This guy gets it, its time

There will be some heat on KF this week after this they will probably win.
Yeah, I wrote in a different thread earlier today that this program has to start expecting more out of itself....not SAYING it expects more or wants to win a national championship or whatever. That's just hoping and praying which doesn't work. It actually has to go out and produce better. We have all of the built in "amenities" to have a much better program.

"But what if we hire an up and coming coach that just uses us as a stepping stone?" Well, you know what happened if that would take place? Means he was really good at his job and left us in a better place than he found us and we become more desirable.

In the end, it doesn't matter cause KF is not getting let go and he's not voluntarily stepping down. They can ride the ship if they get a bulldog mindset that nothing will stop them from turning this program around as well as having a bit of an open mind to making adjustments away from how they have traditionally done things.
The only way Ferentz leaves before his massive contract is up is if something catastrophic would happen within the program.
Nobody wants that to happen and I don't want that to happen.
Absent something horrible, I'm afraid that gentlemen - we are stuck.
Yep. Too bad he is preaching to the choir.

The people that need to read it, wont.


Been saying the same thing, over and over, for the last decade+. Anymore, I barely say anything when the Kirk fans start apologizing.
1) I can’t do a G-damn thing about it.
(Except stop contributing time and $, which I did a few years ago.)
2) Those that can do something are too weak-kneed and complacent (Barta) or giant rubes more interested in glad-handing and getting their backs slapped than having a consistently good football team (the Big $)
3) #1 and #2 = Don’t care to shout in the wind, anymore.
This fan base needs to stop being happy with mediocrity. Maybe when more of the baby boomer enablers die.

It's the baby boomer enablers that are funding the program. Left to the Snowflake Generation, all that money will be diverted to sanctuary cities and protest rallies.

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