This is now the world we live in....

Rather than wait for actual facts to come out, we've got individuals on both sides of the aisle who just can't wait to get out in front with their own opinions.......because they've got "hungry mouths" to feed who feel it is their God-given right to get information RIGHT NOW.....even if it's bad information.

On the one side, you've got Jon Miller who puts out a Baghdad Bob piece that seems to find no issue with 12 players being put in the hospital at the same time. His basis for writing this article?......talks with former players. I'm not sure how talks with former players that did not go through this specific workout has any bearing on the facts at hand, but apparently was good enough for him. Were any doctors consulted? Was there any due diligence to find out if anything approaching 12 players at the same time had happened before? Was there any research as to what else could have caused or contributed to the ailments? Nope, at least none that was posted in his column. It was simply a "Nothing to see here, please move along...." type of column that, from what I could tell, showed no empathy towards the players or their families at all.

On the flipside, we've got guys like Gregg Doyel who are ready to release the guillotine on the heads of highly-competent, well-respected (by peers and players alike) men for no reason other than to "shock" people and get more readers to his site. He has no other facts than anyone else outside the program, yet feels compelled to require that the administration take the livelihoods away from several good men. What if the players took unauthorized supplements beforehand unbeknownst to the coaches? What if there was a virus going around that affected these young men? What if it was any of 100 different reasons other than the workout itself? What if.....? Well, nothing. Guys like him just move on to the next "story".

I find it disgusting and pathetic that there is this insatiable need for news RIGHT NOW.....regardless of the subject and regardless of whether or not the people involve deserve to have their privacy protected. If no news comes out, people feel it's okay to just make it up as they go along on the small chance that they might be right and they can virtual-pat themselves on the back for a job well done.
Since when have facts been important in the past 15 years? All you have to do is look at our politicians, media, any web forum and realize facts are no longer important.
Rather than wait for actual facts to come out, we've got individuals on both sides of the aisle who just can't wait to get out in front with their own opinions.......because they've got "hungry mouths" to feed who feel it is their God-given right to get information RIGHT NOW.....even if it's bad information.

On the one side, you've got Jon Miller who puts out a Baghdad Bob piece that seems to find no issue with 12 players being put in the hospital at the same time. His basis for writing this article?......talks with former players. I'm not sure how talks with former players that did not go through this specific workout has any bearing on the facts at hand, but apparently was good enough for him. Were any doctors consulted? Was there any due diligence to find out if anything approaching 12 players at the same time had happened before? Was there any research as to what else could have caused or contributed to the ailments? Nope, at least none that was posted in his column. It was simply a "Nothing to see here, please move along...." type of column that, from what I could tell, showed no empathy towards the players or their families at all.

On the flipside, we've got guys like Gregg Doyel who are ready to release the guillotine on the heads of highly-competent, well-respected (by peers and players alike) men for no reason other than to "shock" people and get more readers to his site. He has no other facts than anyone else outside the program, yet feels compelled to require that the administration take the livelihoods away from several good men. What if the players took unauthorized supplements beforehand unbeknownst to the coaches? What if there was a virus going around that affected these young men? What if it was any of 100 different reasons other than the workout itself? What if.....? Well, nothing. Guys like him just move on to the next "story".

I find it disgusting and pathetic that there is this insatiable need for news RIGHT NOW.....regardless of the subject and regardless of whether or not the people involve deserve to have their privacy protected. If no news comes out, people feel it's okay to just make it up as they go along on the small chance that they might be right and they can virtual-pat themselves on the back for a job well done.
Well said. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I find it disgusting that people feel "nothing to see here move on" and act like this is okay. We know one fact for sure...12 players were hospitalized following a workout. That is not normal and in no way is it okay. This is not comparable to DJK/ARob. It is completely different. There needs to be some serious questions as to why and how this happened and some measures taken to ensure it does not happen in the future.
Your comments are well stated. In today's world, people somehow believe it's their god-given right to know everything about everything. Whatever happened to "mind your own business" that we learned as kids?

Today's social media allows everyone, credentials or not, to be a so-called "journalist". Hopefully over time, the public will learn that you can't place much credibility into much of what you hear or read, except from those who have earned that credibility.
Rather than wait for actual facts to come out, we've got individuals on both sides of the aisle who just can't wait to get out in front with their own opinions.......because they've got "hungry mouths" to feed who feel it is their God-given right to get information RIGHT NOW.....even if it's bad information.

