Time to Start a Mobile QB Who Can Use His Legs

You mean like 51-14 fire? Or like close loss fire? Or like best win of the season (pitt) fire?
Ultimately I agree it won't fix our problems at this point. The time to make the change was ball state. It's too late now. I don't think putting CJ in as the starter right now would be good for him.

How would it not be good for him? Would you rather Iowa continue to flounder on offense and lose the last 3 games?

Start CJ the rest of the season and he probably stays. Keep him riding the pine and he's gone. Is that what you want?
When your opponent scores 51 points I would suggest that the quarterback position isn't where you look first for game changing results.....

Do we have any NFL caliber LB's on the sidelines we haven't been playing? The LB play especially was atrociously bad. Maybe the worst under KF but there might not be a quick fix. Maybe we should go to the 5-2 defense.
Look we played like absolute garbage. But sometimes making a change at the most visible position on the team can provide a spark (see Pitt vs Iowa 2014). I'm not saying switching the QB would have meant victory, but maybe it would have sparked the team to not get absolutely demoralized either. Hard to say for sure, but doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.
I absolutely believe CJ should have played after Jakes second turnover. I also believe JR is a "momentum / confidence " QB that can be effective, until he...isn't. KF and GD are paid to know when to make the switch...and they appear to NOT know....

That said, as much as most, including me, think JR needs a shorter leash, and CJ should play more...there are bigger issues that lead to getting pummeled the way we did.

But unless CJ can also play Dline, LB, and Safety, we still lose that game by 2+ touchdowns.

I think Joke's leash should have him tethered to the bench.
How would it not be good for him? Would you rather Iowa continue to flounder on offense and lose the last 3 games?

Start CJ the rest of the season and he probably stays. Keep him riding the pine and he's gone. Is that what you want?

It's time to end the Chronicles of Riddick.

He has no upside. None. What you've seen is what you're gonna get. At the first sign of turbulence, it's checkdown city, baby.

Sunshine is allegedly riskier. Allegedly. He's also got a way better arm and far quicker release, and those are not allegations, those are facts.

You're going 1-2 max the rest of the season. You've got nothing to lose giving a possibly far superior QB a shot.
It's time to end the Chronicles of Riddick.

He has no upside. None. What you've seen is what you're gonna get. At the first sign of turbulence, it's checkdown city, baby.

Sunshine is allegedly riskier. Allegedly. He's also got a way better arm and far quicker release, and those are not allegations, those are facts.

You're going 1-2 max the rest of the season. You've got nothing to lose giving a possibly far superior QB a shot.
I agree 100%. But why don't the coaches see this? Is it that KF just doesn't like CJ? Or he just has that big of a hard on for Jake? I guess we know he thinks Jake is the greatest, smartest kid in the world.
Look we played like absolute garbage. But sometimes making a change at the most visible position on the team can provide a spark (see Pitt vs Iowa 2014). I'm not saying switching the QB would have meant victory, but maybe it would have sparked the team to not get absolutely demoralized either. Hard to say for sure, but doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

The definition of insanity just got changed to "thinking the changing of the QB will make the defense play better, tackle better,, cover receivers better, the offensive line to block better, the special teams to kick it further, and the RB's to not fumble".
The definition of insanity just got changed to "thinking the changing of the QB will make the defense play better, tackle better,, cover receivers better, the offensive line to block better, the special teams to kick it further, and the RB's to not fumble".
I didn't say I expected that to happen, but the team could, and I mean COULD POSSIBLY, play with more energy and start to do some things better. Look at the second half of the PITT game. We looked totally different. It may or may not been because of CJ, but we haven't come out like that in the 2nd half of any other game this year. I get what you are saying, our defense sucked. The line blocked well early, but then sucked, our punting sucked, and CJ can't fix all of that, but he can bring a different dynamic and maybe even some hope to a floundering team. But hey why do anything, just get your *** pounded and say thank you. That seems totally logical to me.
I didn't say I expected that to happen, but the team could, and I mean COULD POSSIBLY, play with more energy and start to do some things better. Look at the second half of the PITT game. We looked totally different. It may or may not been because of CJ, but we haven't come out like that in the 2nd half of any other game this year. I get what you are saying, our defense sucked. The line blocked well early, but then sucked, our punting sucked, and CJ can't fix all of that, but he can bring a different dynamic and maybe even some hope to a floundering team. But hey why do anything, just get your *** pounded and say thank you. That seems totally logical to me.

I didn't say to do nothing. I fully expected CJ to come in; and when he did, he was running for his life too. I wouldn't put the loss entirely on JR (as some on here are trying to do).

And as for the Pitt game... The offense wasn't palying that bad in first half. They just didn't have many opportunities because Pitt had the ball the whole time. The defense was getting ran all over in that game. That has nothing to do with who the QB is. If you think the players are gonna possibly play better simply cuz their QB is in, I point you to the purdue game.
I didn't say to do nothing. I fully expected CJ to come in; and when he did, he was running for his life too. I wouldn't put the loss entirely on JR (as some on here are trying to do).

