To those who had bad "inside information"


Well-Known Member
I hope every one of you feels a little bad for the negativity and rumors you helped to propagate. You call yourself Hawkeye fans? Shame on you, I hope you have learned something through all of this. I certainly hope you never serve as jury duty. If someone can say... Well, I know this janitor's wife who knows his cousin, and he told him that he was guilty and you find this enough to call it inside info and throw the charged in jail.

How about have a bit of faith? How about show a little respect? How about you know something before you post it? Is it that hard? I seriously think the next "I was told by someone with inside information" rumor post should be banned forever from this site. This goes beyond message board bothering... you are posting lies about people's kids, our own team.

Bad JuJu, and you know who you are. I hope whoever it was that you trusted with this info that drug you down with it apologizes to you. Next time you see them... ask them about their "inside info" status... and tell them what they are full of and never take a word they say for the truth. I hope they have never told you they have not slept with your gf. Maybe that is there "inside info" they are speaking of? Point is... get liars out of your life. If they can lie about something like this... what else will they lie to you about?
my sources had nothing to gain from what they shared with me. Unfortunately with a privately funded program they can act like they are operating under the auspices of a "code of conduct" when those that are funding that very program is not/will not be informed of what really goes on. For some that is fine, but for most that actually have morals it doesn't rub the right way. College kids are college kids, but in a situation of privledge you have to act accordingly. Not very many have the opportunity these "kids"/ADULTS actually have. Please don't assume all is fine & dandy in Fort Kinnick.
I don't need you to tell me what I should or should not believe on an internet message board. Actually to me if you want to be the super fan that you claim that you are you wouldn't lower yourself to be associated in any way with the tragic events that you lay out in your post. So, in other words, leave the forum o highest form of Hawkeye fan and prove once and for all that you have more faith and respect than anyone who dares try to pass along any information on an internet message board forum.
you have now seen the stupid posts from the doom sayers who post under false names and wouldn't have the guts to say in person what they say on a message board.
Have always been open and honest about who I am. My avatar is my actual picture and my name is Chris Braden.
Well my inside info was relatively accurate. The only three names I was told were Hampton, A-Rob, and Bernstine (who was listed as a "possibility" by my source). I didn't buy any of the other stuff.
Once heard a quote/saying that said... If what you heard makes you angry, you should maybe take a look at yourself and wonder why it makes you angry... Just saying.
I can't help but feel that I let some of you down. My apologies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to track down a rumor that Kiah Stokes is going to choose UConn over the Hawkeyes!
I think that you are badly misunderstanding the situation. The mistake did not lie in the information that people had, that a number of players failed their drug tests, but in their assumptions of what Coach Ferentz would do with that information. I think that everyone was whipped up into a frenzy and assumed that anyone testing positive would be kicked off the team and in retrospect that probably seems like a pretty bad assumption. Speaking for myself I never thought and never will think that college students using recreational drugs to be a particularly big deal.
I think that you are badly misunderstanding the situation. The mistake did not lie in the information that people had, that a number of players failed their drug tests, but in their assumptions of what Coach Ferentz would do with that information. I think that everyone was whipped up into a frenzy and assumed that anyone testing positive would be kicked off the team and in retrospect that probably seems like a pretty bad assumption. Speaking for myself I never thought and never will think that college students using recreational drugs to be a particularly big deal.

Just flat out not true. There was no drug test beyond the random procedures established by the athletic department. None. Zero. So there weren't any tests for players to fail.

Meanwhile, most of the rumors posted suggested that Ferentz tested the whole team over the weekend. That never happened.

If we can't separate basic facts from total fabrication, what's the point of any of this? I don't want to get political, but it reminds me of about 100 examples from the past decade of people just completely making things up out of thin air, evidence be damned.
Just flat out not true. There was no drug test beyond the random procedures established by the athletic department. None. Zero. So there weren't any tests for players to fail.

Meanwhile, most of the rumors posted suggested that Ferentz tested the whole team over the weekend. That never happened.

If we can't separate basic facts from total fabrication, what's the point of any of this? I don't want to get political, but it reminds me of about 100 examples from the past decade of people just completely making things up out of thin air, evidence be damned.

This. It seems like, in a harried effort to maintain some credibility, the rumor mongers have now turned into spin doctors. "Hey, my info was correct; 20+ players DID test positive, but the coaches just aren't suspending them for it." Yeah, ok, since anything remotely like that came out of the presser today. I feel bad for them; they're no different from those who refuse to believe that Obama was born in Hawaii or those who are convinced we didn't land on the moon. The more info you give them, the more convinced they are that there's a coverup afoot.
Once heard a quote/saying that said... If what you heard makes you angry, you should maybe take a look at yourself and wonder why it makes you angry... Just saying.

