Thoughts on how to fix this teams issues going forward

1. Stay aggressive on offense and defense after halftime. (This team seems to get away from "what got them there" once the second 20 minutes gets under way.)

2. Shoot better from the FT line. (Even during the Northwestern blowout when there was no "end of game" pressure and in the double bonus, guys started clanking 1 out of 2 in the second half.)
Really like what I already see shortening the bench, White becoming more and more involved you can tell he put some serious work in on his free throws. The question is can Iowa execute and make free throws down the stretch.
Issues? I think this teams only issue has been playing 3 very highly ranked teams and losing. This is a good team that is fun to watch. Just enjoy the ride fellas. There doesn't have to be something wrong to lose games. We aren't going to win them all and no one is. The season will be over soon and a bunch of people on this board are going realize they missed a great year because they were too busy crying and trying to figure out "what's wrong".

Is this a national championship team? Probably not! But that doesn't mean this can't be a great and exciting season. I will say it again, enjoy the ride fellas!

Maybe the thread title should have not used the word "fix" but instead used the word "improve" as this team can improve. I think this team is right on the cusp of some really great bball. But they are not that good to overcome poor FT shooting and turnovers.

In the three losses all we needed were a few FTs in each game. And in each loss there are a few to maybe 5-6 stupid turnovers, the kind where guys are just losing the handle in the half court game whereas when you are pushing the ball hard for fast breaks you are going to have some TOs from extreme effort.

This team can improve in the half court offense also. I think Marble and Gesell can break down guys and drive, so the question is can the other guys find open spots so we can pass them the ball and get easy looks.
We've already been on this ride before last year. Same team pretty much, doing the same things, just with more pre-season hype.

The records may look similar but the numbers/rankings suggest a night and day difference from last years team to this years. For one Iowa has not had that Virginia Tech game where they completely fall apart against an inferior opponent, so no bad losses yet. The RPI is now ~25 when last year at this time it was ~125, last year the big wins to this point was Iowa State and UNI while this year it is Notre Dame, Xavier, and UNO. But Iowa is still missing that big road win which is something last years team also lacked.
Boy, I can't wait until we have a team at Iowa with absolutely no weaknesses! Please continue the litany of problems with this team so Fran can recruit perfect players in the future. Hey: We are in a bit of a free throw shooting slump...well, the last game numbers were pretty good. We are not a great 3 point shooting team...well, we are at the top of the BT in scoring. We are not physical enough...well, we are near the top of the BT in rebounding. Turnovers, oh yeah, never mind. Assists, well, ok. National Ranking...check. Might want to listen to uihawk82 instead of the usual tripe from old "cliche"...good screen name! or Iowafan81 who proudly lists his basketball IQ in his screen name. Go Hawks!
Boy, I can't wait until we have a team at Iowa with absolutely no weaknesses! Please continue the litany of problems with this team so Fran can recruit perfect players in the future. Hey: We are in a bit of a free throw shooting slump...well, the last game numbers were pretty good. We are not a great 3 point shooting team...well, we are at the top of the BT in scoring. We are not physical enough...well, we are near the top of the BT in rebounding. Turnovers, oh yeah, never mind. Assists, well, ok. National Ranking...check. Might want to listen to uihawk82 instead of the usual tripe from old "cliche"...good screen name! or Iowafan81 who proudly lists his basketball IQ in his screen name. Go Hawks!

I dont agree with people being negative with how things are going but man do you get bent out of shape everytime you see anyone voice anything other than homerism. How do you think this site would be if the topics were

I dont know how this team could get any better

Iowa bestest at everything evar

Is Iowa good, gooder, or the goodest team in the universe?

Do you guys think this site would be any good if it was one big agreement?
Aaron White has to be engaged the whole game, not just in spurts...see Wisconsin.

Devyn Marble...see above

On paper both had great games, the issue I have is why is Gesell forcing shots? If White and Marble are the guys, each needs two touches before a shot. Iowa's ball movement has to be better in the half court even when trying to run clock...don't stand around, Iowa is best at all times when they are in constant motion.

Iowa has enough good players and good enough sets to not force shots, when White/Marble are focused for a whole game they are as good as anyone. Also, Iowa needs White/Woodbury to hit the elbow jumper, neither should ever get blocked if they catch and shoot.

