Tim Fisher- KXNO

God. Now I have to agree with IFG. You realize how utterly stupid it makes some of you, right?:)

Ahem, I think you missed the point of the posts. People are bemoaning the fact that the morning drive time radio in DM is devoid of decent content concerning the Iowa Hawkeyes (unlike when Miller was doing it), and most of us have moved on to other things to do, unfortunately. I'm hopeful things will change, because, at least for me, I'd prefer to listen to the local guys, but can't do it with these 2.
I know I have beaten this dead horse into a pulp, but I have to ask again....who is chaining you guys to sports radio? Good grief, you guys hate everything on, but you continue to listen. Don't you have any other interests? Don't you have an iPod? A book on cd?

My God, you're an idiot. Two things:

1. If you don't like the content of the thread, don't open it.
2. Did you not read a single post in the thread? Virtually all of us, myself included, stated that we DON'T LISTEN ANYMORE because of the quality of the hosts. I gave them one more chance today hoping to hear something about the game. Unfortunately, I got to hear about a colonoscopy and some other MVC crap that I didn't care for, so I will go back to listening to music on the way in.

You'd do us all (and yourself) a favor by not being such a contrarian, know-it-all, jagaloon.....a lot to ask for, I know.
My God, you're an idiot. Two things:

1. If you don't like the content of the thread, don't open it.
2. Did you not read a single post in the thread? Virtually all of us, myself included, stated that we DON'T LISTEN ANYMORE because of the quality of the hosts. I gave them one more chance today hoping to hear something about the game. Unfortunately, I got to hear about a colonoscopy and some other MVC crap that I didn't care for, so I will go back to listening to music on the way in.

You'd do us all (and yourself) a favor by not being such a contrarian, know-it-all, jagaloon.....a lot to ask for, I know.

This word rules, can i borrow it?
I think Fisher and Justice both suck. All Fisher likes to do is talk about how he never watches sports live; and Justice just talks about drinking and his fetish for pregnant chicks. On my hour long drive to work I listen to 670 out of Chicago and turn to 1460 during commercials. I thought Cotlar sucked but did have good interviews and there was good sports talk all around. Even though I can't stand Deace, his show with Miller was the best one around by a long shot. They did awesome with the analytics of games and their breakdown of Lost made me a big fan of the show.
Andy and Cotlar didn't even come close to the coverage Travis and Tim gave us this morning...Iowa-Purdue didn't even get mentioned on their show until someone e-mailed in hour 2 about Iowa-Purdue coverage during their "what sucked in sports over the weekend" segment and Andy, not getting the point of the e-mail replied,"That didn't suck!"...they didn't even get to their take on the game until 12:55 and hurried it into 3 minutes of time before signing off...absolute garbage coverage.
They are terrible. I'll continue to highlight the expertise of one Tim Fisher who states that Iowa, including Basabe mind you, doesn't have an All Big Ten caliber player on the roster. They contradict themselves so many times and don't do their homework. Last week they were talking about Iowa losing in the 1st round tourney under Alford to a no name school. Neither of them could get the name of that school and the whole time I'm driving I'm saying, Northwestern St, Northwestern St.....I changed the channel shortly after. Seriously, if your going to talk sports, especially local, do your homework.
I allways awakened to kxno sports radio until about 2 weeks into Travis and Tim so called sports talk show. It was like having figernails on a chalk board listening to Travis or Tim ramble on about absolutely nothing, so I have been waking up to music on my ipod ever since. I'll wait it out until they get let go and then give the next talk show host a chance.
Andy and Cotlar didn't even come close to the coverage Travis and Tim gave us this morning...Iowa-Purdue didn't even get mentioned on their show until someone e-mailed in hour 2 about Iowa-Purdue coverage during their "what sucked in sports over the weekend" segment and Andy, not getting the point of the e-mail replied,"That didn't suck!"...they didn't even get to their take on the game until 12:55 and hurried it into 3 minutes of time before signing off...absolute garbage coverage.

Let me guess, they spent the 1st hour talking about the MVC conference tournament and mostly Drake?
While we're in this thread...who do you guys think the "1 Star Bandit" is? Anytime anyone brings up local media in a thread, someone out there 1 stars it, almost immediately...I've narrowed my guesses down to 2 possible culprits...

Matt Perrault



Am I missing anyone?
I know I have beaten this dead horse into a pulp, but I have to ask again....who is chaining you guys to sports radio? Good grief, you guys hate everything on, but you continue to listen. Don't you have any other interests? Don't you have an iPod? A book on cd?

You forgot Packers 2011 Playoff game reruns. You know, the team that will never get out of the first round.
While we're in this thread...who do you guys think the "1 Star Bandit" is? Anytime anyone brings up local media in a thread, someone out there 1 stars it, almost immediately...I've narrowed my guesses down to 2 possible culprits...

Matt Perrault



Am I missing anyone?

Hell, I don't even know how you star a thread in the first place.

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