Time To Get CHA Rocking - Wake Up Pathetic Student Body


Well-Known Member
I've posted comments about this a few times through out the year regarding the lack of fanbase and student support for our basketball program.

I think it's obvious we have the man with a plan in place now in Fran. What he needs most is a fanbase that shows up to CHA and rocks the house so we can actually have a home court advantage.

I've been to several games this season and enjoyed them all even in losses but was disturbed at the lack of crowd support and especially the student body that seemed to number around 100 each time.

Look we have a ways to go yet to become respectable again but backing this program and showing positive support are what Fran needs to pull in the needed recruits going forward. It would be the icing on the cake to selling his program and style of basketball.

There will be some ups and downs along the way back but I encourage each of you to start talking Hawkeye basketball to your friends, on call-in radio shows and anyone else who will listen. The positive 'buzz' will continue to help Fran get it done. Bring the MOJO!!!

Also,,,, somebody close to the university start calling out the students. Their lack of support is mind-boggling.

Students have alot on their plate...how about somebody start calling out ALL Iowa fans. When people do go they just sit on their hands anyways.
Also,,,, somebody close to the university start calling out the students. Their lack of support is mind-boggling.


Yes, getting confrontational with 18-22 year-olds is a great way to get them to do what you want.

Just keep it positive. There are several reasons why students have stayed away from Carver, but hopefully most of those are behind us. It won't happen overnight, but if the buzz builds and the exciting play continues, they'll be there.
What's the point of calling out people on a message board who don't read that message board?

Seriously, half the posts on the basketball page for the last 10 years or so have been telling people to go to the games. I don't think it's working.
It's called spreading the message....

STOP THE EXCUSES..... I do not want to hear excuses about why the students are not there. We have the weakest fanbase and student support in the Big Ten at the moment for basketball.

We should be ashamed.
The students were awesome against Michigan Sate and got everyone into it, positives work much better than negatives when you are trying to get more support. Calling them out isn't going to bring them in. We need to sell more regular tickets and get more public bodies into Carver, that way the students can see that Iowa basketball is something worth buying into again. Oh, and winning helps. Win these next two and watch out cause the students would come back.

A major problem is that the students have tried numerous times in the past to get involved, but there has never been very little pay off each time of the team actually delivering for them. The upside with a new coach is that if he can show in his first year that this is a program worth student support again, then they will be back.
I don't know about the weakest... did you see the Penn State game? I would say second weakest fan support. The last Iowa basketball game I went to I was asked to stay seated and to quiet down. I think the students are a little upset about being treated like second class citizens with their seating too. They should be in the front rows... especially on the side that the camera is showing (behind the players, score table). Put the older people who don't like to stand up (mind boggling how they got to the game) on the other side.
If the students support the Iowa basketball team like they did against Michigan State (free tickets and bad weather which kept the oatmeal cookie eaters at home) the Hawkeyes will continue to feed off of it. The Michigan State game was the BEST crowd effort I have seen at Carver in years... I would say back to Luke Recker vs. Indiana time frame.
Students have alot on their plate

Whatever dude, us old farts were students once and we would kill for the free time again. I can't make it to home games bince IC is so far away, but I'll be up at Welsh-Ryan in a few weeks praying I don't hear the "JUST LIKE FOOTBALL" chant that has been the mainstay of Northwestern basketball whenever Iowa plays in Evanston due to the Cats' dominance of Iowa in football and basketball ever bince lollygaggers like you became the apathetic student fanbase that you are causing Iowa athletics to go into a tailspin.
I'm an Iowa student. I am a season ticket holder. I have also only been to about 5-6 of the home games this year. Why? Stuff comes up: papers due, tests, not wanting to make a 1.5 hour drive to Iowa City over winter break when that time could be spent with my family.

Calling out 18-22 year old kids? Really? Going into the year with a team that wasn't supposed to be very good, college kids found a different use for the money that would go toward basketball tickets. It's not like college kids are made of money and can just crap out money for tickets.
BTW... why is Iowa so convinced that putting 68 year olds in the front rows and students in the nose bleaders is the way to go? HORRIBLE IDEA... can you imagine the outcry at Duke if they tried this?
Shouldn't college basketball games be for the students FIRST? BOO!
Lots of valid points.... but i really hate the premise that 'I am not willing to buy in until they win a lot of games approach'.

Part of building a program is jumping in with both feet and fighting through the ups and downs to see the payoff in the end.

If our entire fanbase waits until the bandwagon has working wheels it my never happen because recruits especially need to see the support and hunger.
I get what your saying, but not a lot of people (especially college kids that are tapped for money as is) are willing to make a monetary commitment like that to watch a below average team.

That said, I'm glad I purchased season tickets, games are very exciting this year win or lose.
Keep in mind what Hayden Fry noticed when he came up to look at a pathetic Iowa football program at the time....

I am paraphrasing here....

'I noticed all the fans in the stand going crazy over a first down and thought what would happen if we actually scored a touchdown?'.....

Support Fran and we can play a key part in accelerating the process.

