believe that others on the team didn't know (especially with what I know from living next to DJK). Get over YOURself! I never implicated any names- but know "one game suspensions" of the past and future were only listed as "violations of team rules." which is fine, but we will never have an official statement to back up the rumors, also which is fine.

In no way would KF actually say there were positive tests. But do the math 1 NCAA test, 1 BIG TEN test. If you have 700 athletes and processed 900 tests, then as a result you probably only got 1 more test that year. Iowa may test every week (aprx 10 ppl). So even if he didn't do a mass test after DJK, since he was testing 10 when it happened and 10 more over the weekend- then 10-15 players is not unlikely to come back positive.
No where in any of my posts have I claimed to have any authority. All I am saying is that KF and Barta do a great job of "power playing." I am no way contributing to any rumors, but I as well find it hard to believe that others on the team didn't know (especially with what I know from living next to DJK). Get over YOURself! I never implicated any names- but know "one game suspensions" of the past and future were only listed as "violations of team rules." which is fine, but we will never have an official statement to back up the rumors, also which is fine.

In no way would KF actually say there were positive tests. But do the math 1 NCAA test, 1 BIG TEN test. If you have 700 athletes and processed 900 tests, then as a result you probably only got 1 more test that year. Iowa may test every week (aprx 10 ppl). So even if he didn't do a mass test after DJK, since he was testing 10 when it happened and 10 more over the weekend- then 10-15 players is not unlikely to come back positive.

It's not unlikely that over 50% of the tests came back positive (100% if you believe that over 20 players tested positive)?

It's not unlikely that it just happened to be the biggest names on the team were randomly selected and allegedly tested positive in those two tests?

You're reaching. I could believe 20 players could get caught within a year. But within a span of a week?
I would be willing to venture a guess that this happens in nearly every school in America. Heck nearly every high school. To think that this is only a problem at Iowa is too simple, and frankly, wrong. I am not saying that you think Iowa is the ONLY school, but no one else is suspended or missing the game. Why keep talking about it?
I listened to the press conference, I believe I heard Ferentz say "We were actually doing some testing at the time" of DJK's arrest. I also heard Barta explain the University's policy on THEIR tests. I believe he stated "Well the first step is to get that individual into couseling before it becomes a bigger issue or before law enforcement gets involved". I believe he was also asked "Does this mean anyone failing this test would be suspended"? and his reply was "Not neccesarily".

This does leave the door open for talk that some players COULD HAVE tested positive and still be eligible under UofI guidelines.

With that being said I believe Coach is a "stand up" guy with morals/values that would look closely at the situation and do what's right in each case.

I get as frustrated as any Hawk fan out there, sure we had high expectations and yes things could have been better and I'm sure the staff would be the first to tell you that things SHOULD HAVE been better.

Maybe we will, maybe we won't ever know the truth but in the end does it really matter? If we agree with the way the program is run, what does it matter? We trust the correct decision will be made.

Let's hope the squad itself is focusing their time on Missou prep and us as fans should be focusing on the success our program has had over the years and continue to wear our BLACK AND GOLD with pride. Things could be much worse!!!!!

Is it just me or did Ferentz look a little tired during the presser? I hope it's because he's been staying up late in preparation for the upcoming bowl game and not for some other reason........
I think those of us that felt we had some information still feel like we had some good information. I too from the presser get the feeling there is still trouble inside the Fort that is Kinnick.

In other words, I have a hard time admitting I may have possibly been wrong for the first time in my life..
HawkfaninTx. I asked you a week ago if you had all this inside information, why were you coming to a message board to verify it. Now, that some of your sources were wrong. Are you now trying to suggest a cover-up? I will keep my faith in KF. I will admit the rumors were wild last week and even a lot of ex-players believed some of them.
In other words, I have a hard time admitting I may have possibly been wrong for the first time in my life..
I love message boards where guys hide behind their name...PM me and I will share where my information comes from and I am wrong almost everyday of my life in some vain. Get over yourselves...I know the presser left a lot of gray area with students getting around the test, and by the way every athlete on the team was tested this season. So it is conceivable that 20+ kids failed a test. My point all along is this, if you were to test every bowl eligible team right would get plenty of positive test results, so would you at the NFL level.
People can make things up that is the problem with a free board

Too many clowns huskers gophers and Tigers on here
I think Kirk Ferentz is a stand up guy and would not hide from additional "known" trouble. I thought he handled the press conference well and I put a lot of faith in his words.