And as for the Pitt game... The offense wasn't palying that bad in first half. They just didn't have many opportunities because Pitt had the ball the whole time. The defense was getting ran all over in that game. That has nothing to do with who the QB is. If you think the players are gonna possibly play better simply cuz their QB is in, I point you to the purdue game.

That's actually not true. We had the ball 4 times in the 1st half and 4 times in the 2nd half. Actually the 4th possession in the second half was just to run out the clock with no pass attempts so effectively we had more possessions in the 1st half .
I didn't say to do nothing. I fully expected CJ to come in; and when he did, he was running for his life too. I wouldn't put the loss entirely on JR (as some on here are trying to do).

And as for the Pitt game... The offense wasn't palying that bad in first half. They just didn't have many opportunities because Pitt had the ball the whole time. The defense was getting ran all over in that game. That has nothing to do with who the QB is. If you think the players are gonna possibly play better simply cuz their QB is in, I point you to the purdue game.
By the time CJ came in Saturday the game had been over for a long time. As for the Purdue game, CJ did not play well at first, but I thought he showed a lot of signs as the game wore on. I could be wrong, but I firmly believe that if he would have been the starting QB from day one, the offense would be better. He just doesn't get the reps that Jake gets, but he has more talent.
That's actually not true. We had the ball 4 times in the 1st half and 4 times in the 2nd half. Actually the 4th possession in the second half was just to run out the clock with no pass attempts so effectively we had more possessions in the 1st half .

If Powell catches that first deep ball by JR instead of flipping it to the defender he scores. If Powell doesn't one handed catch the long ball from CJ in the second half, it's a different ball game. Reverse those two catches by Powell and we're having an entirely different conversation.

I'll add that the defense stopping the run in the 2nd half had far more to do with the win than the QB.
If Powell catches that first deep ball by JR instead of flipping it to the defender he scores. If Powell doesn't one handed catch the long ball from CJ in the second half, it's a different ball game. Reverse those two catches by Powell and we're having an entirely different conversation.

I'll add that the defense stopping the run in the 2nd half had far more to do with the win than the QB.

We had just lost to ISU and were down 10 points to Pitt when CJ came in. It looked like a different and better team with CJ in there. We scored every possession which we needed to do.

Anyway, we pretty much know what we're going to get with Rudock the next 1.5 years, a lot of checkdowns and maybe a 7-5 or 8-4 record (if lucky). I'd rather gamble on the player with a higher upside and practically no downside, and get him experience.

What's our record if CJ started every game? Probably not worse than 6-3, maybe better but we'd almost certainly be 5-4 right now if CJ didn't win the Pitt game.
If Powell catches that first deep ball by JR instead of flipping it to the defender he scores. If Powell doesn't one handed catch the long ball from CJ in the second half, it's a different ball game. Reverse those two catches by Powell and we're having an entirely different conversation.

I'll add that the defense stopping the run in the 2nd half had far more to do with the win than the QB.
We can just agree to disagree. I honestly do respect your opinion and understand where you are coming from. I can't explain it, the team just looked different. The game was suddenly more exciting. Maybe they got a great halftime speech, but that doesn't seem to happen much under KF.

If you want to talk about the Purdue game we can talk about the unbelievable amount of dropped passes, but I am willing to admit CJ started rough. The one thing you can not debate is that CJ has more arm strength, and is more mobile than Jake.
We have that guy on our roster. When he has played, he has played well. Rudock has limited arm strength, limited mobility, and very little poise when pressured. Beathard is faster with a stronger arm. Will Beathard make mistakes? Of course he will, but so has Rudock. What is the down side now?

Come on Coach, it's time to make a change. Play Mr. Beathard. Send a message to this team that you will think outside of the box a little bit. Take some risk. Play Beathard in the first half of the Illinois game. If he plays well, leave him in there. If he doesn't, put Rudock back in.

Coach Ferentz, this is an average team that needs a spark. Beathard could be that spark. Wake up, Coach

I'm trying to figure out how you received 2 thumbs down on this post. It's not like you ripped JR apart. Far from it in fact.

If KF were to do this though, It's my belief the world is about to end. He'll go to his grave believing JR offers the best chance to win.

CJB threw 3 passes on Saturday, into the wind, or heading towards the west endzone that based on the 1 1/2 years of watching JR throw the ball, I don't believe he would have made those throws or had the confidence to make them. His arm strength or lack there of has been beaten to death here, but he doesn't have what it takes to make the 3 throws CJB made. It's not JR's fault either. Some players have more athletic ability then others. We don't rip the kid a new one for that. It's just the way it is.

