This Doesn't Look Good

I would say it looks good. Since it's in quotes, I'll *guess* that this is something someone said to him. If he's motivated by someone saying this too him, I'll *guess* that he will work hard to get himself back to being an all-Big Ten player again.

He also tweeted on Sunday night (after the game):
Time for me to grow up

If his attitude worsens from here, I'll be discouraged, but until then, I think this is a sign that things will turn around.

And now I return to my normal life where I'm not analyzing the internet messages of 19 year old basketball players.

Jumper is right, I know he can remove the guesses
this tweet was awesome yet this board managed to ruin it.
Exactly! One more reason in this techy age why I would hate to be a coach! Sports were much easier to believe in 30 years ago.... oh the irony that I am on these boards every day. It's my nicotine I'm so sad to say.:eek:
Of course it isn't him saying that. Why would he put #motivation afterwards? It's obvious to a 5th grader that he is quoting someone else. Man, some of you are dense.
I just think it's creepy when we have some "adults" on message boards who are tracking 18-21 kids on social networks just because they play a sport at Iowa.
Part of the problem with the time we live in is that we are all sitting around here trying to interpret what he said. Or at least some of you are. He had quotes around it so it means one thing or maybe it means something different. Then, based upon one assumption someone claims "...what a waste of good talent" but they say that after they say, "...if that is truly what he thinks, then..."

It is just idiotic in my mind to even monitor these sorts of things? Why? Well, for starters Bobby Hansen is revered by many as a great Hawk, but on numerous occasions he has been quoted as saying he contemplated transferring while at Iowa. But he didn't have the ability to tweet it so no one associates those thoughts with him.

If people would simply treat Internet babble as simple ramblings and musings and nothing else it would be no big deal. But some of you live and die by this stuff and not just during recruiting season, so it takes on a life of its own where every player is open game to being said next man in if that is your attitude and other commentary that is probably worse.

You can't read tone and body language and context into a lot of this stuff, but no one seems to recognize this. It is always, "
Well, this is what they said, so to heck with them," or something like that. I just find it all pretty amusing when people try to dissect all of this stuff.
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I personally think he is sort of taking a shot at the message board people. Kind of lashing out at all the talk about transferring you people have been spewing on these message boards the last few days. He is saying if you don't want him, there are plenty of schools that do. And that he is using all this talk for motivation to improve. Just my $.02.

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