Make no mistake though their will be both some ups and downs yet along the road back. Do not get discouraged on the downs - part of the building process.
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I'm an Iowa student. I am a season ticket holder. I have also only been to about 5-6 of the home games this year. Why? Stuff comes up: papers due, tests, not wanting to make a 1.5 hour drive to Iowa City over winter break when that time could be spent with my family.

Calling out 18-22 year old kids? Really? Going into the year with a team that wasn't supposed to be very good, college kids found a different use for the money that would go toward basketball tickets. It's not like college kids are made of money and can just crap out money for tickets.

Hey it's your school so get out and support it regardless of how "good" the team is this year.

I highly doubt that spending a couple hours at a basketball game once a week is going to prevent you from getting your schoolwork done. It's called "planning in advance". Most students are great procrastinators. I know I was. That excuse doesn't fly.

And lets also be honest....most student's tickets are purchased for them by their parents.
I get what your saying, but not a lot of people (especially college kids that are tapped for money as is) are willing to make a monetary commitment like that to watch a below average team.

That said, I'm glad I purchased season tickets, games are very exciting this year win or lose.

Don't give me the students are busy/broke excuse. Being a college student is the easiest thing in life. With a little time management any student can attend 80% of games (other than the ones over break).

Students have no problem buying 6 jager bombs at $5 a pop on any given Friday night, but the monetary commitment to attend some games is too much?

I think the more accurate statement is that students just don't really prioritize or enjoy going to the games. Don't use the other stuff as an excuse.
Keep in mind what Hayden Fry noticed when he came up to look at a pathetic Iowa football program at the time....

I am paraphrasing here....

'I noticed all the fans in the stand going crazy over a first down and thought what we happen if we actually scored a touchdown?'.....

Support Fran and we can play a key part in accelerating the process.

Make no mistake though their will be both some ups and downs yet along the road back. Do not get discouraged on the downs - part of the building process.


Another thing worth noting with the students is that most of them aren't even from Iowa and didn't grow up idolizing the Hawks like many of us on here. A lot of Illinois fans in the student body.
Winning in Carver consistently, sending students home happy instead of apathetic, that is the key. Fran was able to build a great home court advantage at Siena and won a lot of games and it is clear that he is going to do the same thing at Iowa, which is great. I have no doubt in my mind that he will accomplish this. Keep winning and the students will be flocking to Carver in no time, create an environment of winning and everyone wants to be a part of it. In the 05-06 season student support was great, and this is because we went undefeated at home that year. We just need to keep winning at home, currently the Hawks are 7-7 at home this year. That means that for the students that have already been showing up to games, half of the time they are leaving dissatisfied. Show us students that we are going to see wins more times than not and we will be happy to return. I am a student and have not missed a game all year, and while it may come as a surprise to many, it is a lot of the same kids returning again and again. It's the people not going that still have to be won over.
Hey it's your school so get out and support it regardless of how "good" the team is this year.

I highly doubt that spending a couple hours at a basketball game once a week is going to prevent you from getting your schoolwork done. It's called "planning in advance". Most students are great procrastinators. I know I was. That excuse doesn't fly.

And lets also be honest....most student's tickets are purchased for them by their parents.

Here's an idea...How about not everybody that attends school here is an Iowa fan. Most people that I know couldn't give a s*** less about Iowa Basketball or U of I sports in general. A lot of my fellow classmates wanted to go to Illinois, couldn't get in, so they come to Iowa.
Winning in Carver consistently, sending students home happy instead of apathetic, that is the key. Fran was able to build a great home court advantage at Siena and won a lot of games and it is clear that he is going to do the same thing at Iowa, which is great. I have no doubt in my mind that he will accomplish this. Keep winning and the students will be flocking to Carver in no time, create an environment of winning and everyone wants to be a part of it. In the 05-06 season student support was great, and this is because we went undefeated at home that year. We just need to keep winning at home, currently the Hawks are 7-7 at home this year. That means that for the students that have already been showing up to games, half of the time they are leaving dissatisfied. Show us students that we are going to see wins more times than not and we will be happy to return. I am a student and have not missed a game all year, and while it may come as a surprise to many, it is a lot of the same kids returning again and again. It's the people not going that still have to be won over.

I want to make it clear --- this post is not calling out those of you who are going and supporting the team. This is calling out those who do not come out and support the team.

Look,,, everybody wants a winner but I've enjoyed the style of basketball and effort by Coach Fran and the players even in losses. You need to spread the message to those students who may be interested in coming but do not. It's a building process - come be a part of the turn-around. You may never get the chance to do this again [may move away for job reasons, etc.] - you are right there on campus. What if the team gets that little bit extra or we get the benefit of a call because of the home crowd and we pick off a team that we have no business beating. STORM THE COURT TIME BABY!

My advise to those students - don't wait until we are already winning - be a part of the turnaround.
Here's an idea...How about not everybody that attends school here is an Iowa fan. Most people that I know couldn't give a s*** less about Iowa Basketball or U of I sports in general. A lot of my fellow classmates wanted to go to Illinois, couldn't get in, so they come to Iowa.

Nobody is holding you at gunpoint forcing you to go to Iowa....so pack up and leave!

Attending a great school like Iowa is the experience of the lifetime. You should cherish your time there. It's a great opportunity.

If you don't like sports, then fine. So be it.