This tells you all you need to know about Fran's coaching ability...


Well-Known Member
or lack thereof.

“It just kind of snowballed quickly,” McCaffery said of Michigan State’s 9-0 run to start the second half. “I thought about calling a timeout really on the second basket, but I didn’t, in case we needed it at the end. And probably should have.”

Wow, just wow. You're down by 14 in someone else's house currently getting your doors blown off, and you think you'll need to save a timeout!?? My gawd, the incompetence is unbelievable. What a clueless moron.
Wisconsin coach stopped every Iowa run with a TO. Gotta know when to use them. Don't know if it would have mattered in this game.
Wisconsin coach stopped every Iowa run with a TO. Gotta know when to use them. Don't know if it would have mattered in this game.

I agree it probably wouldn't have mattered, but still.. any other coach with half a clue calls a TO there to stop the bleeding.
or lack thereof.

“It just kind of snowballed quickly,” McCaffery said of Michigan State’s 9-0 run to start the second half. “I thought about calling a timeout really on the second basket, but I didn’t, in case we needed it at the end. And probably should have.”

Wow, just wow. You're down by 14 in someone else's house currently getting your doors blown off, and you think you'll need to save a timeout!?? My gawd, the incompetence is unbelievable. What a clueless moron.

Did Fran ever end up using said timeout at the end of the game? Just curious.
or lack thereof.

“It just kind of snowballed quickly,” McCaffery said of Michigan State’s 9-0 run to start the second half. “I thought about calling a timeout really on the second basket, but I didn’t, in case we needed it at the end. And probably should have.”

Wow, just wow. You're down by 14 in someone else's house currently getting your doors blown off, and you think you'll need to save a timeout!?? My gawd, the incompetence is unbelievable. What a clueless moron.

I watched just shaking my head, which is absolutely nothing new under Fran. I seriously can’t wait for him to be gone. I’m overly Ready for the NEXT COACH but sadly that not happening anytime soon.,
You heard it here first (actually second because I posted it during the game last night). Keep an eye on Chris Beard ofTexas Tech. He's a relatively young up and comer who has paid his dues.

It won't be next year because Barta isn't launching Fran and I think Beard just signed an extension, but that a name to watch for in the next three to five years.
LOL, comparing playing vs Iowa @iowa to playing MSU @MSU. One is nothing like the other.
It’s different but anybody who has ever been worth a damn as a coach knows that you use a timeout in that situation. Because we were playing at MSU, that’s even MORE of a reason to use a TO. Not saying we could’ve won the game if he did obviously, but at least give the team team a chance to be somewhat competitive. Instead they got embarrassed, and these things did to shake the confidence of a group.
You can try to defend Fran all you want but he may be the worst coach in the Big 10. I know nothing about the guy from Rutgers so I can’t say for sure.
It’s different but anybody who has ever been worth a damn as a coach knows that you use a timeout in that situation. Because we were playing at MSU, that’s even MORE of a reason to use a TO. Not saying we could’ve won the game if he did obviously, but at least give the team team a chance to be somewhat competitive. Instead they got embarrassed, and these things did to shake the confidence of a group.
You can try to defend Fran all you want but he may be the worst coach in the Big 10. I know nothing about the guy from Rutgers so I can’t say for sure.

LOL, you won't find me defending Fran for anything. I was laughing at your comparison. MSU is always has final 4 talent and is impossible to beat in the Breslin Center. Iowa throw out mid major players and get whipped in Carver all the time. Comparing the two program and venue is silly is all I was saying.
LOL, you won't find me defending Fran for anything. I was laughing at your comparison. MSU is always has final 4 talent and is impossible to beat in the Breslin Center. Iowa throw out mid major players and get whipped in Carver all the time. Comparing the two program and venue is silly is all I was saying.
It wasn't my comparison.
You heard it here first (actually second because I posted it during the game last night). Keep an eye on Chris Beard ofTexas Tech. He's a relatively young up and comer who has paid his dues.

It won't be next year because Barta isn't launching Fran and I think Beard just signed an extension, but that a name to watch for in the next three to five years.
Why would any coach leave TT for Iowa? That's a lateral move at best.
Things that drive me nuts about Fran?
Continues to play players with poor defensive fundamentals
Poor substitution patterns
TO usage
Poor recruiting
Poor end of game strategy
Poor in game adjustments
Poor recruiting
or lack thereof.

“It just kind of snowballed quickly,” McCaffery said of Michigan State’s 9-0 run to start the second half. “I thought about calling a timeout really on the second basket, but I didn’t, in case we needed it at the end. And probably should have.”

Wow, just wow. You're down by 14 in someone else's house currently getting your doors blown off, and you think you'll need to save a timeout!?? My gawd, the incompetence is unbelievable. What a clueless moron.

The 1st 5 minutes of the 2nd half are the MOST important of the game, especially on the road. This is coming out of half-time when a team has seen you and made adjustments. If you can stem those minutes you have a chance the rest of the game.
Fran just stands there waving his hands and yacking at the refs while Iizzo buys them dinner and a few cigars. Fran needs to get on his team, not the refs. It does him no good to bicker with the refs. Each and every one of them know what he's like. MSU is in a league of their own and will continue to curb stomp the shit out of us every time.

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