Time to move forward

I can say no one is a bigger Hawk Fan than myself (trust me). I am very disapointed about this season as many of you are. But I don't believe throwing our couches or players under the bus is gonna help anything. I would take Kirk over almost any coach out there. What our coaching staff does with low star recruits is second to none. Don't forget that.
Now we need to support the coaches and the team when they really need it. Ohio State next week would be a big win for us, and help in recruiting. So lets all move on and support our team.
Let me reiterate...

We are not even 12 hours removed from the loss. We are not going to "move forward" yet. Let us vent for a few days and then we will be ready to look to OSU, Ok?
Hey I know I need to vent also. I guess my point was not to run our coach out of town before we think about it. We as Hawk Fans ran Tom Davis out of town. Hows that worked for us?
G.F.Y. In "classic" (for you, Jon) Iowa fashion they failed to take care of take-carable business. Hell, even the players and coaches haven't flushed this one, yet.
I hope all the fans can get pumped up for Ohio State Our team will need us at Kinnick Cmon HAWK FANS shake it off and rally behind our team
Don't take away my pain. I need my pain...

and so does the rest of HawkeyeNation. Most of us need to go through a grieving period for this spectacular bust of a season. We need to understand a few things about the program, the philosophy, the success', and most importantly, the failures. I personally don't usually learn as much from winning as losing.

We fans that spend a nice amount of expendable time on our football passion, need to learn from a season like this one. It's the only way to be better fans, to temper our expectations, to be as graceful in victory, as we can be in defeat.

Everyone will have their own time.... let us be.

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