Thumbs up/down


I'm new to this site and one of the first things that came to mind after reading some threads was that users having the ability to thumbs up or down a person's post. The OTS that used to tolerable had members that took to heart whenever they got bad reviews. Has anybody whined about negative responses? It doesn't look as if many people 'grade' other's post but I may find out first hand real soon:)
I'm new to this site and one of the first things that came to mind after reading some threads was that users having the ability to thumbs up or down a person's post. The OTS that used to tolerable had members that took to heart whenever they got bad reviews. Has anybody whined about negative responses? It doesn't look as if many people 'grade' other's post but I may find out first hand real soon:)

Joined in October 2009.. :)
I'm new to this site and one of the first things that came to mind after reading some threads was that users having the ability to thumbs up or down a person's post. The OTS that used to tolerable had members that took to heart whenever they got bad reviews. Has anybody whined about negative responses? It doesn't look as if many people 'grade' other's post but I may find out first hand real soon:)

Let me ge this straight. You come to a message board for football where people can anonamously post their opinions and you are concerned about a thumbs up/down rating?
Once in awhile this topic gets mentioned when a poster goes on a killing spree - giving thumbs downs.
Now that's funny!!!
Some caustic responses as I might have guessed. Some folks might just need a hug or a beer as was suggested earlier.

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