Nice quote... who stated that? I am guessing nobody ever heard of him or ever will. I think upset is a better word than angry. True leaders address false accusations. I am glad the University of Iowa did exactly that.

If a co-worker falsely accused your wife of being a whore... If a co-worker told your boss that he has inside information that falsely accuses you of doing illegal drugs, would that make you angry? If a cop pulls you over for doing 85 in a 55 and you were doing the speed limit... Would you just take a look at yourself and wonder why it makes you angry?

I already know why I am upset about it... we all should be.
my sources had nothing to gain from what they shared with me. Unfortunately with a privately funded program they can act like they are operating under the auspices of a "code of conduct" when those that are funding that very program is not/will not be informed of what really goes on. For some that is fine, but for most that actually have morals it doesn't rub the right way. College kids are college kids, but in a situation of privledge you have to act accordingly. Not very many have the opportunity these "kids"/ADULTS actually have. Please don't assume all is fine & dandy in Fort Kinnick.
I think those of us that felt we had some information still feel like we had some good information. I too from the presser get the feeling there is still trouble inside the Fort that is Kinnick.
I think most of the rumors were started by trolls, fans of other teams, or people with hardly any posts on here.... let's just move on.
I think those of us that felt we had some information still feel like we had some good information. I too from the presser get the feeling there is still trouble inside the Fort that is Kinnick.

Are you ever TRULY wrong if you just don't admit you were wrong???? I'm pretty sure I aced the SAT's, it's just those f***ers that administer the test didn't admit THEY had the wrong answers!! ;)

I heard a lot of the same things as what was posted on here. But come on, most of it has turned out to be BS. The team wasn't tested, so you couldn't have 20+ positive test come up when they team wasn't tested....

Do more of the players do drugs than have been caught? Sure they do. Is it any worse/better than any other college football team? I doubt it.....
I never tossed around names but I did concur with rumors that I had heard. That somehow makes me a bad Hawkeye fan? Shame on me? Sorry dude, but short of posting the name's of people who were telling me what they knew of the situation or what they had been told, I can say 1 of them is athletically involved at the UofI. Another is roommates with several football players. And another is what you would call a friend with benefits with one of the supposed "10" that was reportedly tested....sorry, but outside of throwing players names out into the open, anybody that passed along any realistic and believable information was doing exactly what a message board is designed for....engaging in discussion. Cry about it all you want.
my sources had nothing to gain from what they shared with me. Unfortunately with a privately funded program they can act like they are operating under the auspices of a "code of conduct" when those that are funding that very program is not/will not be informed of what really goes on. For some that is fine, but for most that actually have morals it doesn't rub the right way. College kids are college kids, but in a situation of privledge you have to act accordingly. Not very many have the opportunity these "kids"/ADULTS actually have. Please don't assume all is fine & dandy in Fort Kinnick.

Please shut up!
Have always been open and honest about who I am. My avatar is my actual picture and my name is Chris Braden.

I saw Florida on a map once....

Holy crap. Yeah, some of the Iowa football team probably does drugs. Name a team/person/country that you can't blame that on. Get over yourself. You have a real name. Thank the Lord. I can believe you so much more now.
Nice quote... who stated that? I am guessing nobody ever heard of him or ever will. I think upset is a better word than angry. True leaders address false accusations. I am glad the University of Iowa did exactly that.

If a co-worker falsely accused your wife of being a whore... If a co-worker told your boss that he has inside information that falsely accuses you of doing illegal drugs, would that make you angry? If a cop pulls you over for doing 85 in a 55 and you were doing the speed limit... Would you just take a look at yourself and wonder why it makes you angry?

I already know why I am upset about it... we all should be.

Can't remember but I believe it was Dr. John Maxwell who said that, I'm speculating that he's a man who has developed and influenced more leaders with his pinky then you have your whole life based on your reaction...

Probably should have clarified... this was actually for those you were criticizing, but what part about that quote is wrong? If you think about it, all it really says is to make sure your anger is justified... The quote is more about receiving criticism and looking within oneself to see if it's justified before flying off the handle... I was actually leaning more towards your side of the argument, but...

Another quote: "Silence is sometimes the severest criticism." Author - Charles Buxton

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