On the one side, you've got Jon Miller who puts out a Baghdad Bob piece that seems to find no issue with 12 players being put in the hospital at the same time. His basis for writing this article?......talks with former players. I'm not sure how talks with former players that did not go through this specific workout has any bearing on the facts at hand, but apparently was good enough for him. Were any doctors consulted? Was there any due diligence to find out if anything approaching 12 players at the same time had happened before? Was there any research as to what else could have caused or contributed to the ailments? Nope, at least none that was posted in his column. It was simply a "Nothing to see here, please move along...." type of column that, from what I could tell, showed no empathy towards the players or their families at all.

On the flipside, we've got guys like Gregg Doyel who are ready to release the guillotine on the heads of highly-competent, well-respected (by peers and players alike) men for no reason other than to "shock" people and get more readers to his site. He has no other facts than anyone else outside the program, yet feels compelled to require that the administration take the livelihoods away from several good men. What if the players took unauthorized supplements beforehand unbeknownst to the coaches? What if there was a virus going around that affected these young men? What if it was any of 100 different reasons other than the workout itself? What if.....? Well, nothing. Guys like him just move on to the next "story".

I find it disgusting and pathetic that there is this insatiable need for news RIGHT NOW.....regardless of the subject and regardless of whether or not the people involve deserve to have their privacy protected. If no news comes out, people feel it's okay to just make it up as they go along on the small chance that they might be right and they can virtual-pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Great post. Interested to see how Miller responds.
This is a board where opinions are welcome if constructed in a fair manner that doesn't violate any of the rules.

You responded to my post, which isn't the response I was looking for. I know the rules and expectations of this board.

Did you have any other conversations than with former players, who in all likelihood were not at this specific workout?

Would you have the same response if a loved one of yours was one of the 12 hospitalized? I think you would want some sort of answers from someone other than former players.
Has anyone considered that it could be a combination of a difficult workout and a virus affecting the players? We have had situations where multiple players have come down with the flu at the same time. Maybe this could be an explanation, maybe not. Of course, d-bags like Gregg Doyle and Matt Perrault will go negative on this and speculate that Iowa is running some sort of prison camp because that is what drives listeners/readers/etc. Nothing more than that. They are both motivated by the "shock and awe" factor of today's media.
Rather than wait for actual facts to come out, we've got individuals on both sides of the aisle who just can't wait to get out in front with their own opinions.......because they've got "hungry mouths" to feed who feel it is their God-given right to get information RIGHT NOW.....even if it's bad information.

On the one side, you've got Jon Miller who puts out a Baghdad Bob piece that seems to find no issue with 12 players being put in the hospital at the same time. His basis for writing this article?......talks with former players. I'm not sure how talks with former players that did not go through this specific workout has any bearing on the facts at hand, but apparently was good enough for him. Were any doctors consulted? Was there any due diligence to find out if anything approaching 12 players at the same time had happened before? Was there any research as to what else could have caused or contributed to the ailments? Nope, at least none that was posted in his column. It was simply a "Nothing to see here, please move along...." type of column that, from what I could tell, showed no empathy towards the players or their families at all.

On the flipside, we've got guys like Gregg Doyel who are ready to release the guillotine on the heads of highly-competent, well-respected (by peers and players alike) men for no reason other than to "shock" people and get more readers to his site. He has no other facts than anyone else outside the program, yet feels compelled to require that the administration take the livelihoods away from several good men. What if the players took unauthorized supplements beforehand unbeknownst to the coaches? What if there was a virus going around that affected these young men? What if it was any of 100 different reasons other than the workout itself? What if.....? Well, nothing. Guys like him just move on to the next "story".

I find it disgusting and pathetic that there is this insatiable need for news RIGHT NOW.....regardless of the subject and regardless of whether or not the people involve deserve to have their privacy protected. If no news comes out, people feel it's okay to just make it up as they go along on the small chance that they might be right and they can virtual-pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Baghdad Bob? He said he spoke with several former players who have gone through it and gave their thoughts. No, it wasn't THIS workout but who cares. Do you think Doyle all of a sudden changed something dramatically in what he does. And he pointed out a couple times that 12 was the issue and that Ferentz would address it. Chill out a tad.
C'mon folks. KF has had the same staff including Doyle for 12 YEARS. KF is a creature of habit and routine, hopefully any REAL UI football fan realizes this. Do you honestly thing CaptainKirk allowed any drastic changes to the offseason routine thats been producing its fair share of NFL talent. We may never know, but my bet is on sickness or supplements combined with the killer workout that they've BEEN DOING FOR 12 YEARS.
Baghdad Bob? He said he spoke with several former players who have gone through it and gave their thoughts. No, it wasn't THIS workout but who cares. Do you think Doyle all of a sudden changed something dramatically in what he does. And he pointed out a couple times that 12 was the issue and that Ferentz would address it. Chill out a tad.

