This pic will make Hawkeye fans happy


Well-Known Member
He caved when they offered him his number. I'm sure captain asked him to cancel his msu visit. Good deal!
I'm sure they have all the official visit recruits put on a jersey. I believe they call it recruiting tactics. It would be nice if they stay with their commitment but it's hard telling with HS kids.
WOW!! And the picture shows them without pads. Think what they would look like if they were in pads. Come on JJ, Your a Hawk. Stay home next weekend.
I thought he tweeted last week that he wasn't taking anymore visits...:confused:

He came out on Friday morning and said he was visiting MSU. It's unknown if the events of the weekend changed his mind. The IC visit sounded good and knowing Kirk he probably gave him some sort of ultimatum. Guess we will find out in the next few days if he will take the MSU visit or not.

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