Time to give Stanzi the rock and see what he can do in KC


Well-Known Member
I mean KC and Cassell are just abysmal. And Palfko or whatever his name is isn't the answer there. Time to let Manzi tote the rock and let him develop. He'll be starting there by the end of the season in any rate.
I think lots of KC fans agree at this point. But then if Stanzi struggles, because of their offensive line issues, would that be throwing him to the wolves too soon?

I mean KC and Cassell are just abysmal. And Palfko or whatever his name is isn't the answer there. Time to let Manzi tote the rock and let him develop. He'll be starting there by the end of the season in any rate.
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Playing Stanzi now would likely be terrible for him and his development. He needs to sit at least a year.
I think they should keep him on the bench and develop him. He can have a really good career as Andrew Luck's backup if they don't rush him too soon.
I think they should keep him on the bench and develop him. He can have a really good career as Andrew Luck's backup if they don't rush him too soon.

This. Sometimes it is better not to play and be a career 2nd/3rd stringer, just ask Jonathan Quinn.
KC really needs a OLine overhaul. I would hope as a KC fan that our 1st round pick is a good tackle. I would say Riley but, as this season goes on and I see that we have scored 10 points in 2 games, we might get a higher pick in the draft. Of course if the season turns around and we make the playoffs again (highly unlikly) I would take Riley in a heartbeat. BUT now with Charles probably out for the year, this season will be a major let down from last season.
Cassell can be very good in this league. The problem is that the Chiefs are just awful on the line right now. Just awful. I've thrown in the towel on the season as a Chiefs fan already.
If the Chiefs can run the ball (which they did to start the game yesterday) and not turn it over, Cassel can be a great game manager. But, he's never going to win games with his arm, at least not against good NFL teams. I don't really think KC has a QB on the roster that will do any more, or possibly any less, than what Cassel is doing now. Let Stanzi sit and learn, he's not ready to get 'shell shocked.'
Agreed...KC's answer is not a change at QB...they have too many injuries, a poor OL...do not play Stanzi

Since you pretty much just agree with everything I post I've decided I'm going to be come the de facto voice of JD Miller.

Going forward everyone should be aware that the views and opinions expressed in my posts exactly reflect those of JD Miller and those of this website. Anyone offended by those views and opinions should either have their head examined or go pound sand.
Yea playing Stanzi wouldn't be good for him at this point. Here's the worst thing about it. They are squarely in the running for the Andrew Luck sweepstakes now. What do they do with that pick if they get it? Do you turn down a possible John Elway type of player just because of Cassel and Stanzi? Trade pick for more to fill other holes? Too bad these are the decisions KC might have to be facing.
"Sitting and learning" is overrated. The best way to learn is to play. But most of you are right in that he'd probably get killed behind that offensive line. Still, it wouldn't surprise me to see him starting a game or two at the end of the year.
Yeah "sitting and learning" didn't help Aaron Rogers. ;)

And playing right away hasn't hurt Cam Newton and Andy Dalton. Dalton had over 300 yds this week and Newton's gone over 400 back to back weeks. Didn't really hurt S. Bradford, M. Ryan or J. Flacco either. Granted, Stanzi might not quite be in those guys' class but he might not be far behind.
Throw him into the fire... I'll never understand how one could learn more sitting than actually being on the field.
Throw him into the fire... I'll never understand how one could learn more sitting than actually being on the field.

No one is debating that you learn more on the field than on the sideline. However the counter to that is you don't run the risk of ruining someone by sitting on the sideline either.

The Cheif's made their intention to brink Ricky along slowly and from the sideline earlier this year when they named Palko the 2nd string QB. We don't think for a second that they did so because they thought he was better or more competent. They did so because they made up their minds to bring Stanzi along slowly. It would be stupid for them to change their minds now, and throw a rookie QB to the fire for a bad team and a shakey OL.

The fact is Ricky was a great college quarterback not because he had tremendous physical tools, but because he worked and studied hard. Those same attributes should serve him well in the NFL as well, but realize those guys take a few years to develop. Ricky needed a bit of time to develop at Iowa also.

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