This is how I think it went down --> Lick is done....


Well-Known Member
There are published confirmed reports that Barta met with Iowa basketball players individually. These are not rumore, Fuller said so in an on air interview. Rob Howe stated that the players individually told him this was the case.

Barta was able to take the temperature of the team.

He wanted to give Lick another year, but knew with the transfers the team would likely be in the same boat next year and he would be forced to fire Lickliter after next season.

Couple this with fierce pressure from boosters and former players.

Barta knew that there was no way Lickliter was going to be the coach in 2011-12, and that asking him to coach next year under those circumstances was not fair to Lick, to Iowa, or to the players that stayed on the team.

Barta apprised Lickliter of the situation and offered him the opportunity to resign. (KCJJ RUMOR IS PICKED UP HERE.)

Lickliter refuses to resign publicly denounces health rumors, forcing Barta to have to deal with the buyout of his contract.

Barta, who was planning on keeping Lickliter up until these player meetings has now been forced to hit a home run hire that he wasn't planning on making.

Barta knows if he blows this hire, he is in trouble next, but replacing Lick after this year was never in his plans.

The reason for the delay is because if he can get the buyout funded by donors in whole, that is an extra 2.4 million he can throw into the contract.

In other words, if the budget for a coach is 2 million annually, and he offers a 6 year contract, instead of the contract being worth 12 million, it is now worth 14.4 million because there is no buyout to worry about.

This number effects which tier of coaches Barta can agressively go after.

Lastly to those who doubt the information that is out there consider this...

You are a big time athletic department donor that has donated to the Kinnick renovations, the new basketball facility etc... You are now being asked to open up your checkbook for a third time in a major way. Do you think you're writing that check without knowing in exact detail what went down? From there you are under no obligation to keep it to yourself. It needs to be discussed with wives, board of directors, etc... people talk.

That is why despite the people like GhostofBTT who insist that everything is bulls***, 9 times out of 10 these rumors have legs behind them.
I think Barta interviewing the players was a good decision by him. Rather than wait to see if transfers happen. If he did indeed get information that led him to believe that transfers of key players would happen he would have to make a change. I've been a supporter of Lick with the exception of another transfer. Barta seems to have done something right. Being proactive instead of waiting to see is a good thing from my view.

All of this is speculation and we will have to wait to see how it plays out. The timeline springsteen put out seems reasonable, but who knows.
Sure, much better for Barta to put his head in the sand and ignore the problem? He is the athletic director and they are athletes under his charge...the thought that it is somehow sinister or inappropriate for parents to seek that type of communication between their kids and the AD is ridiculous.
I dont care if it was Mike Gatens or Brommers dad...they are perfectly within their rights to expect communication between the AD and the this lick paranoia leaking down to his supporters?
The bigger question is what instigated Barta to interview the players in the first place...

It's one thing to be a laissez-faire AD and something else to be entirely disinterested as a premium component of your university's sports machine undergoes a literally historic disintegration.

If Barta invited players to come individually to come talk to him, and it seems like the existence of these meetings is a fact and not a rumor, then this shows that Barta has been paying close attention to what should be his 2nd largest revenue generating enterprise. And it is entirely appropriate for him to be monitoring the situation closely. It's his job.

Virtually everyone in the Hawkeye world has been wondering if there would be transfers this year as there has been every other since Lickliter was hired. Barta has the opportunity, and really, the responsibility of figuring out what is broken in a program when something is as profoundly broken as our current basketball program. A big part of solving that equation is listening to the players.
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The bigger question is what instigated Barta to interview the players in the first place...

According to Gatens in his interview this is normal and Barta does this every year.

According to Fuller in his interview, Fuller said he thought it wasn't typical and that it was probably because of the state of program.
As posted in another thread, the way the Hawks appeared to quit versus Wisconsin and Minnesota also could have been a contributing factor as to why these player meetings with Barta (but without Lickliter) were scheduled.

An AD should want to know why a team played with so little passion, and appeared to have mailed it in for the final two regular season games.
Good for the parents, players, and for Barta for being proactive and not worrying whether they will hurt Lickliter's feelings.

Another round of transfers will cripple this program worse than what it did this year, especially if it is the players mentioned. Lickliter will have NO support next year and won 't make it through the year. There will be such anger surrounding the program it will be unbelievable and that anger will be directed at Barta and especially at Lickliter...
Good for the parents, players, and for Barta for being proactive and not worrying whether they will hurt Lickliter's feelings.

Another round of transfers will cripple this program worse than what it did this year, especially if it is the players mentioned. Lickliter will have NO support next year and won 't make it through the year. There will be such anger surrounding the program it will be unbelievable and that anger will be directed at Barta and especially at Lickliter...

According to Gatens in his interview this is normal and Barta does this every year.

According to Fuller in his interview, Fuller said he thought it wasn't typical and that it was probably because of the state of program.

I caught that too and I think there's something to that.
According to Gatens in his interview this is normal and Barta does this every year.

According to Fuller in his interview, Fuller said he thought it wasn't typical and that it was probably because of the state of program.

And since they are both Sophomores and have gone through the exact same experience, which side do you think is being slightly more truthful?
And since they are both Sophomores and have gone through the exact same experience, which side do you think is being slightly more truthful?

I would go with Fuller. If he recieved these questions last year after the season, why would he say it wasn't typical.
It is not uncommon for AD's to interview players at the end of a season. Most AD's even have online surveys sent to players of non-revenue producing sports to evaluate their coaches. It's a relatively standard human resource procedure for a variety of reasons.

I'm sure since things aren't going well with basketball, Barta has put more time into wanting to know what is going on. That's exactly what any manager should do and more than likely, he was surprised with the answers he received.

I would doubt greatly that this has anything to do with one player or one parent. I'd be willing to bet many players didn't say the same thing to Barta that they said to the press (big surprise).

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