Things are getting crazy at Penn State


Well-Known Member
Jay Paterno left the building crying
None of the coaches claim to know anything
AD won't comment
Darren Rovell says that O'Brien should get a memo of understanding signed now or he fears the hire won't hold up.

This is a good lesson for the proles. You are still powerful enough to take down an entire empire. SINGLEHANDEDLY.

I'm not sure the interim AD lasts out of this.
Audrey Snyder @audsnyder4 1h Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Jay said he was instructed not to talk about it. Just shrugged when asked if he's still employed by PSU

Audrey Snyder @audsnyder4 1h Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Jay Paterno left Lasch crying. Wouldn't comment. Said "have a good wknd. I'm sure you'll all be busy." #PS

darren rovell @darrenrovell 1h Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
If I'm Bill O'Brien I sign a memorandum of understanding to be the next PSU football coach ASAP. Not sure this will hold up.

Ron Musselman @rmusselmanppg 1h Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
No coaches have emerged yet after meeting with Joyner. Meeting lasted approximately a half hour.
I will say this, it is a really bad idea to hire a guy the alums/donors are not behind. They've either got to do some selling or they need to find another coach.
2 things.

1. They can't hire a current coach or someone around during the Sandusky days
2. They can't hire someone who isn't approved by the donors/alums (per a poster above.

What does this mean: Any coach with PSU ties that wasn't around then is older than Paterno, so they can't hire anyone.
2 things.

1. They can't hire a current coach or someone around during the Sandusky days
2. They can't hire someone who isn't approved by the donors/alums (per a poster above.

What does this mean: Any coach with PSU ties that wasn't around then is older than Paterno, so they can't hire anyone.

That is basically correct.

The big hire, the hire they should have made, should have thrown 10MM a year at to clean up this ******* disaster would have been Bill Cowher.

Hero in Pittsburgh, and he can be a temporary guy... come in for 4 years and let us establish the place and then you can go retire again.
2 things.

1. They can't hire a current coach or someone around during the Sandusky days
2. They can't hire someone who isn't approved by the donors/alums (per a poster above.

What does this mean: Any coach with PSU ties that wasn't around then is older than Paterno, so they can't hire anyone.

They'll have to go out of the program, and O'brien could still be the guy. From what I've read and heard on the radio, the administration didn't consult with the alums/boosters at all during the hiring process. I know it's an interim AD but that's gotta be something they teach you on the first day of your entry level job with the program: always make the alums/donors feel like they're involved, even if they really aren't.

It's up to O'brien now to sell himself to them. It's generally not a hard thing to do (aka winning the press conference) and I've only seen one guy fail miserably at it (Rich Rodriguez)
I will say this, it is a really bad idea to hire a guy the alums/donors are not behind. They've either got to do some selling or they need to find another coach.

Very few of the folks who are qualified would want that job. If this happened at Iowa and the facts alleged against the accused and the administration are true, if I got past my initial disgust and could bear to ever watch Iowa football again, I would support the regents/trustees if they wanted to clean house and would support the new guys and be okay with a total house cleaning.

PSU fan is delusional about their choices for new coaches and the trustees need to protect their back sides against a backlash if the discovery process during lawsuits shows more widespread knowledge of the issues than has been reported to date. The trustees have a gun to their heads to find a new coach because of recruiting and spring practice being only a few months away. Unfortunately, some innocent folks are gonna get swept away, but that is the reality of the situation when the trustees have a fiduciary duty to the school and inadequate time to gather facts by turning over every stone. PSU fan has got to understand and respect the trustees. The trustees are in a very crappy spot and they want to make absolutely sure they have cleaned out every cell that could potentially be cancerous even if it means killing some healthy cells.
A lot of PSU fans and alums still don't understand why JoePa is out. They don't really have a good grasp of the situation at hand.
always make the alums/donors feel like they're involved, even if they really aren't.

I would normally agree that is good advice, but in this instance I think there was inadequate time and the old adage "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" holds because every single booster/alum would have said no with respect to O'Brien anyway. They would expect to get big name in there and that just wasn't going to happen.
A lot of PSU fans and alums still don't understand why JoePa is out. They don't really have a good grasp of the situation at hand.

If there really is a large number of alums who genuinely don't understand why JoePa is out, then that school should lose its accreditation and any federal funding because it is failing at its core mission. The best case scenario for Paterno would have been for the trustees to let him stay to finish out the season while fact finding continued, but no way they could let him stay beyond that and getting him out before he was placed in a stadium with 100k people in it or sent up to Madison was probably best for his safety and in the best interest of the school from a liability perspective.
OBrien is being hired so he can be fired. That is all anyone coming into this mess can expect. PSU needs someone disposable right now so sheppard them through a 1-3 year purge process while litigation is going on. then they will need to clean house again with someone who has ties to PSU.
OBrien is being hired so he can be fired. That is all anyone coming into this mess can expect. PSU needs someone disposable right now so sheppard them through a 1-3 year purge process while litigation is going on. then they will need to clean house again with someone who has ties to PSU.

this is about as good as you can put it. sacrificial lamb.

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