This team has no leader


Marble and White are letting this team down and it's killing Iowa. What a disgraceful loss today and both of these guys totally blew it.

I'm mad again. This loss was pathetic and nobody seems to want to step up and be the man.

What a terrible loss.
Gessell and Basabe were the only guys who provided any spark today. Sadly one of them if a freshman and the other guy comes off the bench,

The starters outside Gessell were awful today. On all sides of the ball.
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May, Gesell, Basabe and Olaseni played well IMO. Not sure where Olaseni was in the OT...
Ya Gesell did what he could. Marble wants to be to the leader but just isn't getting the job done. This team just doesn't have a guy that can take over a game. I'm not going to check game stats but Marble has definitely digressed since the start of conference play. We are still a year or two out from being at the top of the big ten. Uthoff and Jok are going to be big. Both can shoot from outside and I know at least Uthoff can take to the basket, we'll have to wait a year to see about Jok.