Time for changes in Iowa Basketball

It's year one. Give the guy a break. He's coaching this team above their abilities. We have a young team. This system will work, we just need the right players. We have some talent on this team. And next year's recruits will help. The practice facility will be done soon. I'm seeing signs of improvement. There is light at the end of the tunnel... Just keep repeating this for the rest of this season, next season, and probably two more seasons.

... Wondering if the number of prescriptions for antidepressants has gone up in Iowa this year? I should buy stock in some pharmaceuticals...
Matta was the lead recruiter at Butler for three years before he became HC, and Lickliter benefitted from that and experienced assistants on hand as he became HC at Butler. Take that and add it to your comments, and its pretty easy to understand why IOWA MBB is as it is. It sucks.
I might add that the current coach at Butler had to do more with Lick getting Howard and crew then Lick did...Lick just isn't a charismatic charm the socks off mom type of guy.
You seem to be under the delusion that making a change guarantees success. Barta has to weigh which route is most likely to result in the better outcome.

I'm a Hawk fan second and a Cyclone fan first, and I see this argument on our boards every single day. It is a straw man argument. Nobody believes making a change guarantees success. However a lot of people believe in both programs with both coaches that NOT making a change is a near guarantee of failure and anybody with that opinion has a lot of ammo.
We can't afford to can him now. Because our team is so young we need him to get another recruiting class in so that if he fails next year the new coach will have something to work with. If we can him now we risk losing the recruits and that will set our program back 2 more years of rebuilding.

If next year if we start off like we did this year I say we can him right away so we can get the coaching search underway (which I think it already is)

My "realistic" vote for a new coach is Lon Kruger at UNLV. He can recruit and coach!
Wrong recruits have signed their letters to attend Iowa. Once a coach was hired he would immediately meet with players and I guarantee you they would all remain on-board!!! This happens all the time, plus next year there is only one ride available unless he banks Tuckers.
If you are truly boycotting games until a change is made, then do us all a favor and never come back. If that is your attitude then you are not a true fan. You are a bandwagon fan. Pathetic. I thought we had a better fan base than this, but obviously I am sorely mistaken. I'm not happy with where the program is at right now, but we have seen flashes of improvement from this team. It is a very very young team. We have nowhere to go but up. Todd Lickliter is a very intelligent basketball coach. I am confident he will turn this program into a winner. It's just unfortunate that he has had to start over each year with so many defects. A lot of that I blame on him though. So if we have mass defections again this year, then I may agree he needs to go, but as long as he can keep this team intact, we will have a better season next year and challenge for an NCAA run in 2 years. Thats my opinion. There is no quick fix, to fire Lick now we'd probably be looking at 2-3 more dreadful years under another rebuilding process.

When did 'lil Lick join the hawkeyenation board? If a fan chooses to not spend his/her money to make the trek to Iowa City to watch a poor product, that DOES NOT make the fan a bandwagon fan. Step down from your "I am almighty fan" position because you choose to still attend games. You thought we "had a better fan base than this" ... you say ... Really? A fan base that was about five years more patient with Boy Wonder than it should have been and a fan base that is seeing a program in worse shape in year No. 3 of the Lick regime.

I am not going to plunk down $100 for me to make the trip from Des Moines to Iowa City to watch a team that is making a push for being one of the worst in the history of Iowa basketball. Does that mean I am not a fan? Get off your high horse ...

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