Lastly, Uthoff play a ton of minutes, he can do so many things.
This team doesn't need any major fixes. The scores indicate that. Just some tinkering.

in the big games it comes down to these 3:

Marble - Make FTs and he has to handle the point the last 2-3 minutes of eating clock & move Gesell to SG.
More minutes for Uthoff & more shots from him (like above, don't be shy).
White finding more shots in 1/2 court offense.

I am with you on some but not marble at the point. The key is to keep doing what works and that is pushing tempo and playing fast. When marble is at the point the team gets on the fastbreak less and the offense gets stagnant as he dribbles too much. You can keep the offense in the 1/2 court going through him without him at the point.
I dont agree with people being negative with how things are going but man do you get bent out of shape everytime you see anyone voice anything other than homerism. How do you think this site would be if the topics were

I dont know how this team could get any better

Iowa bestest at everything evar

Is Iowa good, gooder, or the goodest team in the universe?

Do you guys think this site would be any good if it was one big agreement?

Put me on your ignore list.
I am with you on some but not marble at the point. The key is to keep doing what works and that is pushing tempo and playing fast. When marble is at the point the team gets on the fastbreak less and the offense gets stagnant as he dribbles too much. You can keep the offense in the 1/2 court going through him without him at the point.
I was thinking Marble at the point in the last 2-3 minutes of 2nd half when the game is tight. I'm tired of watching Gesell drive right side lane and getting ball swatted away or putting up an empty shot against bigs and not collecting a foul. Marble has better chance of doing all of that and a least collecting a free throw -- maybe two.
I was thinking Marble at the point in the last 2-3 minutes of 2nd half when the game is tight. I'm tired of watching Gesell drive right side lane and getting ball swatted away or putting up an empty shot against bigs and not collecting a foul. Marble has better chance of doing all of that and a least collecting a free throw -- maybe two.

I know what you meant. Marble actually causes everyone else to stand around when he has the ball at the top as the pg. he needs to be on the wing. Mike is trying to make things happen and I can't fault him for that. He still needs to learn to draw more contact to get those fouls. But he can get to the hoop and he is our best assist guy so him with the ball to hopefully set up others is best and he is a big downgrade at the sg along with marble actually being a downgrade at pg. so you actually weaken two positions.
I can't answer that question because you are on my "ignore" list. Oh, wait. Never mind. Actually OTH, the brand new Ipad Mini my kids gave me for Xmas did not pick up the ignore command I had put on with my lap top. I am a real geek now and put the command on my ipad as well. (I really do have you on ignore, but on occasion check to see what the latest nonsense is)

Just messin' with you man. Happy New Year!
I can't answer that question because you are on my "ignore" list. Oh, wait. Never mind. Actually OTH, the brand new Ipad Mini my kids gave me for Xmas did not pick up the ignore command I had put on with my lap top. I am a real geek now and put the command on my ipad as well. (I really do have you on ignore, but on occasion check to see what the latest nonsense is)

Just messin' with you man. Happy New Year!

See sometimes youve got to see what the crazy poeple are saying to make sure you havent gone crazy yet.
So no free throw shooting issues? No closing a game out issues? No issues putting a team away when on they are on the ropes? Good team? Yes. Room to improve? Plenty.
I could not stand to watch an Iowa bb game with the likes of you. We are little more that 3 years removed from the worst Iowa BB teams ever. The job that Fran has done is miraculous with a bunch of Lick holdovers and a few classes of his own. If you are going to b@tch about this'll never be able to enjoy Iowa BB.
I could not stand to watch an Iowa bb game with the likes of you. We are little more that 3 years removed from the worst Iowa BB teams ever. The job that Fran has done is miraculous with a bunch of Lick holdovers and a few classes of his own. If you are going to b@tch about this'll never be able to enjoy Iowa BB.

Exactly, sometimes it is easy to forget how bad Iowa was before Fran got here. They were 10-22 in Licks last year at Iowa, a combined 38-58 during his 3 years.
Exactly, sometimes it is easy to forget how bad Iowa was before Fran got here. They were 10-22 in Licks last year at Iowa, a combined 38-58 during his 3 years.

yes, this team is more interesting to watch and is improving, however we are not as far as long as some had hoped for. This is no sweet 16 team. we need better guards
yes, this team is more interesting to watch and is improving, however we are not as far as long as some had hoped for. This is no sweet 16 team. we need better guards

Hmmmm, look who is back.

Iowa just beat #3 Ohio State on the road! Suck it!

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