Throwing beers?

I've never seen it. Been to ISU several times and also many other away games. Been to NFL stadiums, seen all kinds of videos of poor fan behavior on line. Never had anything thrown at me. But ya know what I have had? I've heard about beers being thrown. So, it must happen right? I mean, look at this whole mess. Iowa says it's band was mistreated. Beer cans thrown at them. ISU says, well, it happens to our band and fans when we go there too. Who says? Where is there proof? For either instance? It's all hear say, but that's how it turns into fact. Right? We've all heard about the bad behavior, so it must be true. Because it probably did happen once somewhere at some time so that means everyone is getting beers thrown at them. It's all ridiculous. Shut up and move on, it's a rivalry game and people are idiots every where.
I wouldn't be surprised if some drunk fans threw empty beer cans. I have a really hard time believing people are throwing full beer cans. There's a fine line between being a jerk and committing assault.
I'm feeling left out of this whole madness 'cause I don't drink :(

You could always buy some NA beer for can chucking, or a coke zero for that matter, which I understand is gluten-free, for what that's worth.............

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