This is on Fran

Stubbs came in for 1 possession to get us to half time without Bryce picking up his 3rd. They rolled the dice and it didn't work.

I love Fran and what he has done at Iowa and am very excited about the future. But his gameplay against a 1-3-1 was not good. I have no problems with a 1-4 against it. I would have liked to screen that zone. Have 4-5 set plays against the 1-3-1 and use them until they can stop them. We didn't attack the natural gaps hard enough.

I thought jimmy Jackson had a great comment about how nw plays bigger in their zone and Iowa plays smaller just based on having their hands up or down.

Still excited about the future.
To bad every coach who watches film on us knows exactly what to do... Fran should of been throwing %$#@ this afternoon.
This is on Fran right now. He's needs to turn the 1-3-1 into man to man by going to a high 1-4 offense. He has not made one adjustment. He needs to help his guards out. Making substitutions is not the answer.

Hey! You're going to have your 8th birthday tomorrow! That will be a positive for you!!!
The turnovers are not on Fran, who has done a remarkable job this season, from the disastrous beginning when Mel and Bryce were injured and or struggling. That really hurt, and expectations for the season dropped drastically. Many thought that we would be lucky to win one game in the Big Ten. That analysis was somewhat deserved and not all that unrealistic.

In the meantime, Fran and the team managed to get the team on the right track defeating four top twenty teams along the way, while coming about as close as you can to finishing 500 in the Conference, a jump shot away from the win, despite the turnovers and questionable officiating. Not too Shabby. We played seven top twenty teams and beat four of them. All this in Fran's second year, definitely another rebuilding year. Outstanding in my opinion.....

No matter how well you coach and prepare for a game, the team has to follow through, sometimes that doesn't happen as well as anticipated, due to many possible factors. It happens. It is easy to watch the game on TV and second guess the coaching, from the luxury of one's couch or easy chair to the delight of one's personal fans. Every coach has a play or plan or two that he would love to have back. It is part of the game, the best of all sports in my opinion.....

All in all, I would rather play Illinois on a neutral floor than Minnesota the third time anywhere. If we can neutralize Meyers Leonard as well as we did Zeller at Carver, we have a solid chance.....

It all remains to be seen. I am more than pleased, delighted at how well this season has gone, exceeding, by far, my personal expectations. The best is yet to come.....

Well said jack. I guess we still shouldn't be surprised by the freakout/blame someone after every loss crowd. All in all a good season, better than my expectations. Many lessons learned and experience gained.
The turnovers are not on Fran, who has done a remarkable job this season, from the disastrous beginning when Mel and Bryce were injured and or struggling. That really hurt, and expectations for the season dropped drastically. Many thought that we would be lucky to win one game in the Big Ten. That analysis was somewhat deserved and not all that unrealistic.

In the meantime, Fran and the team managed to get the team on the right track defeating four top twenty teams along the way, while coming about as close as you can to finishing 500 in the Conference, a jump shot away from the win, despite the turnovers and questionable officiating. Not too Shabby. We played seven top twenty teams and beat four of them. All this in Fran's second year, definitely another rebuilding year. Outstanding in my opinion.....

No matter how well you coach and prepare for a game, the team has to follow through, sometimes that doesn't happen as well as anticipated, due to many possible factors. It happens. It is easy to watch the game on TV and second guess the coaching, from the luxury of one's couch or easy chair to the delight of one's personal fans. Every coach has a play or plan or two that he would love to have back. It is part of the game, the best of all sports in my opinion.....

All in all, I would rather play Illinois on a neutral floor than Minnesota the third time anywhere. If we can neutralize Meyers Leonard as well as we did Zeller at Carver, we have a solid chance.....

It all remains to be seen. I am more than pleased, delighted at how well this season has gone, exceeding, by far, my personal expectations. The best is yet to come.....


Outstanding post!
We should have inverted Marble earlier in the game. Put Oglesby and Cartwright up top and let Marble post up, run the baseline. Worked what, 2-3 times in a row for easy hoops? It's what PSU did against NW with great success. Ross Travis and their other guy just caught lobs in the paint and scored at will. PSU lost on the Shurna friendly foul call in the last couple seconds.

