Time is just dragging

Here ya go little buddy.....I just got back from the Future thru a time warp and we won 24-7. Enjoy. and be patient!
Oh my God no kidding! I am headed to KC's Power & Light District to watch the game tonight and it seems all I have done today is watch the clock SLOWLY tick by. GAHHHHHHH
No joke! I can't even imagine how our players are feeling. I'm jacked! Feel like I'm ready to step on the field myself! Go Hawks!!
No F'ing crapola. I've just thought about it for two days now (non-stop that is). I love watching late night games. Also, my 3 yr old twin boys will be in bed & the wife can't stay up after 9:30 p.m.. Now, if I can stay up I have it made.

Time to get some Blue Moon or Sam Adams Cherry Wheat!
Has the feeling like when we've played Penn St the last two years. You just know a lot of eyes are on this game. I kind of like it.
You're telling me. My kids are watching "Fred The Movie" on Nickelodian.
I'm this close to eating a bullet, I tell you.