TMZ alleges Winston point shaving vs. LVL

I am certainly no fan of this guy but I can't see him being such an idiot as to risk jail time for a friend to win 5k. Dude makes more than that selling autographs in a weekend.
Also, the whole thing seems to be based upon a guy who made a bet being friends with the QB of a team involved in game. The friend says it didn't happen and the case goes Poof.

And what about the past couple of years of his life would lead you to believe this was true?
It would be laughable in a sense if Winston does time for this instead of the rape.

This point-shaving incident , even if true, is imo easy to forgive-- football is only a game, he would've done a buddy (not the mob) a favor, and still pulled out the game for his team. Kids can get caught up in such things, particularly if there's no victim.

In summary, it appears to be only a matter of time before Jameis rapes the oats he forcibly sowed.

Point shaving is a felony, punishable by 5 years in it is not easy to forgive.
Don't know if I am completely buying this story. That being said, if I am a NFL franchise there is enough smoke that it just adds to the list of the things that make me not go near this dude.

I don't know, if I'm the Bengals and Winston slides to the middle of the first round and I can grab him, it's going to be hard to pass up when the other option is sending that ginger back out to **** his pants in any big game. Winston would be an instant upgrade for at least the following teams:

My against the grain pick: all the allegations stick (at least enough to get coverage) because of racism.
I've accused many a college football player of shaving points after I lost a bet, doesn't mean they actually did. I still think Arizona's kicker Casey Skowron threw their game against USC this year.

Not possible. No one with that first name has ever done anything wrong ever. Known fact.
If he is charged and convicted I would assume they take back his Heisman. I believe AJ McCarron was runner up.
James has got Vince Young written all over him. (as in, bust)

That's a real lazy comparison. Young ran a dumbed down spread offense, where the coaches made all the reads for him and if it wasn't there he just ran around. And he was awesome at it, but it's not a good comparison for Winston. Florida St runs a much more pro-style offense, for as dumb as people think Winston is off the field, he has a really high football IQ. Even as a redshirt freshman last year, he was great at reading defenses and checking out of plays. He's not a runner like Young, he is good at moving around in the pocket and keeping plays alive. He's much closer to Luck than he is to Young on the field.
That's a real lazy comparison. Young ran a dumbed down spread offense, where the coaches made all the reads for him and if it wasn't there he just ran around. And he was awesome at it, but it's not a good comparison for Winston. Florida St runs a much more pro-style offense, for as dumb as people think Winston is off the field, he has a really high football IQ. Even as a redshirt freshman last year, he was great at reading defenses and checking out of plays. He's not a runner like Young, he is good at moving around in the pocket and keeping plays alive. He's much closer to Luck than he is to Young on the field.
Andrew Luck? Winston's footwork and throwing mechanics are not even in the same universe as Luck's were when he was coming out of college, let alone now. Lot's of people can chuck the rock. And lots of people can keep plays alive. Few do both as well as Winston. But doing both will not make you a good NFL QB without a quick release and good footwork. He'll get drafted high, but if he can't get the techniques right, he'll be a bust just like every other amazing athlete with a strong arm that's gone in the first and never panned out.
Andrew Luck? Winston's footwork and throwing mechanics are not even in the same universe as Luck's were when he was coming out of college, let alone now. Lot's of people can chuck the rock. And lots of people can keep plays alive. Few do both as well as Winston. But doing both will not make you a good NFL QB without a quick release and good footwork. He'll get drafted high, but if he can't get the techniques right, he'll be a bust just like every other amazing athlete with a strong arm that's gone in the first and never panned out.

Winston isnt a freak athlete nor does he have Flacco or Stafford like arm strength. His ability to read defenses and go through his progressions are what set him apart. I'm not saying he's better than Luck or anything but he's closer to him than Young.
Winston isnt a freak athlete nor does he have Flacco or Stafford like arm strength. His ability to read defenses and go through his progressions are what set him apart. I'm not saying he's better than Luck or anything but he's closer to him than Young.

I personally think that Ben Roethlisberger is the best NFL comparison for Winston in terms of playing style, talent, and ceiling.
I personally think that Ben Roethlisberger is the best NFL comparison for Winston in terms of playing style, talent, and ceiling.

And if Roethlisberger was drafted by the Bucs he would probably be Ryan Leaf. The teams likely to draft Winston are a unstable, dysfunctional mess.
And if Roethlisberger was drafted by the Bucs he would probably be Ryan Leaf. The teams likely to draft Winston are a unstable, dysfunctional mess.

What?! If Roethlisberger would have been drafted by the Bucs and spent his first 5+ seasons with Jon Gruden as his head coach, he probably would have better career numbers. Maybe he wouldn't have had the postseason success that he has in Pittsburgh, but if there's one thing that Gruden knew how to do, it was run an offense and teach quarterbacks.
What?! If Roethlisberger would have been drafted by the Bucs and spent his first 5+ seasons with Jon Gruden as his head coach, he probably would have better career numbers. Maybe he wouldn't have had the postseason success that he has in Pittsburgh, but if there's one thing that Gruden knew how to do, it was run an offense and teach quarterbacks.

ehhhh, you got me there. If Dungy had a QB with a pulse he probably doesn't get fired....Yeah, I know Brad Johnson wasn't exactly a hof'er.
That's a good one, even down to the rape allegations.

Reothelisberger's lack of maturity didn't show itself until 2 or 3 years into his NFL career. The Steelers had the support system and infrastructure to deal with it; teams likely to draft Winston do not. The vast majority of the teams you listed that would draft him are a unstable/dysfunctional mess. As the Vikings/Ravens organizations can tell you it does not take much to have a PR nightmare on your hands. Imo, he isn't worth the headache. If I bring that cat in I better be getting Roethlisberger results.
What?! If Roethlisberger would have been drafted by the Bucs and spent his first 5+ seasons with Jon Gruden as his head coach, he probably would have better career numbers. Maybe he wouldn't have had the postseason success that he has in Pittsburgh, but if there's one thing that Gruden knew how to do, it was run an offense and teach quarterbacks.

Re-thinking this Ken Whisenhut and Bruce Arians weren't exactly dog poo. Don't quite get the Roethlisberger comparison, Winston reminds me of a larger version of Drew Brees or a Russell Wilson. Big Ben is a gigantic oak tree that is great at extending plays.

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