Thoughts about tonight's epic game


Active Member
1. The defense played awesome except for getting tired at the end.
2. The lack of offense in the first three quarters led to number 1 happening.
3. The fluke interception in the end zone was crazy, but I don't think it was an illegal hit on our receiver.
4. The penalty on Vandenburg was big as it looked like a sure touchdown.
5. Canzeri getting hurt was big and certainly helped lead to number 2 happening.
6. Really wish Lomax would have taken Cook on that option instead of running right by him to cover the RB on that 4th and 2.
7. Hindsight, but would have liked to seen a fake punt on the last one. No one would have expected Kirk to do it, Kidd had not been great (only put them on the 18 with like a 35 yard punt) and we only needed two yards. At least give Koehn the option of faking or his rugby kick which might have rolled in deeper.
8. Would have also liked to have seen more Jerminic Smith to try and help stretch the field at the same time as Tevaun Smith.

Overall great game. An instant classic. Kids played their hearts out. They gave us a magical season that will hopefully end with a bowl win.
It wasn't a great game. It was a hideously blown opportunity that will scar this program for eons.

No. This game was awesome and was good for the program. A lot of people doubted Iowa going into this game, and despite the loss, a lot less people doubt us now. We played great tonight and came up literally inches short.
It wasn't a great game. It was a hideously blown opportunity that will scar this program for eons.

Come on, man. You'd say the same thing if we won tonight and then lost the first or second playoff game. Sometimes you just lose because the other team made the plays and your team made too many turnovers. That was the case tonight.
Lol @ "scar the program for eons" but I do tend to agree about the hideously blown opportunity

Kind of mind blowing to me that so many people are taking this loss with so much grace just because the game was ugly and close

ugly O for 4 quarters =/= epic
Come on, man. You'd say the same thing if we won tonight and then lost the first or second playoff game. Sometimes you just lose because the other team made the plays and your team made too many turnovers. That was the case tonight.

Yeah, like I said: We blew it. It was there for the taking.
It sucked and I'll probably try to forget it ever happened. Kinda like Wisconsin in '10.
My Top 8 Reasons Iowa lost this game:

1. Fumble at beginning of game. Result 3 points to MSU
2. Fluke Intereception in endzone. Result left 3 to 7 points on the field.
3. Roughing the punter penalty. Questionable call on the 15 yarder, but it flipped field positon and would ultimately lead to 3 MSU points.
4. I thought there should have been pass interference called on one of CJ's passes into the endzone early in the game. Iowa had to settle for a field goal. Lost a probable 4 more points there.
5. Not going for it on 4th and 2 from the 47. I thought if Iowa could get points that drive and make it a 2 score game, they win. Result, MSU gashed a tired Iowa defense for a 22 play touchdown drive.
6. Possibly burning all of their timeouts at the end of the game. But, either you let them score or trust your defense to make the plays to win. Result MSU scores and iowa has little time left.
7. Losing JC.......he has been the game breaker at running back. Result: Iowa loses their home run threat on the ground.
8. Iowa offfense has become of a bit of a big play or bust offense these past several games. That can hurt against elite teams. This was also a problem with the 97 team in their big games. Obviously, 2015 had much better outcomes.

Ultimately, most said it would come down to who made the least amount of critical mistakes. MSU was just a bit better here.
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It sucked and I'll probably try to forget it ever happened. Kinda like Wisconsin in '10.

MSU's last drive tonight was similar to Wisconsin's in 2010. Just a brutal thing to watch unfold. I hate Wisconsin and always will. I hate MSU right now. But when you step up and run the ball down Iowa's throats even though they know its coming, you just have give credit where its due.

Awful way to end such a great season. But it was one heck of a ride.
MSU's last drive tonight was similar to Wisconsin's in 2010. Just a brutal thing to watch unfold. I hate Wisconsin and always will. I hate MSU right now. But when you step up and run the ball down Iowa's throats even though they know its coming, you just have give credit where its due.

Awful way to end such a great season. But it was one heck of a ride.

Iowa just has a problem with getting good teams off the field in big games. I remember being at Kinnick in 2010 with OSU. Third and long and they get it time after time. 2015 plays with more heart no doubt, but just getting teams off the field with 3rd and long in key situations in games. Iowa just seems to flounder here.
Iowa just has a problem with getting good teams off the field in big games. I remember being at Kinnick in 2010 with OSU. Third and long and they get it time after time. 2015 plays with more heart no doubt, but just getting teams off the field with 3rd and long in key situations in games. Iowa just seems to flounder here.

I agree 100%. I love what Norm Parker did for this program and that Phil Parker has done this season. But this is where the bend but don't break comes back to kill you. Good teams will take what you give them. Good teams are patient and will wear that strategy down. And when the opponent has a good OL, QB, and D, thats just a bad combo for a bend but don't break.

