This Is Probably Why Ferentz Doesn't Allow Twitter

I was 20 when I caved back in early 2000s. Was out on my own 2 yrs before I got one. These middle schoolers and even HS kids don't 'need' one. Society and most parents just make them think they do. We aren't that far removed from an era where their wasn't any AC. The house I grew up in didn't have the vents for it going upstairs and Dad was too cheap to get me a window unit for my room. Just crazy how fast the world changes

My wife works in elementary school. There are kindergartners with cell phones.
My wife works in elementary school. There are kindergartners with cell phones.
No way... So kids that can't read yet. Maybe can count to 10 have them? Why? Just why? How's that talk go with their parents? Johnnie learn to tie your shoes and we'll get you a cell phone.. Good grief.
My wife works in elementary school. There are kindergartners with cell phones.

I remember my niece getting one when she turned 9. Being the great guy I am I wrapped up one of my old dead ones and gave it to my nephew when he turned 3, as part of his present, with a note saying "so you can learn now before mommy and daddy get you real one next year". They didn't find it as humorous as I did.
It's just a bad look for a D1 athlete (who also happens to be the head coach's son) to be firing back at obvious trolls. He literally just gave that guy EXACTLY what he was looking for.

Ferentz absolutely has it right. Allow instagram and facebook, but make twitter off-limits.
I was 20 when I caved back in early 2000s. Was out on my own 2 yrs before I got one. These middle schoolers and even HS kids don't 'need' one. Society and most parents just make them think they do. We aren't that far removed from an era where their wasn't any AC. The house I grew up in didn't have the vents for it going upstairs and Dad was too cheap to get me a window unit for my room. Just crazy how fast the world changes
I lived in small town Iowa, during the school year I had to come home after school and get my homework done if I wanted to leave., and had to be home before dark.

In the summer, I was out the door at first light, and when the 6:00 siren went off knew I had to head home for supper.

I knew if I didn't come home when I was supposed to my ass was grass, so I listened. Didn't get in trouble so my parents were fine with giving me freedom.

Nowadays parents want their kids to text them every time they take a dump with a picture of quantity and color.

I just go by the same rules my folks gave me and it works--get your homework done, get good grades, and be home when I tell you to be home. Simple. And to be honest, kids are involved in so much stuff nowadays that really most of the time you know what they're up to anyway. Right now my kid has math bee practice Monday evenings, baseball on Tuesday nights, Wednesday is an after school program here in town with activities and snacks, and Thursday is Awana (I'm big time anti-church but I don't push atheism on my kid just like I don't push religion; he likes going so whatever). Friday we usually go to the local Mexican joint for supper, and he has basketball for a few more Saturday mornings.

When I was a kid I did none of that stuff because it wasn't available. I could have gone to Confirmation on Wednesdays, know... :)
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