Things you would like for KF


Well-Known Member
To bring back from past seasons. I don't mean players, but rather plays or formations. In 2004, KF used JBabs as a Fullback in short yardage and goal line plays. I would love to see AC or Ballard in that role this year.

Also, while I was never a fan of the bubble screen since we used it so often, I would love to see it some this year to DJK, especially if the young OL is having a hard time protecting the QB early.
I would love to see Paul Cheney be used in the bubble screen. Well, any of them really but i think PC will be a huge that will make some HUGE plays this year.

I would also like to see a few sets with 2 tailbacks in the backfield. Wegher has great hands and it would be interesting to see how that would play out.

How about stand up tight ends ;)
My first thought was the bubble screen, before I had read the OP and first poster's suggestions.

They had great success with that play in 2002. I still remember watching C.J. Jones take one to the house against Michigan.
One thing to add about the bubble screen. It's a relatively safe pass play, which means a pick-6 is less likely. ;)
Actually blow somebody out once in a while. Instead of stepping off the gas when we're up 24-10 or something, stay aggressive and try to knock out the other team and not let them hang around.
Actually blow somebody out once in a while. Instead of stepping off the gas when we're up 24-10 or something, stay aggressive and try to knock out the other team and not let them hang around.

^ this

A few games last year were closer than they should have been. Quit worrying about the impression your making blowing someone out and lay the hammer down.
I don't have a problem if we don't "blow out" teams we should if it means that we are stacking reps. for the non starters. If the first team is in there I want them to step on the throttle and go!
Already mentioned items would likely be the ones I'd most like to see brought back. Stand up TE where the opponent doesn't put a DL down in front of them.
If we have a chance to beat Ohio State I'd like to give it a shot instead of running out the clock and going into overtime. :confused:
If we have a chance to beat Ohio State I'd like to give it a shot instead of running out the clock and going into overtime. :confused:
Honestly I think it is a good move to do the unexpected as it should give you a strong edge. Just like exotic plays by KOK. Yea they don't always work but its a gamble with a large upside that always keeps the opposition guessing.
Honestly I think it is a good move to do the unexpected as it should give you a strong edge. Just like exotic plays by KOK. Yea they don't always work but its a gamble with a large upside that always keeps the opposition guessing.

Are you referring to something like the fake field goal that they ran in the Orange Bowl? I don't remember in the postgame if Kirk said that was his call, or if KOK called it and Kirk just said it was cool.

But I would go with putting teams away when/if you get the chance. There isn't any reason the starters should be playing past the 7:00 mark of the 3rd quarter against Eastern Illinois.

Or maybe a nice riding lawn mower, something with a cup holder.
Are you referring to something like the fake field goal that they ran in the Orange Bowl? I don't remember in the postgame if Kirk said that was his call, or if KOK called it and Kirk just said it was cool.

But I would go with putting teams away when/if you get the chance. There isn't any reason the starters should be playing past the 7:00 mark of the 3rd quarter against Eastern Illinois.

Or maybe a nice riding lawn mower, something with a cup holder.
Well yea. In general Iowa is very predictable and I understand that KF is more comfortable with that approach but they need to keep that little bit of uncertainty in the opponents head. It also would be nice to see when we have the tough games that we look the players in the eye and say we believe you can do it and we want to go for the kill right here ,right now.
I believe McNutt did this at Mich. St. and well it was very important that they trusted the players to know they would make it happen.
Well yea. In general Iowa is very predictable and I understand that KF is more comfortable with that approach but they need to keep that little bit of uncertainty in the opponents head. It also would be nice to see when we have the tough games that we look the players in the eye and say we believe you can do it and we want to go for the kill right here ,right now.
I believe McNutt did this at Mich. St. and well it was very important that they trusted the players to know they would make it happen.

I think there is something to that, but one thing you have to remember about that MSU game is that Iowa had no choice but to go for the kill, as they were down by four. The end of the OSU game has been debated to death here - I'm of the opinion that Iowa had fought way too hard just to get it back to even to make a mistake there - but I can also see the argument that he should have gone for it. Watching that game, it was pretty apparent that once OT started, Vandenberg finally realized the enormity of the situation.

You also have to remember that even the best offenses that Iowa has had under Ferentz (2001/2, hopefully this year) only ran about 15 or 20 plays. It isn't like the other team didn't know what was coming, they just couldn't stop it. Sometimes being predictable is good.
Definitely blow some teams away for me. Especially coming off all those near heart attacks! Would really like to see that though and not just with the cupcakes
DJK/McNutt in the wildcat. McNutt because he was good enough to be on the roster as a QB. Think of the possibilities he could provide. DJK, sure he could throw the ball a bit but is much more elusive but mainly would be a run 90% of the time.
My first thought was the bubble screen, before I had read the OP and first poster's suggestions.

They had great success with that play in 2002. I still remember watching C.J. Jones take one to the house against Michigan.

To be clear on the sentiment here, i think you guys may be confused by the difference between the Jail-break screen and the bubble-screen.

CJ Jones scored on the jail-break (running towards the ball as it was thrown). The bubble screen is when the receiver catches the ball while running toward the sidelines. I dont know if we have run the bubble screen before....could be wrong.

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