Iowa's D left it all out of the field tonight but they were just out there too much. Part of that is the offense. Part of that is their strategy. Its given Iowa so many wins over the years and sometimes against good teams. But you saw it many times in 2010 and tonight. Good teams can exploit it.
If Scott would have fumbled before reaching the goal line and Iowa recovered to win everyone would be saying how great the defense was to deny MSU a score. There was very little difference between two good teams yesterday and it came down to Iowa not getting the ball last. With the benefit of hindsight you can always see what should have been done and where we could have won. Could have let MSU score and still had 2 minutes for CJ to get a TD or a FG to tie, for example. But Iowa has also stopped teams from getting into the end zone in games like this before, so you can't argue the strategy. Giving up easy points is not in our DNA.

I feel really bad for the players as they gave a huge effort last night and deserved to win as much as MSU. I thought CJ played a great game and so much love having him as our QB. Nothing but pride for me in how this team performed all year and yesterday. GO HAWKS!!
It wasn't a great game. It was a hideously blown opportunity that will scar this program for eons.

Wow. That's one take I guess. Holy smokes man. It was a brutally tough loss but if you don't think that was a great game, well, you're entitled to you're opinion. But I disagree.
I agree 100%. I love what Norm Parker did for this program and that Phil Parker has done this season. But this is where the bend but don't break comes back to kill you. Good teams will take what you give them. Good teams are patient and will wear that strategy down. And when the opponent has a good OL, QB, and D, thats just a bad combo for a bend but don't break.

Iowa's D left it all out of the field tonight but they were just out there too much. Part of that is the offense. Part of that is their strategy. Its given Iowa so many wins over the years and sometimes against good teams. But you saw it many times in 2010 and tonight. Good teams can exploit it.

That wasn't the result of bend but don't break. Iowa consistently had guys in position to make the plays during the final drive, and Scott consistently managed to pick up the extra yards to get first downs and ultimately the touchdown.
That wasn't the result of bend but don't break. Iowa consistently had guys in position to make the plays during the final drive, and Scott consistently managed to pick up the extra yards to get first downs and ultimately the touchdown.

True, that is what I thought at the time as well. A 2 yard gain became a 5 yard gain, a 1 yard loss turned into a 2 yard gain. Scott consistently fell forward for 3 additional yards that entire drive.
My Top 8 Reasons Iowa lost this game:

1. Fumble at beginning of game. Result 3 points to MSU
2. Fluke Intereception in endzone. Result left 3 to 7 points on the field.
3. Roughing the punter penalty. Questionable call on the 15 yarder, but it flipped field positon and would ultimately lead to 3 MSU points.
4. I thought there should have been pass interference called on one of CJ's passes into the endzone early in the game. Iowa had to settle for a field goal. Lost a probable 4 more points there.
5. Not going for it on 4th and 2 from the 47. I thought if Iowa could get points that drive and make it a 2 score game, they win. Result, MSU gashed a tired Iowa defense for a 22 play touchdown drive.
6. Possibly burning all of their timeouts at the end of the game. But, either you let them score or trust your defense to make the plays to win. Result MSU scores and iowa has little time left.
7. Losing JC.......he has been the game breaker at running back. Result: Iowa loses their home run threat on the ground.
8. Iowa offfense has become of a bit of a big play or bust offense these past several games. That can hurt against elite teams. This was also a problem with the 97 team in their big games. Obviously, 2015 had much better outcomes.

Ultimately, most said it would come down to who made the least amount of critical mistakes. MSU was just a bit better here.

I think you summed it up extremely well but I would add one point and highlight one.

Maybe I am the only one to feel this way, but it seems we could have done a better job game planning against their BEST player on the field. Coming in we knew Calhoun was just a real stud. NFL player for sure. Why did we leave Myers on an island time and time again? Calhoun was the MVP IMO.

But #3 was the turning point IMO.

Epic battle. Ali vs Frazier. Exciting and intense. Several "body blows". Could have gone either way.
We need to find some receivers that can consistently get open, and get some consistency on offense. Our offense was putrid for all but one play. The game was handed to us early on and we didn't take it. Daniels was back to running tentatively as hell. Not sure if he was hurt or what, but why isn't Mitchell getting more carries? The guy is a load, always falls forward, and gets positive yardage. Yes MSU has a great defense, but almost everyone scored more points against them than we did. I see MSU getting a beat down in the playoff. Connor Cook is highly overrated as a qb.
6. Really wish Lomax would have taken Cook on that option instead of running right by him to cover the RB on that 4th and 2.

I didn't DVR the game so I haven't seen it again, but just from a coaching perspective rarely will the safety be responsible for the QB. That's usually going to be a defensive end or LB...I am assuming our guy responsible for Cook got chopped down or logged.
#1--should have gone for it on 4th and 1.
#2--when it was looking like MSU would score, should have let them. We would have had 2 minutes to get a FG or TD.

We'll never know. Defense got worn out in the 3rd quarter and it showed at the end of the game. Offense needs to step up in 16.

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