I think it's certainly possible. Have we ever had a team look more out of shape in the 4th quarter than we did this year? You know it has to kill Doyle to see Clayborn and other guys on the sideling, trying to catch their breath with the game on the line. Maybe he decided to kick it up a notch this year?
All I know is that if anyone told me to engage in the self-inflicted torture of 100 squats detrimental to my well-being, I'd tell them to go straight to hell. Regardless of their job title.
Rather than wait for actual facts to come out, we've got individuals on both sides of the aisle who just can't wait to get out in front with their own opinions.......because they've got "hungry mouths" to feed who feel it is their God-given right to get information RIGHT NOW.....even if it's bad information.

On the one side, you've got Jon Miller who puts out a Baghdad Bob piece that seems to find no issue with 12 players being put in the hospital at the same time. His basis for writing this article?......talks with former players. I'm not sure how talks with former players that did not go through this specific workout has any bearing on the facts at hand, but apparently was good enough for him. Were any doctors consulted? Was there any due diligence to find out if anything approaching 12 players at the same time had happened before? Was there any research as to what else could have caused or contributed to the ailments? Nope, at least none that was posted in his column. It was simply a "Nothing to see here, please move along...." type of column that, from what I could tell, showed no empathy towards the players or their families at all.

On the flipside, we've got guys like Gregg Doyel who are ready to release the guillotine on the heads of highly-competent, well-respected (by peers and players alike) men for no reason other than to "shock" people and get more readers to his site. He has no other facts than anyone else outside the program, yet feels compelled to require that the administration take the livelihoods away from several good men. What if the players took unauthorized supplements beforehand unbeknownst to the coaches? What if there was a virus going around that affected these young men? What if it was any of 100 different reasons other than the workout itself? What if.....? Well, nothing. Guys like him just move on to the next "story".

I find it disgusting and pathetic that there is this insatiable need for news RIGHT NOW.....regardless of the subject and regardless of whether or not the people involve deserve to have their privacy protected. If no news comes out, people feel it's okay to just make it up as they go along on the small chance that they might be right and they can virtual-pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Jon gave an opinion based on conversations with people who have knowledge not privy to many others. I see nothing wrong with that. If anyone is going to have perspective on what may have happened, it's former players that have been through the workout routine in question. I don't think Jon reported anything news worthy, rather he gave an opinion based on limited testimony from former players. I see nothing wrong with that. If you don't like it, don't read the article.
I think it's certainly possible. Have we ever had a team look more out of shape in the 4th quarter than we did this year? You know it has to kill Doyle to see Clayborn and other guys on the sideling, trying to catch their breath with the game on the line. Maybe he decided to kick it up a notch this year?

If that's the case, then they should fire Doyle and hire me because I apparently know more about training for exertion and endurance than he does.

Specifically there's this not so secret method called interval training that seems to work quite well across athletic disciplines.

And it usually doesn't break down your muscle tissue to the point of hospitalization.
I went into self imposed exile from this site for this very reason. Jon really is in the center of this world. We use this site as a legitimate news site. In fact, I bet most people who come on this site come here first for information when they get wind of things. We want really quick, really accurate, and completely unbiased information. In most instances, we get the first.

Now, in the old days that people like to reminisce about, we would probably have to wait for an afternoon radio broadcast or evening news report. Guess what? Those reports would give us less information than we get now. So these sources are great as sources of information.

However, these sites also run the risk of turning into rumor mills. While a lot of the information we get here comes from unofficial sources, and a lot of it is accurate and insightful, a lot is just complete junk and in some instances pure slander.

Another issue is that these sites, Jon's, Rob's etc. are also restricted by the biases and the limitations of the moderators. Jon and Rob are both rather conservative and also are Hawk fans. That will color their observations and what they allow to be said on these boards. These guys also need to rely on an information source that is extremely secretive and in some instances almost hostile to the media. We get frustrated at Jon and Rob because of this and we want them to knock down doors to get information, but that is not their role.
All I know is that if anyone told me to engage in the self-inflicted torture of 100 squats detrimental to my well-being, I'd tell them to go straight to hell. Regardless of their job title.

I'm guessing there were some upperclassmen around, which would make it difficult for the younger guys to say anything. In any case, 100 squat routine sounds excessive even for a SEAL.
I think it's certainly possible. Have we ever had a team look more out of shape in the 4th quarter than we did this year? You know it has to kill Doyle to see Clayborn and other guys on the sideling, trying to catch their breath with the game on the line. Maybe he decided to kick it up a notch this year?

Well like I said Ferentz will have to address this but I doubt Doyle all of a sudden figured that what he has been doing for years isn't working. But it is all speculation at this point.

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