BTW, 2 of those passes were complete and one was ruled a drop in the endzone. Also, the announcer, Joey Galloway, said very few things that made sense Saturday, but one thing was very accurate. He said KF should have left JR in late in the game as it wasn't fair to CJB to bring him in at that point of the game. I'd agree. The middle of the 2nd qtr. or to start the 2nd half would have been the only thing that gave Iowa a chance and let CJB get into a flow of some kind we'd hope.
I'm trying to figure out how you received 2 thumbs down on this post. It's not like you ripped JR apart. Far from it in fact.

If KF were to do this though, It's my belief the world is about to end. He'll go to his grave believing JR offers the best chance to win.

CJB threw 3 passes on Saturday, into the wind, or heading towards the west endzone that based on the 1 1/2 years of watching JR throw the ball, I don't believe he would have made those throws or had the confidence to make them. His arm strength or lack there of has been beaten to death here, but he doesn't have what it takes to make the 3 throws CJB made. It's not JR's fault either. Some players have more athletic ability then others. We don't rip the kid a new one for that. It's just the way it is.

BTW, 2 of those passes were complete and one was ruled a drop in the endzone. Also, the announcer, Joey Galloway, said very few things that made sense Saturday, but one thing was very accurate. He said KF should have left JR in late in the game as it wasn't fair to CJB to bring him in at that point of the game. I'd agree. The middle of the 2nd qtr. or to start the 2nd half would have been the only thing that gave Iowa a chance and let CJB get into a flow of some kind we'd hope.
When in comes to CJB, KF just comes off as an a-hole. When he's deserved a ton of credit, all he does is talk about Jake. When he deserves a chance, he leaves him on the bench. And then he finally puts him in during mop up time after Minnesota had changed QBs earlier. I don't know what CJ has done to get on KF's bad side, but he does not seem to be well liked.
Is CJB really that much "quicker" than JR? I'm not saying CJB couldn't provide a spark, but I don't think you want to bring in CJB to have him rush for 100+ yards like a JT Barrett or Cain Colter. Jake has made numerous plays with his legs and both qb's, at least to me, look to have similar quickness with their feet. Iowa's OL got punked on Saturday..plain and simple. Jake had little to no time to make reads.

I will say, however, that CJB deserved to get into the Minny game sooner than he did. Seems like once he got in, it got the players' attention and the intensity picked up a bit.
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By the time CJ came in Saturday the game had been over for a long time. As for the Purdue game, CJ did not play well at first, but I thought he showed a lot of signs as the game wore on. I could be wrong, but I firmly believe that if he would have been the starting QB from day one, the offense would be better. He just doesn't get the reps that Jake gets, but he has more talent.

Whether or not we be a better team with one quarterback as opposed to the other is a very debatable point. It's all based upon opinion, speculation, and projection. I think one brings something that the other doesn't. Both good and bad qualities.
We can just agree to disagree. I honestly do respect your opinion and understand where you are coming from. I can't explain it, the team just looked different. The game was suddenly more exciting. Maybe they got a great halftime speech, but that doesn't seem to happen much under KF.

If you want to talk about the Purdue game we can talk about the unbelievable amount of dropped passes, but I am willing to admit CJ started rough. The one thing you can not debate is that CJ has more arm strength, and is more mobile than Jake.

Agreed to agree to disagree. I don't think you are I will be swaying each other's votes either way. Lol'n

And for the record, I'm not strictly a JR guy. I think he is the scapegoat/whipping boy for many people on here. I don't believe it's fair. I don't believe CJ's arm strength is leaps and bounds ahead of JR's (as MANY posters will lead you to believe) I feel that CJ may have a stronger arm, but JR knows the offense better. I personally would lean towards JR because of the defense (outside of the Purdue game, the defense has shown to be a big weakness for this team-a point many on here ignore). I think he'll put them in less vulnerable positions than CJ would. In fact, if CJ would take the check down more often… He would likely be the starter. But he's always going for the homerun. Put some cash in the bank, man! Take the check down and move the chains!! That's what JR has over CJ.
How can you say that with a straight face after Saturday's performance?

Jake has thrown like 20 interceptions in his starts the last 1.7 years. that is safe? He had the most in the league last year.

As Gamefilm pointed out, after the interception early in the 2nd qtr, Jake did not throw another pass that went for more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage the rest of the game....a game we were trying to catch up in....that is nuts.

Meanwhile, CJ comes in late, and hits two deeper passes downfield...one that McCarron caught just out of the bounds and then the 34 yd td pass....a frozen rope that jake cannot throw.

What exactly is the upside to checking down when trailing by 4 tds...?

KF is facing an existential crisis....does he want to give the fans and team a chance to finish strong?
There is absolutely no chance we will have the perfect windless passing conditions that Jake requires to give him the confidence to throw down field the rest of the way. Gonna be windy at Champaign again on Saturday....do we go with the guy that turtles in those conditions, against Lunt, who has a big arm for the Illini? Greg Davis pointed out last spring that the ball just spins differently out of CJ's hand than Jake....that allows it to cut thru the wind. If KF does not cave, he will lose the fans, and the team.

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