F 'em. What are they gonna do, strike?He's a thug- should have been kicked out of the league by now.
But... what will the NFLPA have to say?
The worst part is that he is maiming people. You just won't see it until ten years from now.... he should consider himself very fortunate that he hasn't maimed an opponent, or himself, by now.
I meant, they might appeal it down to 4 games or something.F 'em. What are they gonna do, strike?
I don’t think the NFL is in a position where it wants to give an inch on head injuries. The game (and their pocketbooks) are literally at stake.I meant, they might appeal it down to 4 games or something.
The guy should be headed to prison at this point rather simply getting than suspended again. At some point it becomes clear that a guy like this is knowingly assaulting others and causing permanent damage.Burfict has had plenty of strikes and chances to clean his shit up
There are a couple reasons I like this suspension.The league is a better place with idiots like him on the sidelines. Not sure if this punishment is too severe or the others he's faced were not severe enough, but there's no place for a guy like him in the league.
We have (or had...) a youth football league here in NW Iowa. It went from 3rd -6th grade.Iowa participation in high school football, down 17% from a high in 2007.
Missouri, down 15%.
Illinois, a whopping 25%.
I don't know about the south. I know 8 and 9 man football has ticked upwards as some schools have switched.
I know in Missouri, it's not because of school consolidation, only 3 less schools. I also know there's higher total enrollment statewide.
I've decided to double down my enjoyment of college football. Just not sure how long it's going to look like it does.
The league is a better place with idiots like him on the sidelines. Not sure if this punishment is too severe or the others he's faced were not severe enough, but there's no place for a guy like him in the league.
One of the previous posts is spot on that Burfict will likely reap the long-term CTE he's sowed.The guy should be headed to prison at this point rather simply getting than suspended again. At some point it becomes clear that a guy like this is knowingly assaulting others and causing permanent damage.