Time to Sack Up

Tired of all the questions and doubts about beating Arizona this Saturday. This is probably one of the best Iowa teams I have seen over the past 30 years. It is like you don't want to get your hearts broken by expecting too much.

No worries Iowa Fan....we are not playing them in basketball. And by the way Arizona Fan.....you have IOWA (Lute Olson) to thank for any kind of college sporting relevance. Time to break off a corn cob in their you know what.

Desert Swarm gets pounded by Hawks... 33 - 6. Who's with me?????!!!!??
Does this kind of macho posturing really help get guys into a game? Because honestly, it just made me (literally) laugh out loud and shake my head!

Ahhh, it's good to be back in Iowa!
you know what made me laugh out loud? the thought of what an iowa farm girl looks like that has enough time to spend on here (time better spent grooming things).
Does this kind of macho posturing really help get guys into a game? Because honestly, it just made me (literally) laugh out loud and shake my head!

Ahhh, it's good to be back in Iowa!

Yes it (the macho posturing) helps! And you should know that Iowa Farm Girl. Guys are basic, linear, prehistoric beasts. We pound our chests after posting. We grunt and swear. I (for one) am consuming a beverage that is primarially hops based as I type this meassage. Welcome to the board. We hope you enjoy your stay. Just don't talk about your feelings. That will make us nervous. By the way the Hawks are going to clean Arizona's clock.
Farm girl is BACK to make her best attempt at derailing thread after thread by trying to put down the original posters and/or make them sound stupid. I hate this chick.
Based on the same user name and the same exact attitude and smugness I would guess it HAS to be. On the old HN I hid her with the "ignore" button. Do we have that on here?
Yea actually there is click on her username it opens up a drop down menu there you can add her to your ignore list.
Yes it (the macho posturing) helps! And you should know that Iowa Farm Girl. Guys are basic, linear, prehistoric beasts. We pound our chests after posting. We grunt and swear. I (for one) am consuming a beverage that is primarially hops based as I type this meassage. Welcome to the board. We hope you enjoy your stay. Just don't talk about your feelings. That will make us nervous. By the way the Hawks are going to clean Arizona's clock.

Yeah, I'm going to put on my flannel shirt, buy tickets to a monster truck rally, and put a dip in. Lets Go Hawks!

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