I always think losing to ISU is the worst loss every year, but yesterday's took the cake for this season for me.
We get this same "This one's on Fran" post after every loss. How come we don't see the same thing for our wins?
Outscored 29-7, totally baffled by the 1-3-1 (again), meaning this isn't the first time we have played NW and McCaffrey claimed to have a handle on it. I am not blaming him for our guards playing poorly, but he basically did nothing to adjust until the 2nd half.

People have confused Gatens going Jimmer for 4 games with "team improvement". As we saw yesterday, this is still the same team that lost to Campbell, Clemson, Nebraska and is capable of extended stretches of awful play.

I got ripped for saying the IL loss was on McCaffrey for pressing and giving up easy hoops to an IL team that is awful in the half court. Hmmmm, IL has 18 points (3 on a last second shot by Paul) agasint WI (who is making them score in the half court) and Leonard is not a factor. I like McCaffrey and appreciate what he has accomplished despite a major talent deficit, but IMO, he needs to coach the team based on the talent that is here, not the talent he wants to have here.
And if J.O.'s shot goes in all is right with the world. Fran knows what he is doing and I am confident in that. He certainly isn't above criticism and I don't mind hearing people's thoughts but that stretch in the first half wasn't on the game plan. We got a big lead and then started making bad decisions with the ball.
Outscored 29-7, totally baffled by the 1-3-1 (again), meaning this isn't the first time we have played NW and McCaffrey claimed to have a handle on it. I am not blaming him for our guards playing poorly, but he basically did nothing to adjust until the 2nd half.

People have confused Gatens going Jimmer for 4 games with "team improvement". As we saw yesterday, this is still the same team that lost to Campbell, Clemson, Nebraska and is capable of extended stretches of awful play.

I got ripped for saying the IL loss was on McCaffrey for pressing and giving up easy hoops to an IL team that is awful in the half court. Hmmmm, IL has 18 points (3 on a last second shot by Paul) agasint WI (who is making them score in the half court) and Leonard is not a factor. I like McCaffrey and appreciate what he has accomplished despite a major talent deficit, but IMO, he needs to coach the team based on the talent that is here, not the talent he wants to have here.

And you deserve to be ripped...Iowa won 8 BIG games, seriously.

How many BIG wins did you predict?

Iowa does not have a roster that matches up to many BIG teams, that you cannot dispute.

Gatens had a great four game stretch, the thing you forget is Iowa went 2-2 in those games...

Illinois didn't look too bad the other night in the half-court against an undersized Michigan team when they gave the ball to Leonard. The press did not have as much effect on that game as the amount of loose balls and rebounds Iowa didn't get. It is a horrible matchup for Iowa and losing yesterday puts Iowa in the same matchup for the BTT.

Yes, yesterday was on Fran, just like the whole season. If Iowa can win the first game in the BTT there will be postseason play...for God's sake placing any blame on the coaching staff in a loss with a team that is very short on talent and depth is a farce.

The job Fran has done this season with this roster, coupled with the Non-conference debacles, is a great job. Had Iowa won yesterday they would be in the NIT and playing the BTT to host an opening round game.

That is real
The Hawks & Coach FMcC are simply the "Not Ready For Prime-Time Players". He was as excited for his 1st sell out as the team was for this particular senior day for Gatens. It was quite obvious he was shooting from the hip and had a momentary lapse of focus by throwing crap out too see what would stick. Stubbs should have never seen the floor.

These sorts of desparate moves will go away next year when he can substitute without such a horrific drop off in talent. As for today, it was an example of Fran experiencing his first taste of pressure ... where every move matters & the game had significant meaning to both teams.

He will learn and mature' just like the Hawks will.

Stubbs played at the very end of the 1st half to avoid his guards from picking up a silly 3rd foul just before half. If you look at the box score, he didn't even play a minute. It was a preventative move by Fran, not a random/desperate move.

First taste of pressure for Fran - you're joking, right?

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