Also, if kids test positive for the first time, I have no trouble with them being assessed and getting them some help. Those of us that went into education did so to help kids. I see no reason why college is different.

I believe this will pass on. It's ironic that last year around 10 or more MSU players were suspended for their bowl game. The following season turned out OK. The difference between Ferentz and Dantonio (sp) is that Ferentz would NEVER let a guy that was released from a 10-day jail sentence on a Thursday play again on Saturday.

Let's not forget what kind of credibility we have in Kirk Ferentz. I'm glad he's our coach and look forward to many more years under his leadership.
For some that is fine, but for most that actually have morals it doesn't rub the right way. College kids are college kids, but in a situation of privledge you have to act accordingly. Not very many have the opportunity these "kids"/ADULTS actually have. Please don't assume all is fine & dandy in Fort Kinnick.

I am no way contributing to any rumors, but I as well find it hard to believe that others on the team didn't know (especially with what I know from living next to DJK).

It seems that you are indicating that you have direct knowledge of wrongdoing by members of Iowa Athletics and in this case maybe DJK in particular due to the proximity of you living next to him in the past. It also seems that you are stating that you have more morals than others thus the program should provide more detailed accounts of any negative behavior in our program and it is privilage to be a student/athlete at the University of Iowa. You are also indicating that other players "must" have known about any wrongdoing and I take it they should have snitched on their teammate?

So if I am making my own assumptions you are a guy with high moral character, feel that if someone knows something about wrongdoing they are to bring it to the attention of an authority figure because it is a privilage to be involved in athletics at Iowa and since you lived near DJK you have 1st hand knowledge that wrongdoing was going on. Why didn't your morals drive you to rat out DJK during your time living near him. Seems to me like you think a fellow teammate should break the trust of another teammate why not a neighbor that posts his picture and name on a message board.
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No where in any of my posts have I claimed to have any authority. All I am saying is that KF and Barta do a great job of "power playing." I am no way contributing to any rumors, but I as well find it hard to believe that others on the team didn't know (especially with what I know from living next to DJK). Get over YOURself! I never implicated any names- but know "one game suspensions" of the past and future were only listed as "violations of team rules." which is fine, but we will never have an official statement to back up the rumors, also which is fine.

In no way would KF actually say there were positive tests. But do the math 1 NCAA test, 1 BIG TEN test. If you have 700 athletes and processed 900 tests, then as a result you probably only got 1 more test that year. Iowa may test every week (aprx 10 ppl). So even if he didn't do a mass test after DJK, since he was testing 10 when it happened and 10 more over the weekend- then 10-15 players is not unlikely to come back positive.
I guess I am not sure what your goal is here. Is it to say the U of I is guilty of something and not telling? Is it that you know soooo much more from your sources than the University is saying? It is as if you are looking and scrounging around for info to prove that your info is legit. You seem to be only satisfied when the dirt shows up so you can say....see!!!!! I told you, pat me on the back now please. Not sure a true Hawk fan would like to see turmoil or problems for the Hawks, as you seem to want.
Sure glad we know your name now. That makes you and your crap so much more credible.:rolleyes:
I am no way contributing to any rumors, but I as well find it hard to believe that others on the team didn't know (especially with what I know from living next to DJK).

It seems that you are indicating that you have direct knowledge of wrongdoing by members of Iowa Athletics and in this case maybe DJK in particular due to the proximity of you living next to him in the past. It also seems that you are stating that you have more morals than others thus the program should provide more detailed accounts of any negative behavior in our program and it is privilage to be a student/athlete at the University of Iowa. You are also indicating that other players "must" have known about any wrongdoing and I take it they should have snitched on their teammate?

So if I am making my own assumptions you are a guy with high moral character, feel that if someone knows something about wrongdoing they are to bring it to the attention of an authority figure because it is privilage to be involved in athletics at Iowa and since you lived near DJK you have 1st hand knowledge that wrongdoing was going on. Why didn't your morals drive you to rat out DJK during your time living near him. Seems to me like you think a fellow teammate should break the trust of another teammate why not a neighbor that posts his picture and name on a message board.

Here's one for the "it's two totally different things" crowd.

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