This Site is Out of Control


Well-Known Member
Jon does not moderate it. Posters constantly ripping on and getting personal with players and coaches. I can't wait for Jon's bi- annual post sternly warning folks to clean it up with a bunch of empty threats.
Jon does not moderate it. Posters constantly ripping on and getting personal with players and coaches. I can't wait for Jon's bi- annual post sternly warning folks to clean it up with a bunch of empty threats.

Huh? I see a lot of measured criticism of the coaching staff siting specific examples and a lot of frustration that certain players arent performing to the level they did last year, but i dont see anything over the line....
Jon does not moderate it. Posters constantly ripping on and getting personal with players and coaches. I can't wait for Jon's bi- annual post sternly warning folks to clean it up with a bunch of empty threats.

Well considering if someone is going to shell out over a $1000 for a couple of tickets, fuel and food and whatever else to attend the 7 home games a year I think it is only fair they rip on coaches for the product they have put on the field.

Would you go spend over $100 on a meal if you kept getting the same horrible service? While it isn't the best example the concepts are the same.
A little bit disappointed, Sec. This wasn't your best thread idea.
Agree with Norwalk. The bulk of the regular posters seemed to have taken it in stride.

Not sure I agree with "taken it in stride." I see it more like Stage #7 below. :(

The seven stages of grief are:

  • 1. Shock or Disbelief
  • 2. Denial
  • 3. Bargaining
  • 4. Guilt
  • 5. Anger
  • 6. Depression
  • 7. Acceptance
Jon does not moderate it. Posters constantly ripping on and getting personal with players and coaches. I can't wait for Jon's bi- annual post sternly warning folks to clean it up with a bunch of empty threats.
I LOVE this site b/c I CAN speak my mind and truth without getting BANNED at the first hint of negativity, like the stoopid other sites!!! Thanks Jon for allowing fans to be able to rant at times. Otherwise, my only other outlet is my wife, and she has no idea what I'm even talking about most times.